Every place was locked by Lu Chen, and a forest not far away collapsed under a lot of Hongmeng sword aura.

"Boom." A series of loud and earth-shaking noises broke out, and the towering trees continued to fall, Lu Chen's eyes bloomed, and according to his discernment, the person was hidden here, but superbly hidden. The technique has reached a terrifying point.

Undoubtedly, the assassination level of this assassin can be called the highest level. If his target is changed to another person, he will definitely be able to succeed quickly, but it is a pity that he chose Lu Chen, which is destined to experience some twists and turns. , It may not be able to succeed.

In fact, the hidden diamond-level killer also felt an unprecedented sense of shame. He couldn't kill anyone under a single blow? This is an insult and irony to him.

After all, he has taken over thousands of missions in the past, and there is no record of failure. Basically, all the goals are solved by one move. If such trouble is needed, if it is not for the appearance of the diamond level killer, it is possible. Confronted with Lu Chen openly.

It's just that the stormy sword spirit made him realize that Lu Chen is not a lamb to be slaughtered. Since that person is willing to pay such an unimaginable price, there must be his reason.

He also heard about Lu Chen's upset Zhuge's family. He just smiled disdainfully. Young people are always flawed. He has never doubted this.

At this time, fighting against Lu Chen, he discovered the unfathomable and extraordinary qualities of Lu Chen. No wonder that compared to Zhuge Yu and other people who shocked everyone, they were able to dominate.

Lu Chen stared at the woods, but suddenly, an unknown premonition emerged from his heart. He looked up, and as expected, a dark figure approached him in a thunderous manner, and Lu Chen stood up without thinking. The Hongmeng Sword stabs towards the upper side. Under his skillful control, the Hongmeng Sword Qi is as condensed as the substance. The dark purple Hongmeng Sword Qi, with a haze aura, proves Lu Chen's mood at this time. .

"Huh, overwhelming." The black-clothed man snorted coldly. He hadn't even paid attention to this Hongmeng sword qi. There was an extra mirror in his hand, which seemed ordinary, but the simple pattern on it gave People have a rather strange feeling.

What is the effect of this mirror? Lu Chen was a little puzzled, but he didn't think too much. He couldn't take care of it at such a tense moment.

"Tengteng." The man in black used a mirror to block the sword energy of Hongmeng, which made Lu Chen shocked again and again. Before, he thought that the man in black was killing himself, but in a moment he felt that something was wrong, the man in black Not a fool, since he has the guts to assassinate him, he should be good in all aspects.

The mirror not only resisted Lu Chen's sword aura intact, but also bounced back under Lu Chen's own witness. What's the situation!

Lu Chen was greatly surprised, the cold light flashing in his eyes, waved the Hongmeng sword aura again, and his figure kept backing away.

Lu Chen, who suddenly realized it, certainly wouldn't do anything stupid. This mirror was very strange, it actually had a rebound effect, and even the horrifying explosive power of Hongmeng Sword Qi could withstand it.

It is conceivable that if Lu Chen used the means to show the storms one after another, the consequences would be disastrous. Maybe he would hit himself in the foot. The proper benefit of the black-clothed man’s astringent aura would be totally invisible if he did not observe carefully. What's wrong with coming out.

He even became one with the natural prosperous prestige. After learning of this situation, Lu Chen was instinctively shocked. He thought he had mastered the Qi of the Five Elements, and he was like the wind in concealment skills, light and agile, without losing concealment.

Compared to the man in black in front of him, Lu Chen had no advantage at all, and he was still showing a disadvantage. Although it was still unclear which power the man in black was from, Lu Chen almost had a position and judgment in his mind.

Reminiscent of the last time the assassin encountered, compared with the strength of the black man in front of him, it was a world of difference. A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, even though he backed back again and again, there was no tendency to lose.

The man in black was aggressive, with an unparalleled aura of heaven and earth, pouring towards Lu Chen, that overwhelming aura was terrifying, and the cold light that rushed out of Lu Chen's eyes made his whole person cold a lot. The temperature of the walking position dropped sharply, and the frost marks that seemed to condense, there is no doubt that this strange trick caught the black man by surprise.

It turned out that Lu Chen used the water attributes of the Five Elements Qi. When he was proficient in using the water attributes, he was not limited to the state of water, but could change the water attributes through the Five Elements Qi, turning it into frost. The state, the threat to the enemy, can reach an unprecedented height. Lu Chen knew this well.

This is only the experience that he has learned deeply during his recent alchemy. Although the main purpose of refining pills is to improve Lu Chen's fire attributes, Lu Chen knows how to draw inferences from one another. After understanding the profound and subtle nature of fire attributes, he reversed If you follow the path, you can master the water attributes superbly.

Under normal circumstances, cultivators choose to practice gradually, and they are not as bold as him. If they are not careful, they may fall into a dead end.

After all, it is common for cultivators to get into troubles, especially those like Lu Chen who do not practice in the ordinary way, sooner or later they will have to be anxious.

The aura of heaven and earth is a very profound and profound thing, and it is not something that Lu Chen can easily speculate. Of course, under certain circumstances, the effect of his innovative thinking is still very obvious. This water attribute can evolve. He hadn't heard before. As I said, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel complacent when seeing the ability of the ice attribute at this time, the man in black was full of shock.

The extreme cold condensed into a cone of ice and pierced the man in black fiercely. The latter was caught off guard, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to use the ancient and peculiar mirror to resist. The quality of his gem is good. , I believe that there is no problem with resisting the ice cone.

"Boom boom." The earth-shaking loud noise spread in all directions, and the man in black couldn't help his expression tightening, because the ice cone only paused for a short time and broke the mirror.

The shards of glass looked like a pouring rain, and it looked dazzling. Lu Chen couldn't help but pleased his eyebrows. Originally, the awl with the ice attribute was not harmful, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a faint light inside the icicle. The red warm current is the atmosphere of fire.

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