Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2343: confidence

He also has absolute confidence. As long as he cultivates here, his strength will rise to the next level. What he has to admit is that Zhuge Cong is proud and arrogant, and he has an extremely crazy idea, that is to take away from Lu Chen. Coming to the land of Xuanyin, as long as this kid is eradicated, then Zhuge's family is not going smoothly, Zhuge Cong has forgotten Lu Chen's tyrannical methods under a whim.

What he didn't know was that when Zhuge Cong entered the land of Xuan Yin, he attracted Lu Chen's attention. He was a little confused. Could it be that Zhuge Cong's head was flooded and he wanted to take the initiative to trouble him. This is not funny. Ridiculous? With his little strength, Lu Chen didn't need to use his fingers to deal with him. This was incomparable strength.

He also didn't want to care about Zhuge Cong, delaying his time to refine the world formation, of course, provided that Zhuge Cong did not take the initiative to bully him, otherwise Lu Chen would not mind killing him.

At this time, Zhuge's family was in a mess, and there was a sense of despair from top to bottom. They didn't want Zhuge's family to perish in this way, but things backfired. Under the seamless plan of Qingyunmen, no one in Zhuge's family could escape. Those who had gone out to find Zhuge Cong before could survive the disaster, but each of them was weak.

Wanting to avenge Zhuge’s family is an unrealistic and whimsical thing. Although Zhuge Batian is not bad in strength, Qin Feng is very sinister. He has continued to cultivate and practice hard, and in order to hide his eyes and ears, he also specially found a substitute. To convey all kinds of meanings to him, Zhuge Batian was not stupid, he had inserted eyeliner in Qingyunmen a long time ago.

It’s just that they were all caught by Qin Feng. Qin Feng did not try to torture them, but used special poisons to extend their lives. It is very simple to get the antidote, that is, to serve Qingyunmen wholeheartedly. The bottom line has become his own. That's why Zhuge's family didn't receive first-hand information until the Qingyunmen opened the door, Zhuge Batian and others found out.

Originally, because of the appearance of Lu Chen recently, Zhuge Batian was frustrated. He didn't have much energy to manage the details of the various sects. Who knew that Qingyunmen was attacking with lightning speed. Now the soldiers are near the city, and it is life and death. At the critical moment, Zhuge Batian was quite powerless, because Qin Feng knew all the secrets of their sect.

Qingyunmen showed weakness in the past, showing Zhuge Batian's burden of tolerance and humiliation. It turned out to be intentional. When Zhuge Batian thought of this, his heart was cut. He stared at Qin Feng bitterly. Since he is dying, Qin Feng should not even think of living safe and sound. .

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a weird smile appeared at the corner of Zhuge Batian’s mouth. With Qin Feng’s observation power, he clearly captured it, and he involuntarily slowed down the offensive because of this Zhuge Batian. The sky became stronger unconsciously, and a fierce momentum swept out of Zhuge Batian's body, deterring Qin Feng. He took a deep breath and kept backing away, but it was too late.

"Bang bang." The overwhelming aura of heaven and earth, with the destructive power like a bamboo, fluttered in all directions, the people at Qingyunmen were startled, their expressions tightened, and they wanted to resist. Is it still the end?

Why this moment, he turned things around. Could it be that some miracle cure didn't work, but it didn't look like it. In order to deal with Qin Feng, Zhuge Batian had already done nothing.

He tried to detonate his dantian. He has cultivated for so many years. If the dantian bursts out in a short time, I am afraid that within a kilometer of a radius, there will be no one to survive. Anyway, Zhuge Batian is also a real super strong, he is full With a hideous look on his face, he looked up to the sky and laughed, "Haha, since you, the old immortal fellow insists on dealing with me, let us die together!"

That's right, Zhuge Batian's patience is also limited. When he thinks about these things, he can't suppress the anger, he must take advantage of this knot to make a break with Qingyunmen.

Perhaps sacrificing him alone can give Zhuge a chance in the future. After all, the people who came to Qingyunmen this time are all elite geniuses. After he detonated Dantian, they didn't have a trace of life. Perhaps only Qin Feng could survive and still Battered and bruised.

Although it is a pity, there is no other way to achieve the goal, "Bang Bang." Zhuge Batian made a slight noise, and blood holes gradually appeared.

"You run quickly, he is going to explode." Qin Feng drank a low voice. The people of Qingyunmen were stunned and suddenly realized that he felt that he had no ability to resist in front of this force. It turned out to be due to Zhugeba. Tian chose to blew up, this crazy idea was something they had never thought of.

Anyway, Zhuge Batian is also the pillar of Zhuge's family. For many years in the City of Eden, he has held a respected position. It can be said that no one will disobey him.

Once a cultivator chooses to blew himself up, there will be no turning point. Even if Da Luo Jinxian descends, it can’t be saved. It seems that Zhuge Batian has made up his mind. This is a kind of courage. No one wants to fall. Ting's enhanced strength is to fight against the sky.

He gave up such an opportunity, and the people of Qingyunmen knew well that they had pushed Zhuge Batian to a dead end this time, leaving Zhuge Batian with no retreat or room.

Qin Feng also regretted it a bit. Did he do it too much, but he immediately abandoned this idea. As the saying goes, he is the head of the Qingyun Sect, and he wants to be cautious. For Qingyunmen to be above Zhuge's family, the right time must be chosen.

Now that the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is in front of him, he must grasp it. Qin Feng thought that he could not help but release the majestic and majestic aura of heaven and earth in his body to protect the people of Qingyunmen as much as possible.

He had thought before that there might be a situation where both lose and lose. Immediately after Qin Feng waved his hand, a mask appeared. Although it was only the size of a porcelain bowl, the next moment, the mask continued to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye. It didn't take long to protect hundreds of people, all of whom were the elites of Qingyunmen, but they couldn't fall away in this action to encircle Zhuge's family.

Otherwise, the Blue Cloud Gate will really hurt your muscles and bones. There will always be casualties in the confrontation between the two leading bosses. This is inevitable. Qin Feng knows this. Those who are not covered are not fools. , They used their housekeeping skills one after another, and at the critical moment, no one would hide it, or else it would fall, and it would be worth the loss.

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