"Lu Chen, thank you very much. If it weren't for you today, I would have lost most of my life." Zhang Lei is a self-knowing person and understands the truth of Entu retribution.

Although he has nothing to repay Lu Chen at this stage, Zhang Lei remembers that Lu Chen came to the Pantheon of Medium Space, seemingly to find someone, that is Wang Xinya, the daughter of the Wang family. Zhang Lei thought that was unrealistic. But what he only discovered now was that Lu Chen's talent potential was far from what he could have imagined. After only half a day when he came to Tianleimen, he was already upset.

He wounded the Li family and his son, and killed Wang Gang with his own hands. Although Wang Gang's identity was not as prominent as Li Mengqiang, his master was the Seventh Elder of Tianleimen, and his status was not to be underestimated.

Zhang Lei had some headaches. As long as you investigate things a little bit today, you will suspect Lu Chen, so he must be fully unprepared to prevent Lu Chen from being injured because of him.

Otherwise, Zhang Lei would be uneasy. At any rate, Lu Chen continued to help him, and didn't intend to ask for anything in return. Lu Chen didn't seem to lack anything, which made Zhang Lei a little depressed.

Although the sixth elder Li Changtian and the seventh elder united to deal with Lu Chen, he may be unable to escape, but Zhang Lei is not the kind of person who sits and waits for death, not to mention that he absolutely believes in Lu Chen's ability, although he has not yet achieved an enemy The second level can at least deter the two elders, so during this period of time, Lu Chen still has the hope of making breakthroughs, and things will be much easier.

He thought for a while and rubbed his temples, feeling very tricky at this time, but as the saying goes, soldiers come to cover up the water, as long as he informs the next big brother Zhang Han, there may be a turnaround.

Zhang Han is not only a direct disciple of the ancestors, but also the celebrities around him. As long as his elder brother has a few words, the ancestors of Leimen should be interested in Lu Chen that day. In this way, Lu Chen will not face difficulties. Imagined disaster.

After being watched by the two elders, Lu Chen is still very dangerous. He is convinced of this, so Zhang Lei has faintly made up his mind. In any case, Lu Chen cannot be harmed, otherwise it would be his fault. Up.

Lu Chen's talent potential is a geek who hasn't been born for a thousand years. Since he has met, he can't just watch Lu Chen fall. As long as Lu Chen grows up, it is not difficult to deal with the two elders.

Then Lu Chen returned to his house, feeling the majestic essence of the world around him, Lu Chen involuntarily showed a smile, he has a certain understanding of the heaven and earth array of the Tianlei Gate, so he took the breath of heaven and earth everywhere. , Transferred some to him.

This made Lu Chen's house extremely rich in heaven and earth. This was a benefit that Lu Chen had not thought of. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it would attract other people's attention, but now it seems that Lu Chen is worrying too much.

He was not idle, he started to practice hard, time is precious, and there is still a month left, Lu Chen will represent the Tianleimen to participate in the training conference, maybe not long ago, there were a lot of Tianleimen People would think this is a trifling matter, after all, Tianleimen only has three opportunities for each training session.

It was really worthy of giving it to Lu Chen. No one knew what Lu Chen's strength was. However, shortly after entering the Tianlei Gate, Lu Chen succeeded in emerging and deterring Tian Lei with his strong strength. The genius of the door, those elites are defiant, and their hearts are higher than the sky.

Thinking that they have some talents, they are invincible, and they must be able to win glory for Tianleimen. At that training conference, but Lu Chen's appearance caused them unprecedented blows and setbacks. Even if they are arrogant, they are not arrogant enough. The degree of defeating Lu Chen.

Therefore, their awe of Lu Chen is inexplicable. It hasn’t been long since they have been meditating, and there is a burst of hustle and bustle outside the door. With his mastery of the Tianleimen Heaven and Earth Array, Lu Chen basically observes the greatness. In most of the positions, the conversations of those people also passed into Lu Chen's ears clearly.

"Old Xiong, how did you say that Young Master Wang died."

"The ghost knows, but this is a bit strange. Master Wang is the third most talented genius in the elite ranking. In my Tian Lei Men, who would dare to deal with him like that?" Such a discussion sounded, Lu Chen happened to hear it, so she left an eye on it.

However, no one seemed to suspect that it came to him, because Lu Chen and Wang Gang had no grievances and no grudges, and there was no need to kill them all. Could it be Zhang Lei?

The senior officials of Tianleimen immediately found Zhang Lei, although the latter would not admit it for a while, but could not resist the powerful pressure, they had to tell everyone "as they were" that Wang Gang's master was the seventh elder of Tianleimen. After listening to it, he was furious.

He asserted that this Lei was lying, how could Wang Gang lose to him? Some time ago, when he was out wandering, he happened to get the snake-shaped scimitar and handed it to Wang Gang. This kid's cultivation progressed. He is also watching the speed.

Even if Zhang Lei is overbearing, he will be afraid of the serpentine scimitar. It is precisely because of this situation that the Seventh Elder is certain that Zhang Lei deliberately concealed something. Although he is not young, his discriminative power is very strong. Asking the great elder for instructions, it is very likely that Lu Chen is the one who is making trouble.

After all, Lu Chen's strength is obvious to everyone, and Lu Chen also has the motivation to take action. This guy has an extraordinary relationship with Zhang Lei. The elder thought about it. Although Zhang Lei kept talking to stop him, he still summoned Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen was brought by someone, there was some curiosity and more innocent. The two who led him at first thought that Lu Chen would resist with all his strength, but they found that they overestimated Lu. Chen's courage and courage.

The great elder of Tianleimen was summoned. Even if Lu Chen had a calm attitude, he couldn't be indifferent. To be fair, they were a little afraid of Lu Chen.

But what I can't admit is that Lu Chen's eyes are shining brightly, and he doesn't guide himself in thinking.

After Lu Chen entered the chamber, all kinds of people looked at him with various eyes. Lu Chen was a little flattered. It wasn't long before he came to receive such special treatment, which is really rare.

Zhang Lei looked a little embarrassed. He still involved Lu Chen. He wanted to help him with a crime. What was helpless was that the Seventh Elder was aggressive and didn't believe the person he killed.

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