Lu Chen kept thinking, but didn't know, in a manor in Tianleimen, "Papa." A thousand-year-old cedar table was directly smashed. Li Changtian gave an angry expression, "Asshole, that kid in the end Who is it with such a tyrannical strength? Investigate it for me."

The people next to them were all chilling. They didn't have the guts to interject. They also heard about the incident today, but they didn't see it with their own eyes, so they didn't believe it. There really is such a talented leader.

But Li Mengqiang was still lying on the bed and could not move. They had to accept this fact. Li Changtian's anger had not stopped yet, and a fierce deterrence broke out all over his body, and everyone did not dare to show up.

"Uncle Six, I don't know what you plan to do." A young man resisted fear and said calmly. Everyone looked at him with worried eyes. Isn't this kid afraid of death?

"The old man wants to smash him into pieces." Li Changtian roared unabated, his eyes bursting with breathtaking cold light, and everyone dared not look at him directly.

"Yes, he must not be able to survive, but he must not be able to die, but we need to think about it long-term, Sixth Uncle, don't be too angry, it will affect your mood." The young man is so smart and knows how to seize opportunities. Although Li Changtian is furious, Need someone to talk to him and relieve his distress and troubles.

And this young man, under intense oppression, had to admit that the young man’s approach was successful. Li Changtian took a deep breath and calmed down his anger. His anger was even more unfavorable to deal with Lu Chen. Now, in order for his plan to be well planned, he must be calm.

"Haha, Li Heng, you are very good. Apart from your elder brother, the old man is most optimistic about you." Although Li Heng is a direct disciple of Li Changtian and is not often reused, he can be regarded as Li Changtian with his own efforts. His confidant, today's performance is undoubtedly recognized by Li Changtian. Everyone looked at him frantically with jealousy. They had known this before, and they had just spoken up.

There is no need to give up opportunities to Li Heng, but opportunities cannot be missed, and failures never come again. This Li Heng is good at seizing opportunities. There is no doubt that Li Heng's eyesight of surprise passed by, and his efforts can always be regarded as not in vain. Just now, he also knew that there was a certain danger in answering the conversation.

As the so-called companion is like a tiger, especially Li Changtian in a state of anger, he accidentally killed someone. If it was Li Heng's turn, he would lose his wife and break the army.

"Thank you Liu Shu for the compliment, now there are so many people, so let's just brainstorm." Li Heng actually has no good countermeasures, after all, in the face of real strength, all strategies are in vain.

He naturally knew this truth, but in order to please Li Changtian, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

In this way, Li Changtian and others were brewing a conspiracy. Of course, some people were happy and some were worried. Zhang Lei was proud of the spring breeze. He originally made an appointment with Lu Chen to go to Yihongyuan to have a happy night.

Although Tianleimen is a large school, because of the vast area, there is no place to use it, so those disciples with poor potential and talents are reduced to ordinary people and live in the towns in the Tianleimen, just as Zhang Lei is playing music every day. , The door was kicked open.

"It's you?" Zhang Lei was slightly embarrassed. After all, he was doing that kind of thing and was disturbed. As long as he was a normal man, his mood would not be better. He naturally knew this guy-Wang Gang, Li Mengqiang since childhood. Of playmates, their deep feelings are beyond doubt.

So after learning about Li Mengqiang, he directly approached Zhang Lei. Although he still had a fellow party, Lu Chen, he didn't know that guy, so it would be better to ask Master Zhang Leixing.

He had a playful look on his face. The woman on the bed was panicked. She clearly didn't expect to be disturbed at this time. "The good thing to disturb me, you are dead. Let's go out and talk about it." Zhang Lei was angry. Fa, Tianleimen has a rule that no matter what personal grievances, you can't fight in Tianlei City, otherwise these buildings will be shattered and broken due to the aftermath of the cultivator's fight.

Therefore, such a regulation can undoubtedly protect ordinary people. Wang Gang nodded. Even if he was special, he did not dare to violate the regulations. Wang Gang did not embarrass Zhang Lei. He left first, and then waited for Zhang Lei’s arrival. He was absolutely sure to deal with it. The guy Zhang Lei, even though he was only ranked fourth on the Thunder Gate Elite list, but Li Mengqiang personally told him that he had injured Zhang Lei before, and Wang Gang would naturally not doubt his words, so he had to kill him himself. With Zhang Lei, although the same family kills each other, he will get a lot of punishment, but his background and Li Mengqiang's protection is really not a big problem, so he has no scruples and rushes when Zhang Lei does that kind of thing. Go in.

After a while, Zhang Lei's face was gloomy, and he flew over in no hurry. His eyes burst out with cold light. This Wang Gang had been his defeat before, and he didn't know what was going on today, so he took the initiative to provoke him. Naturally, Zhang Lei would not be polite to him, nor did he make big moves. The whole person was like a sugar-coated cannonball, and he attacked Wang Gang. The latter did not have any surprises. He reacted instantly, and a faint light condensed in his hands. He was no longer Wu went down to Amon.

What's more, this Lei was still injured. It was not challenging. A terrifying atmosphere of heaven and earth spread. Zhang Lei frowned. This Wang Gang's strength was also advancing by leaps and bounds. He was a little surprised, but he wanted to deal with this strength. He is still far from enough.

Zhang Lei took a deep breath and strengthened his strength again. It was just a breath, and the two collided together, "Boom." The earth-shaking loud noise was transmitted, and the aftermath of the overwhelming waves of mountains and the sea raged the surrounding air. , Wang Gang looked suspicious, this was unreasonable, because he felt that Zhang Lei was injured, and he should not have such a stormy deterrent.

But the facts before him, he had to admit, could it be that Li Mengqiang was cheating on him, or that Li Mengqiang was talking nonsense when he woke up, he was a little depressed, so he could only bite the bullet and confront Wang Gang. Zhang Lei was affected by Lu Chen. Although there is no change in strength, the mood has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, he kept a low profile and tried not to cause trouble, but Lu Chen's arrogance and domineering made him affected. After all, Lu Chen's talent potential is beyond doubt. He has that kind of confidence, and he admires Lu Chen from the heart.

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