"Hehe, kid, do you look down on me?" Shangguan Qingtian said with a smile without a smile. He didn't get angry. Lu Chen specifically revealed his shortcomings, but when he thought he wanted to test it, Lu Chen just entered Tibet. What did you get in the center of the treasure house?

Originally he and Xuanyin. Taoists are not friends, they have even fought each other before, but for the common good, they must first get rid of the enchanting Lu Chen, otherwise, there will be a threat to both of them that cannot be underestimated.

"Yes, I really despise you." Lu Chen curled his lips, a little disdainful, this old guy wants to rely on his old man, what can Lu Chen have to say? He has decided to keep both of them here.

Lu Chen didn't know how crazy this idea was. He only knew that after offending the Chenxing Gate, there was only one result, and that was death!

Whether it's Shangguan's or Xuanyin. Taoists are all very disgusted by Lu Chen. Since they knocked down a piece and planned to be embarrassed, Lu Chen had no need to keep his hands.

"Death is approaching, and you are still not ashamed. I really don't know if you are freaked out." Xuan Yin. The Taoist said with contempt, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He hated Lu Chen, but with his own means, he still had some difficulties in killing Lu Chen.

Not long ago, Shangguan Qingtian offended Lu Chen, and instead of returning to Shangguan's house immediately, he came to the land of Xuanyin and Xuanyin. The Taoist discussed how to deal with Lu Chen, Shangguan Qingtian was convinced of Lu Chen and Xuan Yin. There are festivals in Taoists, so naturally the previous conflicts are needless to say. Taking Lu Chen's desire to occupy the magpie's nest is an unreasonable thing, Xuan Yin. Taoist occupying this place for thousands of years is a well-known thing, even if Lu Chen wants to move to the land of Xuan Yin, he must obtain Xuan Yin. Taoist agree.

Xuan Yin. The prestige of Taoist is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but Lu Chen is so domineering, how could he not sin against Xuan Yin. As for Taoists, many people have the mentality of watching a good show, which can be regarded as sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fighting.

But they did not succeed. Under Lu Chen's violent storms, that Xuan Yin. On the contrary, the Taoists retreated steadily. When the first-hand news spread, there was an uproar in the City of Eden. The name Lu Chen was once again remembered by everyone, and all the big sects also agreed to express their views. No matter who offended, do not provoke Lu. Chen is an alien, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

The surging Qi of the Five Elements poured out from Lu Chen's body, Shangguan Qingtian and Xuan Yin. Taoist expressions tightened at the same time, especially Shangguan Qingtian. He was puzzled to the extreme. After only a long time, Lu Chen made unimaginable progress. His five-element spirit seemed to contain something, but the above-mentioned Guan Qingtian’s insights seemed still Can't detect it.

He could only feel Lu Chen's unfathomable state, it seemed that he and Xuan Yin. It is a wise choice for the two Taoists to join forces. If they disagree, they will not get any good in order to deal with Lu Chen.

Since they have the same goal, why not let go of the previous festivals and kill Lu Chen. The two looked at each other, then nodded, and suddenly released a terrifying and domineering atmosphere of heaven and earth. As the saying goes, Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Even if Lu Chen possesses the unpredictable ability, under their joint hands, it will be far-fetched.

What's more, there are still quite a few Chenxingmen disciples around here. Lu Chen's performance just now was a bit agitated. That can only prove a problem. He values ​​the existence of these ants very much. In that case, Xuan Yin. Why don't Taoists and Shangguan Qingtian make a big fuss?

"Bang Bang." Three completely different powers bumped, and a series of low and low noises passed through, and Shangguan Qingtian's face was full of jealousy. Just in case, he did not go all out, but observed Lu. Where did Chen's breath of heaven and earth change?

Shangguan Qingtian has rich experience in actual combat, and his instinct tells him that if he doesn't do that, he is afraid that the consequences will be quite serious. If it is due to carelessness and fall into a deadly disaster, it will not be worth the loss.

Coupled with a failure experience, Shangguan Qingtian was a little more cautious, Xuan Yin. Daoist is not like that, but in order to show his willingness to cooperate, he unreservedly emerged with condensed profound Yin energy. During this time, he hardly practiced. Every time he started to improve his strength, he would think of Lu Chen. Silhouette.

This Lu Chen was like his nightmare, affecting Xuan Yin. With the increase in Taoist strength, he knew well that if Lu Chen was not eradicated, his strength would have been maintained at this level, which would not benefit him at all.

He also discussed with Shangguan Qingtian and tried not to kill Lu Chen as much as possible, leaving him the body of the five elements to him, although Shangguan Qingtian was reluctant, Xuan Yin. If a demon like a Taoist integrates with Lu Chen's unique five-element body, whether it is for his Shangguan family or the entire Garden of Eden space, there will only be disadvantages and no benefits.

But I want to win over Xuanyin. The Taoist had to pay a little price. He had no doubt about this, so he had to stabilize Xuan Yin first. The Taoist said that both of them had their own ghosts. It was so simple to eradicate Lu Chen.

The strong aftermath burst out, making people feel a little overwhelmed. The low-powered Chenxingmen disciples, even though they were terrified, wanted to leave this position, but the wonderful scene of the match, which also affected their minds. Most of Chen Xingmen's disciples are young people, so they are arrogant and yearning for the top power to confront the situation is understandable and understandable.

Wu's heart moved, and the Hongmeng Sword appeared in his hands, and the two superpowers united. Lu Chen didn't dare to be careless. This was also a chance to test him. It won't be long before Lu Chen will go to the medium-space pantheon.

He swung wildly a few times, and the Hongmeng sword aura showed fiery red and azure blue light, and it was dazzling each other, and there was joy on Lu Chen's face. He applied the Universe Dafa to the Hongmeng sword. What he didn't expect was Also successfully condensed the Hongmeng Jianqi.

Although it looks a little special, it has to be admitted that it contains amazing explosive power. As the saying goes, it is flashy, but the Hongmeng Jianqi in front of you has a gorgeous appearance and contains an unparalleled aura of destruction.

After swiping the Hongmeng sword four times, there were only two Hongmeng sword auras, which made Lu Chen a little disappointed. To know that his profound and vigorous five-element aura actually consumed seven or eighty-eight, this was a bit shocking.

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