Lu Chen took a deep breath. To deal with the old guy, he didn't need to linger. His great spirit filled the surface of the Hongmeng Sword, "Bangbang." The Hongmeng Sword and Hu Ming rushed under the control of the two and kept sending out The piercing sound of intertwined gold and iron made everyone wonder, why even the Sixth Elder couldn't help Lu Chen.

The scene of electric light and stone fire was an eye-opener for everyone. After a few rounds, the two of them turned out to be indifferent and evenly divided. There is no doubt that everyone is more optimistic about the sixth elder Li Changtian. As the saying goes, Jiang is still old. Spicy, this sentence is not without reason.

Li Changtian seemed to be doing his best, but in fact he was able to deal with Lu Chen with ease. This made everyone gloat. Sooner or later, Lu Chen would be placed in Li Changtian's hands. This is not surprising. Li Changtian has not shown his killer trump card, and Lu Chen is unbearable. Loaded up.

But it is also forgivable. Who made Lu Chen's fight with Li Mengqiang impossible before? Most disciples of Tian Lei Sect still admire Lu Chen from the bottom of their hearts, but this kid is too arrogant, they don't like it much.

But what they are a little puzzled about is that Lu Chen's attitude towards Zhang Lei is pretty good. He can make a shot in time when it's critical, otherwise Zhang Lei would not be so easy.

Then Li Mengqiang would not be merciful. Lu Chen has his unique principle of being a man, "Boom boom." When everyone was a little impatient, the earth-shaking loud noise was transmitted, and everyone suddenly felt shocked, those weak in strength. The disciples at a little bit were full of qi and blood. They fixed their eyes to see that it turned out that Lu Chen attacked Li Changtian with a thunder and thunder. The latter was estimated to be older, so the reaction could not keep up.

Lu Chen is an indispensable young man. This is his advantage. Everyone has no doubt. If Lu Chen is given enough time to grow up, let alone deal with Li Changtian, even if he surpasses them, the first day leader Zhang Handu. It is possible.

Of course, due to the increasing number of onlookers, some of them have watched Lu Chen and the five-element elder disciples before. Their surprise and shock are hard to express. How sacred is Lu Chen? How long did he directly offend the two elders and do not know how to repent? Is he going to overthrow the entire Heavenly Thunder Gate with his own power?

"Huh, puff." Li Changtian couldn't help but squirted out a mouthful of blood, with a spiteful look on his face, and a little panic flashed under his eyes. He predicted that there might be such a result. Originally, Lu Chen taught his son Li Changtian. With a taboo-like existence in his body, he deeply understood Lu Chen's strength.

So I don’t plan to compete with Lu Chen, who knows that people are not as good as the sky, and the plan cannot keep up with the changes. Lu Chen is a strong kid and doesn’t give him any face at all. Anyway, he is also the sixth elder of Tianleimen, regardless of status. And deterrence is extremely important.

"Hehe, who is looking for death, I understand now." Lu Chen said methodically and jokingly. Everyone took a breath. This guy is worsening the situation and falling into trouble. Zhang Lei can't hide the surprise. He and Li Mengqiang have always been opponents. , Li Changtian did not interfere with his affairs with Li Mengqiang less. Some time ago, Li Mengqiang did not have such an achievement. It was just that his subordinates were defeated. When he met him, he had no choice but to bow down.

Every time he wanted to insult Li Mengqiang, Li Changtian always showed up in time. Not long ago, when Li Mengqiang used powerful methods to suppress him, he did not see this old guy come forward to stop him. When a peacemaker is old, this is enough to see Li Changtian's shameless and sinister.

So when Lu Chen taught Li Changtian, he was very happy, and felt a little airy. Even though it was Lu Chen dealing with Li Changtian, in his opinion, Lu Chen was his friend, with similar qualities.

"Be merciful." A thunderbolt yelled suddenly, and even Lu Chen couldn't help frowning. He understood that this time the person who came here was a real powerhouse, and perhaps he did not resist at this stage. ability.

Lu Chen thought about it for a while, but unexpectedly, he didn't continue to make his move. Perhaps he was anxious for others. He and Li Changtian were going to die and die together. Lu Chen didn't want to kill this old guy and take his own life. It is obviously not worth it.

If you let Li Changtian learn about Lu Chen’s thoughts and don’t know how he would feel, Li Changtian could not bear the surprise at this time. He clearly felt Lu Chen’s murderous aura. It was a feeling of death that he had never experienced before. Too late to resist.

He can stay aside from other people's opinions. If he loses his life, he can stand on any ground, so Li Changtian can't control too much. He is quite familiar with this voice.

"Second brother, help me." He shouted, his voice full of sadness and helplessness. He had never thought that Lu Chen, a young man, could push him to this level. He could only say that Lu Chen's strength was too strong. It has been enchanting and shocking.

"Wow." There were originally some disciples of Tianleimen who didn't know who came, but this second brother was enough for them to make a conclusion. As the sixth elder of Tianleimen, Li Changtian could be called brother, I'm afraid Only the elders at the top of his rank are.

Since he is the second elder brother, he is naturally the third elder. As long as he is a disciple of the Tianleimen, he knows the mysterious and unpredictable of the third elder. He hasn't appeared in almost decades. He has been in retreat, and he did not expect Lu Chen and Li today. The matter of the elders fighting against each other could alarm the third elders. Not only did they faintly look forward to it, could the third elders stop Lu Chen.

Strangely speaking, the elders and the third elders often practice in retreat, which can be said to be commonplace. The second elder Yu Yingying takes care of the various affairs of the school. What I have to admit is that Yu Yingying has such a capable and shrewd ability, although it is an introduction. The female generation, but she is recognized by many disciples.

After a brief contact and understanding, they gave Lu Chen a definition. This guy is a fearless lord, and no one can offend him if he offends him.

They glanced at Lu Chen and found that he hadn't acted rashly, and they secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If the Sixth Elder were to fall here, they were afraid that Tian Lei Sect would cause the biggest sensation in thousands of years.

"Well, senior, I respect you as an expert and give you this face." Lu Chen said loudly, not cautiously worried, but gave people a kind of talk and laughter, which is a little weird.

Lu Chen is just a young man, even if he has great talent and potential, his mentality is not so indifferent as before.

The sixth elder gritted his teeth. Lu Chen was so disgusting. He was very high-profile in front of him. When he met the third elder who was stronger than him, he began to behave with a fox tail.

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