He was also consumed a lot. It could be clearly seen from his pale face. It seemed that he was a lot older for a while. Naturally, he couldn't hide from Lu Chen's observation. He snorted coldly, and grabbed him without holding his hands, even if only two were left. With 30% of the combat effectiveness, Lu Chen would defend his dignity, but it was a kind of belief and resistance.

"Want me to give in? No way." Lu Chen curled his lips, showing his disdain, "Huh, boy, the dead duck has a hard mouth. I see how long you can hold on." Xuan Yin, the Taoist furious, fiercely. Staring at Lu Chen, his sullen expression was a little shocking, but Lu Chen didn't take it seriously.

The last two to thirty percent of the strength was enough for him to try it out. Since this old immortal guy is unscrupulous, then Lu Chen will also use that trick.

He took a deep breath, his eyes flashed sharply, Xuan Yin, Taoist shot out with a palm, the swift speed, like lightning, drove a little strong wind, but strangely, Lu Chen didn't mean to dodge , Standing still in place, Xuanyin, Taoist brows were slightly frowned, and there was some doubt, this boy Lu Chen was caught with his hands, it is quite possible depending on this situation.

Or Lu Chen was brewing some monstrous conspiracy, this seems more likely, so Xuanyin, the Taoist considered whether to stop, but thinking of the shame and humiliation before, he did not stop, it was incomparable. The invincible explosive power, if Lu Chen did not have defensive moves, would not have been disabled, so Xuan Yin, the Taoist had made a lot of determination to do so.

Seeing Xuan Yin, the Daoist's fist was about to hit Lu Chen. He moved suddenly. Xuan Yin, the Daoist breathed a sigh of relief. This was in line with common sense. Lu Chen didn't have any water in his head, even if he kept on him. In a certain kind of fear, he wouldn't just sit and wait for death. That was not Lu Chen's style of life.

Therefore, when Lu Chen took the shot, Xuan Yin, the Taoist was relieved. It proved that Lu Chen was in a state of unrest. He knew this kid’s ability. Under the premise of limiting 70% to 80% of his strength, Lu Chen could not pose any threat to him. So Xuan Yin, what is the Taoist worried about, but a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Lu Chen, seemingly ordinary, but Xuan Yin, the Taoist felt an irresistible feeling, it was too late for him to withdraw his fist.

"Boom." There was another burst of earth-shaking blasts. The Xuanyin, Taoist flew upside down like a kite with a broken wire. The blood was tumbling and couldn't stand it, spitting out green blood. This scene made Lu Chen slightly confused, as he deserves to be a demon, this vomiting blood is different from others.

It turned out that Lu Chen had just used the energy of the five elements to converge into a light curtain with a rebounding effect. At the moment of the moment, he unexpectedly won. Fortunately, the effect has been achieved. This Xuan Yin, the Taoist suffered a lot of injuries, he did not Go all out, but under the influence of half of the rebound, it should not be underestimated.

"Puff." Lu Chen had a tyrannical physique. He couldn't help but spit out blood at this time, but compared to the embarrassed Xuan Yin, Taoist, he was much better. At least Xuan Yin, Taoist is just the state of the soul. Can't stand the toss, so Lu Chen seized the opportunity.

The energy of the five elements is magical, and the rare function of rebound has been integrated. Lu Chen could not believe it before. The situation that was displayed made him overjoyed. This Xuanyin, a wise Taoist, was planted in Lu. In Chen's hands, he can only say that he is home in luck.

Xuan Yin, the Taoist had an unbelievable expression, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he stared at Lu Chen bitterly. He didn't even notice this guy's sinister methods.

It's no wonder that Lu Chen showed a useless look. This made him a little unwilling. He also paid so much to take away Lu Chen's body, so that he tiptoed, and in the end, it was a bamboo basket. , Even if he had a good psychological endurance, he was tired at this time.

"Boy, I want to die with you!" Xuanyin, the Taoist roared sharply, his voice seemed to be able to reach Jiu Xiaoyun, Lu Chen frowned, isn't this old guy injured?

Why this hysterical sound seemed to prove Xuan Yin, the Taoist’s mood, Lu Chen was on guard like never before. In this land of Xuan Yin, he didn’t understand too many things. Following Xuan Yin, the Taoist said , The entire sky was gray, and Lu Chen frowned. This old guy was completely angry, and it seemed that he was a little too much, otherwise this old guy wouldn't be able to fight against him in a situation where he seized the house and merged.

The aura of heaven and earth in the land of Xuan Yin gradually became thinner. Lu Chen was surprised to find that it seemed that all the aura of heaven and earth had converged in one place, and then the aura of heaven and earth became a ball of light. With explosive power, Lu Chen is not a stupid, he thought about it for a moment, and it was clear to his heart.

Xuan Yin, the Taoist has been here for thousands of years, and his abilities in all aspects are unpredictable, especially his knowledge of the land of Xuan Yin, which is beyond the reach of Lu Chen. Don't admit some.

So at this time, Lu Chen showed fear and fear, Xuan Yin, the Taoist was a little bit gloating and gloating. What he used was the lifeblood of the land of Xuan Yin. In order to deal with Lu Chen, how could he care about those things and just want to solve it. Lu Chen, then try to see if he can win the house, as long as there is a chance, he will not give up easily.

After all, Lu Chen’s body of the five elements is Xuan Yin, and the Taoists’ eyes were red and mad. After a while, a behemoth orb appeared in Lu Chen’s line of sight and locked around him. Although Lu Chen used the five elements just now Zhi Qi formed a light curtain of rebounding effect, but it has to be admitted that Lu Chen also suffered some injuries. In this case, he and Xuan Yin, the Taoist can be said to have suffered both losses.

Things that did no good to anyone, but because of Xuan Yin and Taoist's insidious cunning, developed into such a field, the mysterious and domineering atmosphere of heaven and earth made Lu Chen scorched, and Lu Chen didn't have any strength anymore.

His body recovered quickly at this time, and he couldn't keep up with the speed he consumed. When he was weak, Lu Chen could still show the light curtain. His courage and confidence are not comparable to ordinary cultivators. Xuan Yin, Taoist realized It was a bit late at this point, so he paid an extremely painful price, but at this moment, he had to pay back his capital and profits. He still didn't believe it. He was weak and even dying Lu Chen, and he could stand in front of him. What?

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