Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2277: Water drops in the sky

Lu Chen glanced at the Ten Thousand Years Supreme Grade Xuan Tie, which was a lot smaller than the original one. He was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile. "Hey, use a little more, this is for you, as compensation."

Lu Chen waved his hand, took out a small bottle of pill, and handed it to Duan Ming. The latter was taken aback and shook his head hastily.

How could he take Lu Chen’s things, even though he could feel the surging aura of heaven and earth across the pill bottle, it is not difficult to imagine that there is a good-quality pill inside, which may be of great value, but Lu Chen is willing to give it. He, these days, fully demonstrated Lu Chen's skill and courage.

"You don't need to be so polite. If you can appreciate it, it will save me face. If you exchange things, you will despise me. Besides, if it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have the chance to get this ten thousand-year-old top grade profound iron." Duan's name is still very self-aware, and after brewing for a while, he said carefully.

"Uncle Duan, since you have joined my Chenxing Gate, you are one of them. I will give you the miraculous medicine used in this cultivation, isn't that a matter of course? Even if I didn't use your Ten Thousand Years' Best Profound Iron, I will also give you martial arts benefits, so take it." Lu Chen patted Duan Ming on the shoulder, with a natural and righteous appearance.

"Okay." Duan Ming nodded compellingly. Although he was unwilling to accept Lu Chen's generous gift, Lu Chen did make sense. In this case, he could only bite the bullet and accept it.

It's just that he secretly made a decision, he wanted to help Lu Chen do his best to find that beautiful woman.

Duan Ming couldn't resist the curiosity, and while Lu Chen was playing with the Hongmeng Sword, he opened the small bottle of pill medicine and quickly opened the bottle.

Suddenly, a strong aura of heaven and earth, like the essence, gushed out from the bottle of medicine pills, Duan Ming couldn't help but beaming.

Although he hadn't seen this pill yet, he was able to sense that the special aura of this pill, at least the pill of grade six or seven, was even worse.

Without thinking, he poured out the pill from the small bottle, and three emerald green, crystal clear panacea appeared in his sight.

It gives people a sense of lightness. If the Duan's name is correctly guessed, this should be Feiyun Pill. Feiyun Pill is as brisk as Feiyun as its name suggests, and the user can increase the body speed to a certain extent.

What's more, Duan Ming was even more surprised that these three pills all reached the level of eight products, so the effect is hard to ignore.

It's no wonder that Lu Chen was able to show a more terrifying and weird body style than him, removing his unique learning ability, including Lu Chen taking various pills from time to time, which also had an irreplaceable effect on him.

Duan Ming was very excited, even trembling all over, Lu Chen really did what he wanted, understood his needs, as a killer, had no advantage in a head-on confrontation, but as long as he continued to increase his speed, he would be unpredictable. .

Basically, there is no disadvantage. The scarcity of this kind of thing is no worse than Ten Thousand Years Ultimate Profound Iron. What's more, Lu Chen directly took out three of them. This kind of handwriting made him awe-inspiring.

Originally he wanted to refuse, but seeing Lu Chen's understatement, he didn't care about such a few pills.

There was a huge wave in his heart. No wonder he heard that Chenxingmen was rich in wealth. At this moment, it was not a vain name.

Lu Chen held the Hongmeng Sword tightly, and a sense of pride rose in his heart.

His refining skills have reached an unprecedented height. After all, Lu Chen hadn't mastered Nine Suns True Fire before refining tools, so he couldn't use it with perfection. This time it was different. Nine Suns True Fire was paired with Profound Ice. Qi, Lu Chen's understanding of refining tools is also a brand new realm.

He was still quite satisfied. That's why, Lu Chen generously gifted three pills that increase sensitivity and speed to Duan Ming. If he hadn't come to kill himself, he wouldn't be able to get this ten thousand-year-old top grade profound iron. If you don't know each other, it really makes sense.

After tens of thousands of years of tempering of the best profound iron, his Hongmeng sword has also undergone a fundamental change. Lu Chen couldn't bear his excitement, so Lu Chen wielded the Hongmeng sword, with those strong sword auras. With unparalleled destructive power, he sank into the lotus pond with a vigorous momentum, but there was no response for a long time.

Duan Ming was stunned. This shouldn't happen, right? Those great sword auras, even he couldn't resist, this lotus pond was originally a mortal thing, Lu Chen had a calm smile on his face. The result is already well understood.

In the next instant, "Boom." A series of loud noises passed, accompanied by waves of tens of meters high, and drops of water in the sky. The scene was not magnificent. Duan Ming's mouth twitched involuntarily. For him, the sight of is a kind of trembling and shock of the soul. Lu Chen's violent stormy means has no special aura, and the explosive power that can be displayed is a taboo-like power.

The lotus in the pond shook away. Without the pretentiousness of the past, Duan Ming's eyes were full of fanaticism. He had also seen Lu Chen's Hongmeng sword aura not long ago, and he did not have such a powerful and domineering force. why?

Naturally, it was the result of Wannian's best mysterious iron being integrated into the Hongmeng Sword, and Lu Chen's refining was quite successful. I can't tell that the master of the Chenxing Gate is still a true refiner. Wannian's best mysterious iron is in Lu Chen. Using it, there is no doubt that it is beyond imagination.

If he can ask Lu Chen to take action and refine his own magic weapon, then his combat effectiveness can be improved by a step!

"Congratulations to the sect master!" Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction and returned to Duan Ming. At this time, a huge wave was set off in his heart, and it was difficult to calm down.

"Haha, Uncle Duan, don't be so polite, isn't this due to your help?" Lu Chen was very humble. Although Duan Ming showed a look of admiration, Lu Chen's attitude remained unchanged.

"Hey, I'm overwhelmed." Duan Ming scratched his head with a gesture that didn't match his age.

"Uncle Duan, do you have anything to say?" Lu Chen saw that Duan Ming wanted to say something but stopped, and he was embarrassed to call his name.

"Uh, you can see all of this. It's no secret, Lu Chen, you have such a high level of knowledge in refining tools. It is the best thing to leave the remaining ten thousand years of the best mysterious iron to you. ." Duan Ming didn't immediately make his request, only admiring Lu Chen's technique.

"That's not necessary." Although Lu Chen had plans to use this ten thousand-year-old best-grade mysterious iron to temper a few other Hongmeng parts, he should always leave a little bit for Duan's name. He is not that selfish. people.

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