Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2280: Natural power

After all, Huang Zhongzheng knows something about the old man. Using the methods of the old man's fifth-rank alchemist, even if he refines pills day and night, he might not have such unparalleled speed. Could it be that the old man has already advanced to the sixth-rank alchemy without knowing it? The realm of the teacher?

This is also a bit weird. If you say that the old man stays at the level of a fourth-rank alchemist, he naturally understands the principles that he has accumulated. But the old man wants to go to the next level, it is undoubtedly difficult to climb the sky. Even with the help of the elixir, it would take at least a year and a half, otherwise it would definitely not be possible to reach the sixth rank alchemist.

But what I have to admit is that this huge amount of medicine has just been refined, and if it weren’t for the help of the miraculous existence of a sixth-rank alchemist,

Where is Lu Chen's ability and confidence.

Huang Zhongzheng's analytical ability is unquestionable. It is accurate in all likelihood, but Huang Zhongzheng has overlooked one point. Lu Chen has also mastered the as if refining a pill, and it is of that level of proficiency.

After all, Lu Chen already possesses superior strength. If he is not weak in alchemy, it is not that no one believes it.

Just thinking that it was an exaggeration, a smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, and he concealed it in silence. He didn't want to deliberately lengthen it. When a certain time comes, the truth will naturally come to light.

Lu Chen was convinced of this. If he deliberately revealed his abilities, he would be looked down upon by others. This time Lu Chen brought a lot of panacea, and Huang Zhongzheng eagerly got another batch of training. Resources, and let out big talk. As long as Lu Chen has this ability, he doesn't worry that he will not be able to resell the panacea. No matter which cultivator he is, he cannot do without the help of the panacea.

"Lu Chen, you just started a martial art school, and it is not suitable for high-profile activities, so it is better to be careful." Huang Zhongzheng said with deep meaning, and Lu Chen nodded with comprehension. If his Chenxing gate is gaining momentum, I'm afraid Will be coveted by people with a heart,

Others have worked hard for decades, or even longer, but in a short period of time, they have been surpassed by the new physique, and anyone can experience the pain and sorrow.

The most important thing is that even if Lu Chen showed incomparable means, those forces did not dare to act rashly. The deterrence given by Lu Chen made them jealous.

But as the saying goes, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. The Star Gate has just started and is immature in some aspects, so it is very fragile. If you are not sure about it, it is very likely to be ruined.

Lu Chen would not let Chen Xingmen experience that kind of situation. He would humbly accept all kinds of opinions. Besides, with Jubao Pavilion as a solid backing, what was Lu Chen worried about?

In the past, he also started from scratch and operated the martial art. Therefore, various experience and experience have also helped a lot. Thinking of this, Lu Chen was a little embarrassed, and he didn't know what was going on at the Sovereign Sect. When he had a proper opportunity, he could go back. Take a look.

But it is definitely not now. After all, Lu Chen has just taken a foothold, and his foundation in all aspects is not stable. It is not so easy to make continuous breakthroughs, but Lu Chen is not a bit discouraged. With his efforts, various contacts have accumulated. , It was destined that the City of Eden, and even the entire Garden of Eden, would tremble because of Lu Chen.

"Uncle Huang, since there is nothing wrong, I'll go back." Lu Chen asked with a chuckle. Huang Zhongzheng frowned and hesitated. Lu Chen was a little puzzled, "Uncle Huang, just say something. Yes, why are you polite with me?" Lu Chen said with a grin.

Huang Zhongzheng helped him so much, it can be said that he solved Lu Chen's urgent need. He is not a cold and ruthless person, but also understands the grace of dripping water, and the truth should be reported by Yongquan.

"Hey, I will go to the Pantheon in more than a month from the Jubao Pavilion. According to the previous agreement, you have to act as the guardian. This has not changed, right?" Huang Zhongzheng asked tentatively. After all, Lu Chen is currently The sect master of the Chenxing Gate is no better than before, so there is no need for him to perform the position of guardian, so in order to avoid accidents, Huang Zhongzheng needs to ask Lu Chen's thoughts.

"No problem, since what was promised, there will be no change." Looking at Huang Zhongzheng's dumb laugh, Lu Chen felt a little dumbfounded. He is not the kind of person whose heart is higher than the sky, and he will not follow the strength Growth, and become quite unreasonable.

After all, he himself was going to the Pantheon himself. He was more active than anyone else. There was no doubt that he was more active than anyone else. Therefore, when Huang Zhongzheng took the initiative to bring up this matter, Lu Chen was a little embarrassed and couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, you go." Huang Zhongzheng nodded, with a clear expression. Lu Chen thought he had heard the news that the envoy of the hermit family was caught by him, but found that he was too much. Heart.

Due to the remote location, only Lu Chen and Duan Ming could see it. Lu Chen didn’t plan to tell Jubaoge all the time. The old man was able to help him pay a little attention because the old man had no reservations and was alert to help, and Lu Chen also There is no need to be on guard, but before Huang Zhong is facing, Lu Chen is somewhat restrained.

"En." Lu Chen waved his hand and said goodbye to Huang Zhongzheng. He returned to the Chenxing Gate and found that the man in black had returned. The efficiency of this work was not bad. Lu Chen who was far away saw his face showing. Lu Chen couldn't help but be pleased with the smile that came. It seemed that there was news about Shui Yulan. Lu Chen sighed secretly. After working for so long, it finally came to light.

Lu Chen was unbearably excited, and his heart beat faster. The name also saw Lu Chen's nervousness and impatience. It is not difficult to imagine Lu Chen's mood at this time. He ran over in threes or twos, "Lu Chen ,I am back."

"Well, how is the investigation?" Lu Chen was a little curious and asked eagerly. Staring at Duan Ming's eyes, he also had a lot of scruples. The many passersby around had noticed Lu Chen and Duan Ming.

Now Lu Chen is a true celebrity. No matter where he goes, he is the undoubted focus. Therefore, he tries to avoid appearing in public places. Although Lu Chen is not worried about the eager eyes cast from all directions, it hinders Lu Chen's actions are still very troublesome.

At this critical moment, Lu Chen couldn't take care of that much. Holding Duan Ming's arm, if Duan Ming hadn't specially trained his arm, I'm afraid that his arm would have been caught by Lu Chen. This kid is simply born with supernatural power.

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