Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2298: Patron saint

He had to persuade the beast bones. Once this big guy can stand on Lu Chen's side, it would be considered Xuanyin. There are thousands of Taoists who are unwilling and can't do anything. The thinking of beast bones Can’t be measured by common sense. Lu Chen knew this well.

"Boy, you broke into my territory and wanted to suppress me. I asked you to pay a little price. What can't you do?" Xuan Yin, a man with sharp teeth, no worse than Lu Chen, he was in front of a beast bone In the face, he is unwilling to expose his shortcomings.

It turns out that this beast bone is the patron saint of the treasure in the center of Xuan Yin!

The giant beast bones of this behemoth gave people a strong sense of visual impact, Lu Chen and Xuan Yin. Taoists don't have much confidence. They can spit out people's eyes in this giant beast bone.

Lu Chen clasped his fists in his hands, as if sitting and watching a good show, the giant beast bones were still in motion, Lu Chen was a little puzzled, wouldn't he be frozen?

Xuan Yin. The Taoist was not surprised, staring at the giant beast bones, a trace of fierce aura swept out of the giant beast bones, Lu Chen raised his brows, and watched quietly. The giant beast bones were not small at the beginning. They all have experienced the wind bite of the years, I am afraid they are compared to Xuan Yin. Taoists are not different.

Therefore Xuan Yin. Taoists were jealous of it, and Lu Chen didn't understand the power of giant beast bones, so he didn't take it seriously.

In the current situation, the best thing is that he keeps delaying time so that he can regain more energy of the five elements, so that he has a better chance of winning.

This giant beast bone is an untimely bomb. If it is handled properly, it can also help Lu Chen get out of trouble. If the giant beast bone is unstable, Xuan Yin will be caught. The Taoist controlled it, and Lu Chen regretted it.

Fortunately, Xuanyin. Taoists don't have this ability, but they know the temperament of giant animal bones. This is his advantage.

Suddenly, the giant beast bone moved, lifted a huge slap, and shot it down, the unparalleled explosive force turned out to be towards Xuan Yin. Taoists emerged.

Xuan Yin. The Taoist was shocked. If he didn't go all out for this sudden move, he would have lost his soul under this shot.

He was originally in the state of primordial spirit and couldn't stand the toss. At this time, he was shocked and angry. He and this giant beast bones, anyway, knew him.

Although it wasn't harmony, it wouldn't be enough to deal with him first. He had entered the dense center of the mysterious land before.

Having dealt with giant beast bones, at this time, his figure suddenly flashed out.

The phantom shook, and successfully escaped the attack of the giant animal bones, and a large pit with a diameter of several meters appeared, which looked shocking.

Lu Chen was a little proud, he was not at all disadvantaged. Not only did this giant beast bone fail to target him, it also dealt with Xuan Yin. Taoist.

It's just that not long after he was full of joy, he felt a terrifying oppression.

It turned out to be the deterrence of giant animal bones in Xuan Yin. After the Taoist escaped his attack, the giant beast bones were full of anger, and there was nowhere to release it. Lu Chen, who was closer to him, became a replacement lamb.

Although Lu Chen was in a disadvantaged state, he took advantage of the previous stagnation and recovered seven or eight eighty-eight, so he has the capital to fight this behemoth, Xuan Yin. The Taoist was originally gloating. This giant animal bone actually knew to change the target, but Lu Chen didn't fall under a slap. He sighed in secret. He still couldn't bear to give up on Lu Chen's five-element body.

As long as there is a little chance, he will try to take home, so that there is a possibility of revenge. A surging qi of the five elements swept out of Lu Chen, like the essence of the five elements, permeating the air, just It seemed like a rainbow, but neither of them had any intention to observe at this time.

After all, Xuanyin. The Taoist's original purpose was to seize the house, but he was not able to get it over and over again. The tricks of this kid, Lu Chen, shocked him. It was not what he could show at his age. It was in Xuan Yin. According to Taoists, Lu Chen should be the most dazzling genius in the city of Eden, even compared to the hermit family sect. This honor and praise is what Lu Chen is proud of.

"The old immortal guy, how can he stabilize this giant beast bone?" Lu Chen glanced at Xuan Yin. Taoist, he was a little angry when he discovered that he had fallen into trouble. Lu Chen, who was now in a weak state, could not fight back. It was his pursuit to keep dodge and save his life.

Look at Xuan Yin. The appearance of a Taoist should be an understanding of giant animal bones, otherwise, he would not show such an attitude. In this way, Lu Chen couldn't be more appropriate to ask him questions.

Lu Chen and Xuan Yin. Daoist is still not a relationship between life and death enemies, besides, Lu Chen can think about Xuan Yin in another way. Taoist mentality and thoughts do not want him to be killed by giant beast bones, that way to Xuan Yin. For Taoists, there is no benefit.

Lu Chen's eyes burst with breathtaking light, Xuan Yin. The Taoist was taken aback for a moment. This kid was really a bit tricky. Not to mention the young and old mentality, asking him for support at this time showed that Lu Chen believed that Xuan Yin. Taoists will help.

Not long ago, they were still fighting, but because of the appearance of this powerful giant beast bone, they had to work together, Xuan Yin. In the state of primordial spirit, the Taoist received the strength of the rebound, and couldn't bear it. He looked shaky. If he helped Lu Chen, it would not take long before the goal of this giant beast bone would be transferred to him again.

Besides, Xuanyin. Although the Taoist is fast as lightning and difficult to catch, as long as he is still in the land of Xuan Yin, this giant beast bone can find his specific location, Xuan Yin. Taoist is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very clever and cunning. He hesitated for a while, and said loudly, "You can lead it to the center of my Profound Yin Land. There is a mysterious existence there, as long as it returns to its original state. Place, you will fall into a rigid person, as long as you don't move greed." Xuan Yin. When Taoist people talked about business, Lu Chen couldn't help but shine.

It turned out that, he just felt that the giant beast bone was attacking from the center of the land of Xuan Yin, and he was still guessing. Now that he knew the situation, he felt a sudden sense of openness and nodded lightly, Xuan Yin. Although Taoist is an out-and-out cold-blooded demon, thousands of years ago, he was murderous, cold-blooded and cruel, and he has not changed so far, if it weren't for Lu Chen's physique to meet the criteria he chose.

Lu Chen had already killed Lu Chen without saying a word. Lu Chen dared to dare to dare to do it, even though he became a bait, it was a very dangerous situation, and it could even be said to be more or less auspicious.

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