Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2366: unknown origins

Although it is relatively superficial at present, Lu Chen believes that as his Five Elements Qi gradually strengthens, the healing effect will become more and more obvious. Wang Haoran glanced at Lu Chen with surprise and joy, not without gratitude, "Hehe Thank you, as the saying goes, you don’t know each other if you don’t fight, and I hope you don’t mind brother."

He is also a person who knows how to see the wind and the rudder. Lu Chen is strong and domineering, and it is obviously no good to fight against him. In addition, now that Zhang Lei favors Lu Chen for no reason, he does not need to be in the corner.

Besides, Lu Chen helped him heal his injuries. In fact, he was downstairs. Wang Haoran was an out-and-out wise man, so he took the initiative to relax. Lu Chen lightly smiled and said nothing.

"Come here, please." Zhang Lei waved his hand, politely, Lu Chen was a little uncomfortable, and then Wang Haoran also followed them on the grounds of a cameo. After all, the relationship between Wang Haoran and Zhang Lei has been pretty good, go to heaven. Raimon paid a visit, there was nothing wrong with it.

After half a day, the three of them arrived at Tianlei Gate. The doormen saw Zhang Lei and did not stop them. They were just a little wary of the strange face of Lu Chen.

"This is my friend-Lu Chen." Along the way, Zhang Lei had a preliminary understanding, so he was able to call out Lu Chen's name. The guards nodded again and again. Obviously, Zhang Lei is still very important in Tianleimen. And portion.

Zhang Lei was still very satisfied. It was a wise move for these people to show her face in front of Lu Chen. After entering the martial art, Lu Chen found that antique buildings and a lot of peaks. He looked outside before. It was completely a cloud of mist, he was slightly surprised, it seemed that the Thunder Gate had a certain formation on this day.

Even he couldn't figure it out. This formation not only protected the Tianleimen very well, but also the people of Tianleimen were basically isolated from the world. I am afraid that in the Garden of Eden, only the hermit family has such a handwriting.

There were not many people on the road, a fierce atmosphere of heaven and earth filled Lu Chen, and the latter raised his brow. When he first came to Tianleimen, would anyone with short eyes appear?

"Zhang Lei, who did you bring back?" An old voice came. Zhang Lei was taken aback for a while, but his expression remained unchanged, "Uncle Wu." He clasped his fists and said respectfully.

"Senior good." Wang Haoran was also clever, and followed the salute, but Lu Chen was indifferent, which made Zhang Lei a little embarrassed and hard to say. After all, Lu Chen was a guest and he had invited him.

"You haven't answered my question yet." He fixed his eyes and saw that it was an old man with an unirritable face that gave people a great deterrent. Lu Chen's complexion remained unchanged. This old man was good, but he Haven't paid attention yet.

He estimated that he was a little stronger than Shangguan Qingyun. Putting it in the Garden of Eden, perhaps he could dominate the hegemony, but in the Pantheon, he was destined to be just a large sect.

This old man was the fifth elder of the Tianlei Gate, and he was called the fifth uncle by Zhang Lei's qualifications, and naturally there was no problem.

"It's a friend of mine. If you want to stay in our Tianleimen for a month, there should be no problem, Wushu." Zhang Lei with a tentative tone, in front of Wushu, he still restrained a little sharp aura. .

He wants Lu Chen to give him advice. It’s better to join Tianleimen. Even if he is a guest, that’s more than enough. Then Lu Chen can participate in the training conference. Maybe he can stand out and win glory for them. I was worried that Uncle Wu had forced Lu Chen away.

Lu Chen has a violent temper. Lu Chen didn't say hello to him before. Isn't this provoking Uncle Wu?

Sure enough, Uncle Wu shook his head and said firmly, "No, this guy is of unknown origin, arrogant and domineering, and he is not qualified to live in my Tianleimen." There was a strong pressure on him, but it was a pity that he was facing Lu Chen has no effect.

The look of surprise in his eyes flashed away, just as Zhang Lei was in a dilemma.

"What are you talking about?" Lu Chen's understatement was full of irony and disdain. This old guy bullied him on the basis of his identity. Isn't that a guilt? He actually didn't want Zhang Lei to be ugly. After all, he kindly treated Lu Chen brought the Tianlei Gate to Lu Chen not to cause Lu Chen to cause trouble, but his remarks were loud and loud, and Zhang Lei's expression changed drastically. As the saying goes, Lu Chen should be polite at any rate.

But when he faced Wushu, he chose tit-for-tat. Wushu's temper was already irritable. How could he withstand Lu Chen's provocation. As expected, in the next instant, the overwhelming aura of fierce heaven and earth diffused and locked Lu Chen's body, the latter. The look was calm.

As if this coercion had no effect on him, the look of surprise flashed across Wu Shu's eyes. It was a bit shocking. Lu Chen, a man with a shameless appearance, could resist his oppression, even those of large schools. A genius leader does not necessarily have this courage.

"Boy, who are you?" Wu Shuqiang held back his anger and wanted to find out who Lu Chen came from. He cast a suspicious look at Zhang Lei, but the latter shook his head because Lu Chen treated him. Being a taboo identity, Zhang Lei didn't need to offend Lu Chen just to tell Wushu.

That was obviously an irrational behavior. Lu Chen shook his head, "I don't have to tell you."

"Looking for death." Uncle Wu originally wanted to drive away Lu Chen, but he still had to teach him a little lesson and make Lu Chen pay a heavy price. Only then can he know how powerful, such a young man who knows nothing about life and death, he has not never seen him. , But Lu Chen was the first to be proud and defiant in front of him.

This kid refused to explain his identity again, which made Wushu scorched, his figure rushed out, fast as lightning, and Zhang Lei was full of worry, this is not a good thing, Lu Chen angered Wushu, he It was too late to stop.

A scornful color appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth. This old guy thought he was a person with no power to bind a chicken, so he was wrong. Lu Chen punched out with a simple and unpretentious punch, surging with terrifying destruction. Power, the two fists collided, "Boom boom." A loud and deafening sound was passed, and the aftermath made their scalp numb. It spread to every corner of the surrounding area, and immediately shocked many people. Unexpectedly, after the confrontation, Lu Chen remained motionless. On the other hand, the fifth uncle, even Lan took a few steps back, and there was no tendency to stop. Zhang Lei and Wang Haoran looked a little ugly, and their previous worries disappeared. It was replaced by shock and awe. It turned out that Lu Chen had hidden his strength in front of them, but he just didn't see it.

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