Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2304: Head of transformation

He didn't expect to succeed, Xuanyin. The satisfaction and excitement in the Taoist's heart has never been experienced before. This may be a little absurd and funny to say it, after all, he is Xuan Yin. The reputation of a Taoist can make many cultivators frightened and frightened, but it doesn't work for Lu Chen.

Xuan Yin. After some adjustments, the Taoist looked for Lu Chen, intending to test his tone, if Lu Chen resolutely refused to compromise, he would not be merciful.

At this time, Lu Chen heard that he was about to pump his soul, but he was indifferent, as if he hadn't heard him talking. In this case, Xuan Yin. Daoist's popularity didn't fight, if it was said that Lu Chen had the upper hand before, he did it, Xuan Yin. Taoists would not be dissatisfied, but at this time, Lu Chen was going to die.

"Hmph, since your kid is persistent, then make you regret it!" Xuan Yin. The Taoist snorted coldly and stared at Lu Chen in the pagoda. His condescending attitude and tone made Lu Chen extremely unhappy, but he had no way to get angry, even if Lu Chen was surging with all the five elements. , Blasting the walls of the pagoda, in Xuanyin. The Taoist felt that it was only a slight tremor, not to mention that it didn't work, but it was only a laugh.

Although Lu Chen was a little angry, at this time, no matter what, he had to suppress that monstrous anger. Once Lu Chen grasped the opportunity properly, he would not be slaughtered.

Lu Chen remained silent, still meditating on the spot. A fierce breath came from outside the pagoda. The corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched slightly. This was Xuan Yin. The Taoist's Profound Yin aura was good, but there was one thing he couldn't accept. Because of being **** in the pagoda, Lu Chen's strength was only one-fifth of that when he was outside the pagoda.

Even if he recovered a lot, it would be impractical to resist. Since he was not sure, Lu Chen simply did not dodge. The black cyclone immediately enveloped Lu Chen, and the corners of Lu Chen's mouth twitched slightly. There was a deep pain, Xuan Yin. The Taoist sneered. Whoever told Lu Chen to go against his will, he deserved to fall into such a field.

This black cyclone can't kill Lu Chen. He is sure of this. If Lu Chen is tossed to death, he will not benefit, but Lu Chen said nothing, but his face was a little ugly. Courage, Xuanyin. The Taoist couldn't help his tongue slightly, this kid was young, but his perseverance should not be underestimated.

It's no wonder that Lu Chen was able to cultivate the Five Elements Body by chance, and it was inseparable from his personality and mind. After a while, the black cyclone dissipated a little.

But the skin on Lu Chen's whole body showed a strange bruise, with a certain toxin, Xuan Yin. The Taoist laughed strangely again, even though he had a special physique, so what, Xuan Yin. The Taoist has lived a long time and is well-informed. How to deal with a Lu Chen is not difficult.

This black cyclone does not have the means of violent storms, but the deterrence contained in it is beyond doubt. Even Lu Chen's physique comparable to a tyrannical monster can't bear it.

After Lu Chen lost his normal thinking, that was Lu Chen's death, Xuan Yin. What the Taoist needs to do at this time is to wait. He can't help but think about it. It won't take long before he can return to his peak state a thousand years ago. In this city of Eden, no, in the entire Garden of Eden, he can walk sideways. The enemies who had targeted him before would have paid a heavy price.

He swallowed his breath for thousands of years, and finally God opened his eyes and ushered in the moment of raising his eyebrows.

Xuan Yin. The Taoist seems to have seen his strength increase by leaps and bounds, and he says that the tree attracts the wind.

Xuan Yin. This is the case with Taoists. At that time, they took over a lot of enemies, and they all belonged to those who had their grudges to avenge, and they continued to violate Xuan Yin for thousands of years. Taoist.

Just as Xuanyin. When the Taoist was triumphant, strange fluctuations came from one direction with an extremely unfriendly feeling.

Xuan Yin. Taoist frowned slightly, what is going on? With a big wave of his hand, the crystal ball appeared again, acting as Xuan Yin. The Taoist injected the power of profound Yin, and the crystal ball emitted bursts of light.

Then inside the crystal ball, a scene revealed, it turned out that it was an old man with a fairy style and a bone, stepping into the land of Xuan Yin.

Because they have been here for thousands of years, let Xuan Yin. Taoists control the lifeblood of Xuan Yin Land, so they have a unique method.

But the person who came was not easy to fool, and saw that the old man frowned, and the lingering dark cloud was between his brows.

A light blue cyclone condensed out of his hand with lightning speed, and he slapped out in a direction that he had judged.

"Hey." With a sudden sound, the crystal ball exploded into pieces, Xuan Yin. Taoist's face is a little ugly, he knows this person.

Liu Yitian, the core elder of the head of Hua, was Xuan Yin a thousand years ago. The Taoist killed his grandson Liu Yang, and his grandson's talent potential is extremely dazzling.

At that time, his grandson Liu Yang was a rare genius leader. Liu Yitian was furious, but could not deal with Xuan Yin. The Taoist came back to the land of Xuanyin several times and returned without success. Basically, he would come once every time to investigate Xuanyin. Taoist strength.

This time he came at the right time, Xuan Yin. The Taoist was devastated because of Lu Chen's affairs, so he could not take care of other things.

Xuan Yin. The Taoist hesitated and gritted his teeth. He understood that the old fellow, Liu Yitian, had unfathomable strength. It was not too difficult to find him.

Although Lu Chen didn't have any resistance to resist, the combination of seizing the house is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but seizing the house requires a process, in case someone stops it in the middle.

The consequences are disastrous, Xuan Yin. Dao Ren's eyes flashed past, he was looking for a suitable opportunity.

At present, he must be cautious, this Liu Yitian is domineering, even after thousands of years, his hatred has not disappeared.

This makes Xuan Yin. The Taoist was so angry that he had been exhausted before, and he couldn't back down at this knot.

The mysterious force of Xuan Yin comes from Xuan Yin. The Taoist swept out.

He didn't pick up the pagoda, but placed it here. Lu Chen couldn't escape anyway.

He is now dealing with Liu Yitian, trying his own strength, Liu Yitian's comprehensive strength is better than him, but in Xuan Yin. On the Taoist site, then it's another matter.

Although Lu Chen could not detect the outside world, he vaguely discovered the abnormality, Xuan Yin. The Taoist did not act immediately, it was a little weird to seize the house and merge.

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