Worthy of being the sons of the Six Elders, they cast their jealous and frantic gazes on Li Mengqiang, who was indifferent. He only had Zhang Lei in his eyes, and he had the right to speak only if he defeated him.

Strength is everything in Tianleimen. Zhang Lei is a little depressed. How unreasonable this guy is. He also slapped a punch. The speed is not slower than Li Mengqiang, and there is a fierce atmosphere of heaven and earth, and two extremely powerful forces collide. Get up, "Boom boom." The earth-shattering loud noise rushed out, everyone only felt that the scalp was numb, and there was a sense of darkness and darkness. Those who were weaker, hurriedly protected the whole body with the breath of heaven and earth, so that this aftermath would not hurt. To them.

But there are many people who can’t keep up with their reactions. They were stunned by the afterwaves. The scene was a bit weird for a while. After the flying sand and rocks dispersed, everyone saw the situation clearly. That Zhang Lei's body quickly retreated and knocked down. In the rockery, but Li Mengqiang was unscathed, with a triumphant expression on his face.

"Huh, kid, I said, you are not my opponent, you are still pretending to be in front of me, you have tasted the bitterness now." Li Mengqiang did not forget to fall into trouble, anyway, the shame before, he will even pay back Zhang Lei.

Zhang Lei set off a huge wave in his heart. When he was fighting, he didn't think Li Mengqiang's punch was unique, but the moment he hit him, he suddenly strengthened a lot of strength, so that Zhang Lei, who was sure of winning, was defeated. He was so badly injured that he had tried his best to get this result.

Zhang Lei was puzzled. The power that came from the second time shouldn't belong to Li Mengqiang. He could judge, could it be that Li Mengqiang was hiding something powerful and taboo-like?

He thought of this possibility for the first time. Zhang Lei coughed twice and spewed a mouthful of blood. His internal organs seemed to be misaligned, and he didn't have any extra force to play. "Li Mengqiang, you are cheating, and you are relying on other people's power." Zhang Lei's remarks can be said to be surprising and endless. Everyone was still admiring. Li Mengqiang's skill confirmed that Li Mengqiang became the second most powerful genius leader in Tianleimen, but Zhang Lei denied it.

"Zhang Lei, I say you are not embarrassed. If you lose, you lose. A big man, can't you afford to lose? Why do you want to spit someone? Your strength, I haven't considered it yet." Li Mengqiang is arrogant. Domineering, his expression unchanged, he waved his hand with a look of disdain and contempt, almost making Zhang Lei vomit blood with anger.

This guy was clearly quibbling, if he hadn't felt it clearly, how could he indiscriminately wish for Li Mengqiang.

What Zhang Lei can be sure of is that perhaps that kind of power, even his elder brother Zhang Han, may not be able to deal with it. In this way, the leader of the elite organization of Tianleimen, isn't it Li Mengqiang? He was unwilling, and to no avail, a sharp aura of heaven and earth permeated, it was Lu Chen who was not far away watching.

This Lei didn't even think about letting Lu Chen take action. It was only then that he was overjoyed. He secretly said that he was clever and confused for a while. Isn't Lu Chen's incomparable strength a shield?

But it’s not too late to make a move at this time. As long as Lu Chen can help him teach Li Mengqiang, it’s best to solve him, or defeat him. He can’t help but feel complacent. It’s not bad that he borrowed a knife to kill. Lu Chen’s new arrival at Tianleimen, I don’t know what the rules are, and don’t need to follow it for the time being, but the tricky thing is that if Lu Chen kills Li Mengqiang, it will attract the attention and revenge of the Sixth Elder. The stormy means, also I don't know if Lu Chen can bear it.

Of course, Zhang Lei thought of the best way to get Lu Chen in contact with the second elder Yu Yingying. Although the sixth elder was terrible, it was nothing compared to the second elder Yu Yingying.

"Hey, boy, who are you?" Li Mengqiang was not polite. Although it was just a punch, the outcome was already divided. Zhang Lei was injured and he had nothing to worry about. After the victory, his self-confidence continued The swelling didn't put Lu Chen in his eyes at all.

Besides, he felt that Lu Chen was a little strange, he shouldn't be a genius leader, otherwise, how could he be unknown.

"Teacher you." Lu Chen said solemnly, with a mocking and sarcasm look on his face. Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and took a breath. This guy offended Li Mengqiang. Isn't it moths fighting the fire?

"Hmph, I want to see how you taught me." Li Mengqiang's face was gloomy and a little ugly. In front of so many people, Lu Chen actually said that he wanted to teach him. Didn't he deliberately go against him?

Moreover, after Zhang Lei was defeated by him, Lu Chen thought he was who he was (recommend a friend masterpiece, super perspective, author Demon Blade), except for Zhang Han, who has been in retreat, no one in Tianleimen can threaten his status. , He must kill the chicken to show to the monkey, Lu Chen looks young, probably not very strong.

Li Mengqiang took a deep breath and moved his mind. A long spear appeared in his hand. He shot out like a sugar-coated cannonball and stabbed towards Lu Chen. He didn't need to do anything to deal with Lu Chen. Otherwise, his hands would be dirty. .

"Hehe." Zhang Lei not only did not have a worried look, but was triumphant, with a smile on his mouth, this Li Mengqiang was about to suffer retribution.

But he felt a little strange that Lu Chen didn't bring out the magic weapon, is he ready to fight Li Mengqiang with his bare hands? This was obviously an unwise move, and he had no time to remind Lu Chen.

Is Lu Chen also defeated? Zhang Lei didn't want to see this happen. In the next instant, Lu Chen shot and grabbed the barrel of the gun. Li Mengqiang was taken aback for a moment. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free of Lu Chen's shackles. Could this kid be born with supernatural power? He was slightly depressed, surging with the domineering aura of heaven and earth in his body, spreading along the barrel of the gun, no matter what Lu Chen was strong,

It was always well-developed limbs and simple mind. As long as he wanted to deal with Lu Chen, he didn't need any effort. He believed in his own breath of heaven and earth, but after a while, he delivered a huge amount of breath of heaven and earth, and he didn't see any effect. Lu Chen's expression did not change, Li Mengqiang's breath of heaven and earth seemed to sink into the ocean, and Lu Chen's disdainful expression made Li Mengqiang an unprecedented blow.

He drew his spear, and Lu Chen let it go. If he hadn't reacted quickly, I'm afraid he would have fallen. Anyway, he is the second-ranked genius leader, and today he is embarrassed to this level, and his anger has risen to an unprecedented level.

With the long spears constantly dancing, dozens of golden spears condensed. Each of these spears was not weaker than the punch that dealt with Zhang Lei. This guy played for real.

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