Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2345: Recharge your energy

After all, the Zhuge family’s foundation is unquestionable. It was only from the decline of Zhuge Yu that it began to fail. Moreover, the Shangguan family above the Zhuge family was also discouraged to the Zhuge family. One after another, the Shangguan family was embarrassed by the Zhuge family. , An elder Shangguan Feiyun fell.

The Shangguan family has done its best to benevolence and righteousness. They did not send anyone out to destroy the Zhuge family. It was just that the Zhuge family had survived the first year of the first year and the fifteenth. It was the Qingyunmen's turn to teach them.

It's just that this lesson is a bit serious. After this day, the power of Eden City has reshuffled, and the only power that has not been affected is Lu Chen's Chenxing Gate.

Somewhere in the secret room of Xuanyin, a man was unkempt and looked a little dumbfounded, but he didn't realize that he was still trying to figure out things. That's right, he was Lu Chen, who had studied the formation for a while.

Finally, he had a definite clue, and he was quite satisfied. Not only that, but the general scale of the formation was already clear to him. Maybe it’s simple to say, but it may not be possible to find the second in the Garden of Eden. Personally, if he can refine such a large-scale tyrannical formation, Lu Chen can be sure that even a strong man like Shangguan Qingtian who comes to harass Chen Xingmen can use this formation to make him embarrassed. of.

If he refuses to let the Chenxing Gate pass, he might just explain it here. He found all kinds of materials. As soon as he left the house, Lu Chen saw the old man who had been waiting for a long time. Lu Chen smiled embarrassedly, "What's the matter, grandpa."

"I'm telling you that Qingyunmen has already annexed Zhuge's family. Look at you like this, you are too involved." The old man looked at Lu Chen's appearance, a little depressed.

But then he smiled heartily. What Lu Chen did in this way can only prove his assiduous study of the formation method, and how mysterious the formation method Lu Chen created has.

He asked Lu Chen many times, but he couldn't get any definite answers, but when Lu Chen came out this time, his face was full of joy, which made him see hope.

"Uh, there are some." Lu Chen scratched his head. In front of the old man, he didn't have any pretensions. No matter what Lu Chen had achieved, he was still so approachable.

"Do you have a clue?" The old man was very concerned. Lu Chen discussed with him a few days ago that he wanted to create a formation, and the old man readily agreed. After all, the foundation of the Star Gate is still unstable. 'S defensive strength, but if Lu Chen left, then the Chenxing Gate would be in danger.

Now that the Chenxing Gate is being watched by the Shangguan family, he still has to make perfect preparations. Lu Chen nodded without thinking. The old man suddenly raised his eyebrows. At this moment, Ru Pingdie slowly appeared in Lu Chen's line of sight, and couldn't help holding his emotions. Took his arm.

Although Lu Chen had an unpleasant smell on her body, she didn't dislike it. This made Lu Chen embarrassed. He was deeply moved. There was no doubt that Xiao Nizi cared about him.

Although Lu Chen has been pondering the formation in the secret room these days, he can feel the situation outside. Ru Pingdie has come no less than dozens of times, and she will come to see if Lu Chen has come out almost after a while. .

Don’t bother Lu Chen studying the formation. How could Lu Chen not feel this kind of love, so he must study the formation harder. After all, he doesn’t know how long he will be away, maybe a few. Months, even a year and a half, can't come back.

However, Lu Chen learned from Huang Zhongzheng that the conditions for returning from the Pantheon of Medium Space were much simpler, and he could also return with the people from Jubao Pavilion.

However, Lu Chen wanted to find Wang Xinya. This was his promise. As a responsible man, Lu Chen has his own principles of being a man.

The old man was delighted to see that the relationship between Ru Pingdie and Lu Chen had reached such an intimate level. He smiled with satisfaction, "Well, well, my Chenxingmen can adhere to the land of Xuanyin, and then continue to develop, let alone It's the city of Eden, what about those hermit families!" What the old man said was impassioned, and his voice reached a hundred meters away.

Many disciples heard it, and couldn't help but cheer. In the past, the old man naturally didn't dare to say that, but Lu Chen didn't shrink from the two elders of Shangguan family, and even faced the difficulties. What I can't imagine is that Shangguan Qingtian was arrested.

During this period, he also interrogated Shangguan Qingtian, but the guy's tone was very tight and he basically refused to disclose anything.

The old man didn't presume without authorization. If Shangguan Qingtian was tortured and made him suffer a bit of flesh and blood, the consequences would be quite serious.

"Thank you." Ru Pingdie shook Lu Chen's arm, making a soft mess. Lu Chen lost his mind and patted Ru Pingdie's scented shoulder. His eyes were full of fanaticism.

"It's okay, it should be." Lu Chen said lightly, his youthful and mature temperament, as well as mature and stable temperament, Ru Pingdie likes nostalgia very much.

She had always believed in her own vision. As expected, she hadn't misunderstood the wrong person. With Lu Chen's talent and potential, she would definitely grow to an unparalleled height. Perhaps the hermit family is nothing.

This was an unbelievable thing for them before, but at this time it is within reach. Everything is Lu Chen’s achievements and strength. Although Shangguan family will not give up and take a break, they can gain a bit of wisdom. Shangguan family estimates it will take a while. In order to ease over.

Lu Chen went to the central treasure storehouse in the land of Xuanyin, and selected some treasures of heaven and earth. These materials were randomly searched out. They were all things that others squeezed their heads to scramble for, but Lu Chen just swept away lightly. After a while, because time has passed, he has become accustomed to these treasures, and from time to time he takes a part of the rewards to the disciples of the Star Star. Only those cultivators with top talent and potential are eligible to have it. This position is extremely special, and there are restrictions. , Lu Chen could detect it as soon as an outsider stepped in, so he didn't worry, and went into the secret room to study the formation.

The Chenxing Gate is growing quietly and silently. No matter how the outside world is surging, it will not affect the development of the Chenxing Gate. I have to say that the deterrence caused by the master of the Chenxing Gate, Lu Chen, has not dissipated or has not What school dare to provoke Chenxingmen.

Besides, the various sects are also worried about whether the Chenxing Gate is replenishing its energy, like the Qingyun Gate not long ago, giving them a powerful force and then annihilating them, so that the city of Eden is Lu Chen's world.

Their fear is self-evident. Of course, the recent spring breeze is not without pride. For example, Qin Feng, the head of the Qingyun Sect, is triumphant. After he annihilated the Zhuge family, the Qingyun Sect's power has expanded a lot. .

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