Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2396: Training Conference

If this old guy wanted to do his best to achieve, he had to rely on Lu Chen, otherwise he was the former genius leader of the Tianleimen, and Zhang Han, who saw the dragon without seeing the end, had a bit of skill, and the rest would never be able to get the rankings.

"Is there any benefit?" Lu Chen took the initiative to ask. He couldn't pay for Tianleimen free of charge. It would be unwise for him to be born to death.

Lu Chen curled his lips, looking like he wanted to blackmail. The Great Elder was slightly taken aback, a little bit dumbfounded. It turned out that Lu Chen had something to do, but this is also reasonable. After all, Lu Chen's talent potential is beyond doubt.

As long as he is willing to do his best to win a good-looking ranking, it is not that difficult, so he has to convince Lu Chen.

"I am not going to treat you badly, as long as there is something you need, I will definitely not be stingy." The elder patted his chest and took it all together. He didn't say any bold words, just utterly loud words. , Enough to prove his confidence.

As the great elder of Tianleimen, he is superior to others in all aspects.

"Well, I don't need it for the time being, but I will talk to the Great Elder if there are difficulties." To the Great Elder a little surprised, Lu Chen didn't ask for anything.

Just made a request. In this way, the great elder has confidence in his heart. He can't promise Lu Chen or anything. After all, he has not won the ranking. Although he told Lu Chen that it can play a role in motivation, he is worried that Lu Chen is proud and arrogant. No one is defiant.

There are talented leaders from various martial arts families gathered at the training conference. Although Lu Chen is abnormal and domineering, he can't be said to be invincible, so the elder can't help but look forward to how Lu Chen can get such a ranking.

"Well, what I'm thinking about is whether you should be the team leader or Zhang Han." The elder frowned slightly, and he bluntly told Lu Chen that he was more embarrassed about this matter.

"Whatever you think the elder is right, you can't go wrong." This is not because Lu Chen put a high hat on the elder.

There is absolutely no reason why the great elder has achieved today's achievements. He considered everything and thought deeply, and even Lu Chen sighed.

Besides, Lu Chen didn't care about this position, so he left it to the elder to make a decision.

If this matter were known to other disciples, I don't know how they would feel. They broke their heads and competed for the honor and position, Lu Chen would not take it seriously.

The great elder was also very puzzled, stunned, a little dumbfounded, and didn't know what to say.

Lu Chen really took this to heart. The Great Elder considered it, and now he can't be self-assertive, otherwise it will cause dissatisfaction from the ancestors. In this day of Thunder Gate, the Great Elder is only under one person and above 10,000. , And the supreme person is the ancestor.

For such important matters, we still have to discuss with the ancestors, otherwise he will take no small responsibility, the two young people are very good, and even he must admit that the elder is in a dilemma. .

"Okay, then you go down first. What's the matter, I'm looking for you." The elder waved his hand and sighed. The role of a team leader is irreplaceable, and it is indispensable for both large and small forces. , They Tianleimen must carefully consider, because if there is no reason to choose Lu Chen, these disciples will definitely have a lot of opinions and dissatisfaction.

Even if they didn't say anything, they would think so in their hearts. The great elders are highly powerful, but they put themselves on the ground for the sake of ordinary disciples.

"En." Lu Chen nodded coldly.

After leaving the Great Elder, the disciples of Tianleimen looked at Lu Chen with awe.

After the test of the Jiuyang Desert, his status can be described as soaring. These disciples have no power at all, and even many people have begun to curry favor with Lu Chen. Only in this way can they make a steady progress.

Although Zhang Bin’s status is not bad, it’s just that he has been close to Lu Chen and once again stabilized his interests. Although he has become the third-ranked genius leader, he has to admit that he and Lu Chen were born and died. And Zhang Han’s blood relationship is indelible.

Although I still don’t know who Lu Chen and Zhang Han are the real Tianleimen's first genius, this does not seem to be very important. As long as you participate in the training conference, you can tell the winners and losers. Now it really makes Zhang Bin a headache. for a while.

Therefore, there is controversy between the top one and two on the genius leader list. Lu Chen's uncontrollable rise has caused some of those who originally defended Zhang Han to fall to his side. After all, Zhang Han has not appeared for a long time.

Lu Chen met an acquaintance on the way, and that was the second elder Yu Yingying. For the past ten days, Yu Yingying has been practicing in retreat and has no time to pay attention to Lu Chen, but after she came out, she heard that she has such a good Sensational news.

If it were not for repeated confirmation, Yu Yingying would never believe that Lu Chen successfully stayed in the Jiuyang Desert for fifteen days and obtained the tail of more than twenty Blazing Scorpion Kings. After he came out, there was no peace, Lu Chen actually fought against the Seventh Elder Fan Yan. The strangest thing was that Lu Chen had no disadvantage at all. Fan Yan was defeated steadily. This was a sensational news and an incomparable shock.

Lu Chen came to Tianlei Gate less than twenty days ago. In the eyes of Yu Yingying, Lu Chen could not be on the stage with this strength, but after just twenty days, he created a miracle that was earth-shaking, which Yu Yingying had never thought about. Lu Chen was able to complete the punishment, she was still considering that Lu Chen could stay inside for a few days, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Lu Chen did it and defeated the seventh elder Fan Yan.

Even she wasn't sure to defeat Fan Yan, let alone Lu Chen, but the facts were so heated, so the second elder Yu Yingying accepted this.

She secretly rejoiced. At that time, the correct way to keep Lu Chen in Tianleimen was that she received an instruction that the elder wanted to see her and ran into Lu Chen on the way.

"Lu Chen, are you okay?" Even though Yu Yingying could see, Lu Chen was proud of the spring breeze at this time, and she received some kind of praise.

"Well, there is Yingying's concern, how could it be bad?" Lu Chen exasperated, and even the second elder did not make a mistake. Yu Yingying was slightly startled, her face flushed, and she gave a light spit, "Where are you? Knowing that I care about you!" Yu Yingying gave Lu Chen a charming look, which was completely different from her previous image of being rejected from thousands of miles away. Fortunately, there is no disciple of the Tianleimen here, otherwise it will definitely spread to the sky.

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