Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2363: Bright future

Lu Chen has always had his own principles of being a human being, and he can't easily violate it. He insists that people do not offend me, and I do not offend others. If people offend me, I will repay them ten times and one hundred times.

Although Lu Chen didn't remind him, the guards were still very vigilant. Since they had learned from the past, they would not repeat the same mistakes. Lu Chen could help them once or twice, but he did not always protect them.

After all, I heard that when Lu Chen came to the Garden of Eden, he had serious things to do. They were originally responsible for protecting the dart cart, but they fell directly on Lu Chen. It only shows that he is a talented person and that Lu Chen is the best. In front of me, I was constantly investigating the surrounding situation.

Lu Chen was a little strange. When his Five Elements Qi was in the Garden of Eden, he could clearly and unmistakably perceive things ten thousand meters away, but when this came, the Five Elements Qi was restrained, and he could only detect those within 100 meters. Things have shrunk by a factor of ten. Lu Chen didn't know how to describe his horror. With his strength, he could only observe a range of 100 meters, so these people might be able to see things over a dozen meters.

There was no discrepancy with his guess, Lu Chen couldn't help but look forward to being curious, eager to try, he was sure that this medium-sized pantheon would not disappoint him.

After leaving the forest, Lu Chen parted ways with the guards. He was mainly looking for Wang Xinya instead of sending darts. After walking for a while, two people came to face each other, talking and laughing, but no. Pay attention to Lu Chen.

"Brother Zhang, have you heard that Ge Xin of Gejiabao and Zhao Fei of Zhao family were fighting yesterday." A young man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, his eyes rolled, he didn't know what he was thinking, but his tone With a little flattering ingredient.

"Well, I've heard about it, and I didn't expect you to be well informed." Brother Zhang smiled heartily, with some condescending connotations. The scrawny young man didn't mind. The aggressive feeling seemed to be used to it.

"They played hundreds of rounds, and they didn’t have a victory or defeat, so they agreed to compare it at the training conference a month later. Tsk tsk, Brother Zhang, who are you more optimistic about? I believe Brother Zhang’s vision can lead me towards The road to get rich.” This young man is from Lingyuemen. Although Lingyuemen is a genuine medium-sized sect and has some right to speak in the Pantheon, he is just an unknown **** and is not used at Lingyuemen. I feel that my talents are useless.

That training conference is a feature of the Pantheon. It is held once a year, but not everyone is eligible to participate. At least the sect or family that belongs to it must reach a medium-sized level to qualify.

It is impossible for him to get the few places in the Lingyue Gate, but there are still opportunities for him to go together. As long as he seizes the opportunity and gambles at the practice meeting, he can also get a lot of spars and the Garden of Eden. The transaction currency is different. Since the Pantheon is a medium-sized space, it disdains the use of secular things.

The spar has rare benefits for cultivators, not only can absorb the heaven and earth energy in the spar, but also operate the currency of transactions.

But it is not so easy to obtain high-level spar. Wang Haoran is so eager and it is not unreasonable. It turns out that Zhang Lei is a member of the Tianleimen, but that is a veritable large school, completely above the Lingyuemen. .

Therefore, in favor of Zhang Lei, it was for his bright future. Zhang Lei thought a little bit, smiling, and said lightly, "This is really hard to say. These two are first-class talents, and I came across. You don’t necessarily have any confidence to deal with it. If you have time to think about this, it is better to work hard and practice hard, it is better than anything." Zhang Lei and him are also friends, so he spoke to persuade him. He deeply understands that only he is strong. In order to ensure that you will not be bullied by others.

Although it is a medium-sized space, what remains unchanged in Henggu is the framework of the weak eating the strong and the strong respecting. Wang Haoran's eyes have a look of helplessness. He sympathizes with these words, but unfortunately, his own natural potential is considered a middle-lower aptitude. , Being able to join the Lingyue Sect is already a blessing from eight lifetimes of cultivation.

He didn't expect his strength to be even higher. He felt that the basics were already finalized. Wang Haoran sighed, and the corner of his eye noticed Lu Chen's existence. He was a little dissatisfied. This guy didn't open his eyes at all, looking at them two. In the past, even pretending to be stupid, staying still, isn't this irritating?

Zhang Lei's words hurt his scar, and Lu Chen could be said to hit the muzzle, "Boy, get out of the way."

Wang Haoran snorted and found that Lu Chen didn't seem to hear him, "Are you deaf?" He burned in anger, with fierce momentum surging around him. Although he was not very strong, he dealt with Lu Chen. Still not a problem.

The strange thing is that he couldn't see through Lu Chen's depth, so he couldn't make a jump to a conclusion. He curled his lips. In any case, he couldn't be ashamed in front of Zhang Lei. From Lu Chen's clothes, he couldn't tell which power he was. As long as he is an unnamed casual cultivator, it will have no effect.

Besides, even if you can't beat Lu Chen, isn't there still Zhang Lei beside him? He still has absolute confidence in Zhang Lei's strength. Lu Chen smiled contemptuously, "Why I blocked your way, not you blocked me?" Lu Chen was tit-for-tat, without any tendency to give in.

Zhang Lei frowned. Lu Chen's tone was not small. Could it be that there is a deep background? His eyes are still very vicious. He thinks he knows countless people, but in front of him, a stinky kid is unfathomable. The sea is average.

This left him with an eye, "Brother Zhang, let me teach him first, don't talk nonsense with him." Wang Haoran was extremely angry, and Lu Chen's refusal to give face angered his bottom line.

"Not in a hurry, presumably this brother didn't mean it." Zhang Lei gave a haha ​​and glanced at Lu Chen. The latter's complexion remained unchanged, and it was difficult to draw a conclusion.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. You just need to tell me who Wang Xinya is and where it is." Lu Chen doesn't want to waste time. It doesn't take too much effort to find Wang Qianya. His strength is not at the peak of the Pantheon pyramid, but Nor will it be slaughtered.

The two were stunned, their expressions were a little weird. Obviously they all knew the identity of Wang Xinya. Lu Chen looked clear to his heart, and things should not be too complicated, otherwise it would delay his time, and they would not know how the situation in the Garden of Eden was. Up.

"Do you want to pursue Wang Xinya?" Zhang Lei questioned slightly, but there was a joking smile on the corner of his mouth. Lu Chen is a man, and it is normal to pursue Wang Xinya. After all, the beauty of the country and the beauty of the country is basically no one. Resistible.

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