Shangguan Qingtian was furious, he was also the elder of the hermit family anyway, to what extent was suppressed by a junior, if it were passed out, wouldn't it be laughed at by others and pointed!

He couldn't bear the insults and blows, so he found his own brilliance and glory. He believed that as long as he fell, he would get up from wherever he fell.

"Bang Bang." The two completely different auras of heaven and earth collided, making a deafening noise. If the aftermath of the violent storm and rain were brought closer, it would be enough to kill a person in an instant. Lu Chen's expression was open, and he continued to travel to heaven and earth. Breath, his Five Elements Qi is a unique existence.

Because of Lu Chen's special physique, he only needs to choose a breath of heaven and earth to cultivate, and the other five powers will undergo subtle changes. In this way, Lu Chen's background is better than those of those who have cultivated. monster.

The disciples of Chenxingmen saw their blood boiled, and they regarded themselves as Lu Chen, so that they could find the feeling of being unbeatable. At Lu Chen's age, it was already commendable to achieve this achievement, as long as Lu Chen grew up. It didn't take long before he could steadily surpass Shangguan Qingtian and the others. When the time comes, the ages of Chenxingmen will not be difficult.

When Shangguan Qingtian discovered Lu Chen's unfathomable cosmic power like the sea, his expression gradually became serious. If this kid is a stranger, even if he is going all out, he is no match for Lu Chen.

Feeling Xuan Yin. Daoist's sinister gaze clearly despises and doubts him. Before uniting, Shangguan Qingtian did not unreservedly show his strength, and now it is not so easy to want to show the limelight alone.

Lu Chen didn't give him such a chance at all. The fight between the two only showed countless phantoms, and only Xuan Yin was present. The Taoist could barely see clearly, he was slightly frightened, and as expected, the last time Shangguan Qingtian came to capture him, he was still disappointed.

But after a few decades, Shangguan Qingtian's strength has risen a step, but he has not changed much. This is not Xuan Yin. Taoists did not practice hard, but Xuan Yin. Taoists have no physical support, so the speed of absorbing the breath of heaven and earth is much slower than Shangguan Qingtian.

Lu Chen's face was jokingly triumphant, looking at the exhausted Shangguan Qingtian, Lu Chen's heart was full of pride, and those so-called hermit families were nothing but this.

Not long ago, those two insidious killers almost succeeded. If it weren't for Lu Chen's keen observation ability, I'm afraid they would have different heads. Those two were from the hermit sect and were solo sects, and they were stronger than the Shangguan family. One chip.

But it’s no wonder that the two brothers were greedy for the benefit of the official family, so they rushed on to the task. They thought it would be easy to bring Lu Chen’s head to answer the task. Who knows that there is a strong middle player in a strong middle, Yishan Still higher than a mountain.

When they died, they didn’t look at them, and Shangguan Qingtian would probably repeat the same mistakes. Since Chenxingmen occupied the land of Xuanyin, let’s keep a high profile. If we maintain the low-key attitude before, I’m afraid those little shrimps will The bullying is coming, after all, the land of Xuan Yin has a huge amount of training resources, Lu Chen doesn't need to worry about these problems, now it is crazy to increase the influence of the Chenxing Gate.

Becoming the overlord of one party is just around the corner!

Lu Chen's extremely tough attitude made Xuan Yin. Dao Ren and Shangguan Feiyun were extremely embarrassed. After all, in front of so many juniors, somehow they should leave a little room.

However, the two of them had nothing to do with Lu Chen. With his terrifying aura of universe, beyond everyone's imagination, a mysterious aura of universe permeated every corner of a thousand miles.

The face of the Chenxingmen disciples was full of complacency, and it was clear that they were conceiving the great blueprint of the Chenxingmen, and the forces of the universe poured in to let Xuan Yin. Taoist and Shangguan Feiyun were caught off guard.

They took a deep breath, their bodies flickered out, trying to avoid Lu Chen’s attack, but they found that the universe aura was a bit more powerful than expected, no matter how fast they were, they would be captured by the universe aura. To.

"Boom boom." In desperation, the two had no choice but to bite the bullet and confront each other, and a loud and deafening sound was transmitted, accompanied by a surging aftermath. Fortunately, Lu Chen set up one not long ago. Defensive bans and guarantees the safety of the Chenxingmen disciples, they can't make any accidents.

Those who followed Lu Chen to the land of Xuanyin were originally full of passion. Who knew that this kind of change would happen, Lu Chen burst into anger, and even the two extremely powerful men could not resist it. .

The corners of Shangguan Qingtian's mouth twitched constantly, and he regretted it. He knew that Lu Chen was so tyrannical and why he would provoke him. He didn't know how comfortable he would be at Shangguan's house. After all, his status as an elder is beyond doubt.

As the saying goes, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. Shangguan Qingtian is not a fool. Since Lu Chen has shown his strength without reservation, he has no need to go head-to-head. He gritted his teeth. It's not the first time to escape.

The disciples of Chen Xingmen sounded one after another.

"Haha, you see that is the **** hidden family elder, wanting to fight our sect master, it is idiotic, whimsical." This contempt and irony are obvious.

"Yes, I thought that Shangguanjia was very strong, but now I found out that it was wrong. Shangguanjia is a coward."

Shangguan Qingtian didn't fight, anyway, he was also a veritable elder, how could he be insulted by a group of ants like this, he waved his hand, and swept toward the disciples of Chenxingmen with an aura of fierce world like a broken bamboo.

"Ah." There was a sudden uproar. Isn't this just a shock? But they have no way to escape. The majestic and majestic coercion of the heavens and the earth, like thousands of kilograms of big rocks, is pressing on them, and the pain is unimaginable.

They grinned and knew how to resist. Are they destined to sit still? A look of despair appeared on the faces of the disciples of Chenxingmen. Just now they had seen the scene of the fall of the same sect brothers, and those people were rare genius leaders in a century.

They paled in comparison. Will Lu Chen go all out to help them when present? Unexpectedly, Lu Chen didn't look back at them. Could it be that Lu Chen left them? Many disciples have this conjecture in their hearts, as if it is really possible, but they are extremely frustrated.

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