Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2351: Meager force

"Boy, what's so arrogant, don't think that if you have a little strength, you can do whatever you want. In front of me, you are not a strong one. You are just a speculation." Qin Feng directly denied Lu Chen. Looking at Lu Chen suspiciously, is it really like what Qin Feng said? Lu Chen is only lucky to create miracles one after another.

This seems unlikely, because those deeds of Lu Chen, they can be described as treacherous, and they can still be false.

Lu Chen chose to ignore the hot eyes cast from all directions. He shrugged indifferently and smiled non-committal. The free and easy feeling made many people feel convinced of him.

The next moment, Lu Chen disappeared from where he was. He rushed away with a violent storm and rain, and he didn't see Lu Chen taking out the magic weapon, and punched out with a simple and condensed five-element aura. Lu Chen's dragon chant sounded through the entire sky, and Lu Chen was unwilling to talk nonsense with him.

So solve Qin Feng early. The latter has a horrified look. He dodges hurriedly, only to find that the Five Elements Qi is locked in every position where he escapes. This is a bit strange and terrifying.

Qin Feng couldn't help being serious, he bit his scalp and blasted out his fist. As a result, Lu Chen's fist was wrapped in the aura of the five elements, and the aura directly turned into a dragon, making people afraid to look directly.

The dragon head instantly bit Qin Feng's fist, and the corners of the latter's mouth twitched slightly. He couldn't bear the piercing pain. He didn't have Lu Chen's abnormal and special physique, so he could only resist it with his scalp.

"Crack." There was a crisp bone cracking sound, and everyone's expressions tightened. This was exactly what came from Qin Feng's bones. Qin Feng involuntarily took a breath, and he hurriedly tried to pull out his arm.

"Hiss." Qin Feng suddenly lost half of his hand. Lu Chen didn't hesitate at all. He once again increased his strength, and at this moment, the Five Elements Qi exploded with unparalleled deterrence.

"Bang." Qin Feng didn't have time to escape, the punch hit his chest, and a dull sound hit everyone's heart. They fixed their eyes, and Qin Feng seemed to be fine.

But in an instant, "Boom." The earth-shattering explosion sound passed, and people couldn't help but be impressed. Qin Feng's body exploded directly and turned into powder, and the scene was **** for a while.

The people of Qingyunmen were all stunned. They hadn't seen what kind of world they were. But when they witnessed the fall of the head, they were still heartbroken, and they couldn't believe what they saw before them.

They couldn't imagine how terrifying destructive Lu Chen's punch was, or rather, they could not imagine, because Lu Chen's fierce destructive power made them speechless and fearful.

"This, this..." Huang Zhongzheng muttered to himself with an unbelievable expression. He was overjoyed. He didn't expect that Lu Chen would turn the tide, or else Jubao Pavilion would have to pay even if it is not destroyed today. The painful price, after all, Qin Feng is not the kind of person to give up.

Since he was greedy for Jubao Pavilion, he wanted to obtain more benefits. This is undoubtedly. Therefore, Lu Chen's killing of Qin Feng was undoubtedly a great help to Jubao Pavilion.

Even the Great Elder was stunned for a moment, his old face blushed, and he was a little embarrassed to think that he had treated Lu Chen coldly not long ago. Without Lu Chen's appearance, he would be no match for Qin Feng today, the future of Jubao Pavilion It was dim.

"Thank you." Huang Zhongzheng walked to Lu Chen's side and said solemnly. The elder also smiled at Lu Chen, and at this time, a familiar figure came out and patted Lu Chen on the shoulder, looking excited. , "Lu Chen, your kid is good." Isn't that person Yan Dong?

He hasn’t seen Lu Chen for a while. Under such a coincidental situation, Lu Chen helped Jubaoge. In the past, Jubaoge helped Lu Chen many times. But today, the situation is completely opposite. Lu Chen reversed the situation and let them Surprised.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded, and even worried about Yan Dong. He was actually called Lu Chen boy. I'm afraid he is the only one who would call Lu Chen like that. Maybe the two have a good relationship.

Lu Chen didn't mind, he smiled heartily, "Well, I've been busy these days, so I haven't come over." Lu Chen waved his hand, Yan Dong's eyes showed a splendor, obviously he was pleased with Lu Chen's behavior.

Their brotherhood would not hesitate to change with the passage of time and the progress of Lu Chen's strength. With this, it was enough to be proud of the winter.

After all, Lu Chen was in the city of Eden. Lu Chen was still a little-known boy. Only Yan Dong didn't speak harshly to him. Those who scorned and ridiculed Lu Chen didn't seem to get any good ends.

He began to be grateful for his choice. Lu Chen quietly handed over two pills. Severe Winter's strength seemed unattainable to these ordinary cultivators, but for Lu Chen, it was not worth mentioning.

Therefore, in order to keep the distance between the two of them too far, Lu Chen still needs to do his best. Although Lu Chen knows well, after this incident, the status of Severe Winter will surely soar to the sky. Nor is this great elder. Fool, wanting to curry favor with Lu Chen, starting from here in the severe winter couldn't be more appropriate.

"Since the matter is resolved, then I will go back first." Lu Chen did not linger. He had to prepare well, and he was about to go to the Pantheon of Medium Space. The reason why he shot is also closely related to this.

Lu Chen felt itchy when he thought of Wang Xinya's flowery and jade face, although he was only happy once, but his memory was still fresh.

Lu Chen is a responsible man. Since he has given a promise to a woman, he will not lose weight. After slaying the head of the Qingyunmen, the dragons of the Qingyunmen are without a leader. Naturally, they are scattered sand. The four who came with Qin Feng People, staring at all this happening, they were powerless. Qin Feng's strength was beyond doubt, but Lu Chen split Qin Feng five horses into his body with a simple punch.

This courage and dominance made them frighten. After the four of them looked at each other, they hurriedly dispersed and prepared to escape. Even the head of the team fell. They continued to confront the Jubao Pavilion. Obviously, it was an unwise choice. Lu Chen would stay open. Let them go?

With a big wave of his hand, the monstrous power of the five elements swept out of his body, which permeated within a radius of one kilometer. Although the four people fled in all directions, they could not escape from Lu Chen's palm.

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