Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2405: Poison King

"Well, the old man took this opportunity to announce one thing. You have also seen Lu Chen's performance. It is really overkill to measure him as a disciple, so the old man granted him a position of elder." The old ancestor pondered. After a while, he said loudly.

The voice of one after another below has not disappeared, and the pot has exploded again. It is not difficult to imagine that they are shocked. Although the elders of the Tianleimen have no special rights, they have a specific heaven and blessing.

Specially used for cultivation, Lu Chen's status changed drastically after a day. Lu Chen became the elder of Tianleimen at his age. As a result, their envy and jealousy were extremely extreme.

But there was no way, Lu Chen's powerful shock was beyond their imagination.

"Everyone has no different meanings, right." The ancestor glanced deeply, and everyone was silent, apparently approving this.

"Lu Chen, leading the team this time will trouble you. I hope you can take the shot without any spare energy." The ancestor said with heartfelt words, and then turned to look at Zhang Han. The unparalleled pressure was transmitted, Zhang Han frowned. How ugly his face is, how ugly he can't see, the blame and disappointment in the eyes of the ancestors.

"Zhang Han, you didn't take the overall situation into consideration. You know that you are about to leave soon after taking into account your personal grievances. The old man will not punish you. I hope you can do it for yourself. Don't be arrogant, otherwise you can't bear the consequences. "The ancestor said lightly, at this moment, his aura of heaven and earth suddenly became a lot irritable.

Zhang Han was slightly frightened and complained secretly. He didn't take it seriously, thinking that the ancestor would forgive him. Who knows, the ancestor was already frustrated with him.

It can be seen from the name that he used to be a teacher one by one, calling him Han'er, but now he is extremely cold, as if he is drinking, and beating Zhang Han in his heart.

He nodded quickly and said with a trembling, "Master, I know, it's all the fault of the apprentice, please don't take it to your heart." Zhang Han was frustrated, not knowing what he was feeling. There is nothing wrong with it, isn't it just a challenge to Lu Chen, at the time the ancestor still acquiesced.

At this moment, he began to be ignored, Zhang Han's depressed, many disciples saw it, and there was a sense of gloat. This guy thought he was the first-day talented leader, so he was despised. Now his retribution came.

But there are also some people who have a sense of sadness.

"Needless to say, there is no room for relaxation in this matter." The ancestor waved his hand, indifferent to the extreme.

Zhang Han is even more painful. The performance of the ancestors directly determines his fate.

All of this was not caused by Lu Chen. If he hadn't appeared, then things wouldn't have evolved to this point.

"Okay." Zhang Han also knew that he continued to request, but it didn't help, but he was embarrassed.

He must fight for himself. Only in this way will he have a chance to raise his head again.

Zhang Han didn't realize his situation at all, and he was thinking about revenge stupidly.

Zhang Lei couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw that Lu Chen hadn't killed his brother. He didn't know how to express Lu Chen's tenderness.

Regardless of whether Lu Chen considers his face or not, it is necessary to thank him.

However, Zhang Lei has nothing to compare to Lu Chen.

As the atmosphere in the arena gradually calmed down, a deep and hoarse voice sounded in a very secret corner, "Do it."

Lu Chen frowned slightly. He looked around, not knowing why, but he felt a sense of danger in his heart. He caught nothing unusual.

"Susu." There was a faint sound, and a few dark shadows kept swaying underneath.

"Bang." A small green ball exploded. Suddenly, a burst of green gas visible to the naked eye filled the air. The disciples of the Thunder Gate were shocked. What was the situation at this time.

"If you don't want to die, hold your breath!" Lu Chen let out a deep cry, spreading to every corner of the square.

Everyone was taken aback for a while and hurriedly followed Lu Chen's instructions. They believed that Lu Chen would not murder them.

Anyway, Lu Chen is now the elder of Tianleimen. He has the responsibility and obligation to protect these weak practitioners.

"Boy, do you dare to remind them, don't you know that you are a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, so you can't protect yourself?" A dark shadow passed by and arrived in front of Lu Chen.

"You Five Poison Sects really don't know good and evil, and you actively bullied my Tian Lei Sect to affect the harmony of the two sects?!" The Great Elder roared angrily.

"Haha, old fellow, you are so stupid, we have to take this opportunity to kill all of your thunder gates." Another man in black rushed forward, none of them covering their faces. And this man in black was aimed at the ancestor of the Thunder Gate.

The old ancestor took a look at him, "Who I thought it was? It turns out that it is you, an old and immortal fellow. Didn't the King of Medicine make you feel bad last time?"

The ancestors were both frightened and angry. This man was a unique poison king. He had done countless lives in his life, and he was full of evil spirits. Unfortunately, no one could stop him.

No one who is targeted by the Poison King can die, except for the Poison King a hundred years ago, he is an exception, and Poison King is a deadly enemy.

As everyone knows, the Poison King is the head of the Five Poison Sect. He has known his ancestors for many years, but he cannot be called a friend, so when he meets his enemies, he is extremely jealous.

The old ancestors grabbed the old past and talked, just to ridicule and attack the poison king.

Or let him get angry and lose his reason, then his goal will be achieved.

"Haha, you still remember me, it took you more than a hundred years to get rid of the toxins on your body. It disappointed me. Now you have not made any progress, and you are walking in the same place. Do you think I will be afraid of you?" Wang was aggressive and proud. Since the ancestors of the Thunder Gate revealed his scars, there is no need to be polite.

The old ancestor's face was pale. More than a hundred years ago, he was conspired to be the poison king in front of him. It was a little funny. The poison king bet with others that the poison king did not poison the ancestor.

To those who questioned this, the Poison King didn't say anything, he proved it with actual actions, and the result was that the ancestor was poisoned quietly.

Although it will not fall due to toxins, it has affected the time of the ancestors for a hundred years. He claimed to be closed to the outside world and broke through the bottleneck. In fact, he continued to eliminate the toxins and directly wasted his hundred years of cultivation time.

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