At least the defensive power of the person who broke open the mysterious **** is not a problem. Hongmeng's sword aura is like a helpless dragon of Zhang Ya. He pounced on the old poison. He was slightly stunned for a while, his face was pale, Lu Chen possessed the power of a true dragon with five elements , Is not a secret.

But the Poison King felt an unprecedented threat, and he dodges hurriedly. Unfortunately, his speed is simply not as fast as the stormy offensive of Hongmeng Sword Qi.

"Papa." There was no difference with Lu Chen's prediction. Dun Jia turned into powder and floated in the air. Everyone was speechless. Seeing Lu Chen's tyrannical side, he did not expect him to show such a side.

The high-level personnel of Tianleimen were amazed again and again, and Lu Chen repeatedly gave them a sense of novelty, and he was able to break through the defenses of the Poison King. Moreover, this was a magic weapon of high quality.

Is this kid omnipotent? They have this guess in their hearts, and even the ancestors are a little bit ashamed when they see this scene. He is not absolutely sure that he can do this scene, perhaps regardless of the consequences, without reservation. Using his killer moves, he was able to break the Poison King's defensive armor, but he was not much better, at least it was a scene of both losses, but Lu Chen, on the other hand, is still intact.

This was going too smoothly. The ancestors couldn’t believe it. He looked at the Poison King suspiciously. By virtue of his many years of rivals, he knew nothing about the Poison King. He felt that even if the Poison King would be injured, To drag Lu Chen into the water.

"Lu Chen, be careful." In order to prevent Lu Chen from suffering any unimaginable disaster, the Grand Elder could only take the initiative to remind him that Lu Chen could not tolerate the slightest mistake when he arrived in such a field.

"Let it go, puff." Just as Lu Chen said a word, he couldn't help but burst out a mouthful of blood, splashing in the air, it was very beautiful, and everyone else was dumbfounded. Lu Chen was injured for some reason.

Only the ancestors and Lu Chen knew that this was the poison king quietly using the shocking poison, so Lu Chen didn't realize the problem with his physical condition.

The breath of heaven and earth that he is proud of cannot be used at this moment. The aura of the five elements spreads all over his body instantly, exploring the condition of his body. His internal organs seem to be dislocated, and some parts are already dark, Lu Chenwen Angrily, his heart moved, and the aura of humility began to heal. If Lu Chen's recovery can't keep up, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Haha, boy, this is what you asked for yourself. The old man used a shield to exchange your life. It is still worth it." The old poison smiled. Although he was laughing, he gave people an incomparable cold. Although the top of Tianleimen cast fiery eyes from all directions, it seemed that they were blaming the old poison.

He didn't take it to heart either. Suddenly, at this moment, the second elder Yu Yingying stood by Lu Chen decisively. She believed that without Lu Chen's efforts, there would be no her current achievements, and she could only repay this way. Lu Chen, she can feel at ease.

Zhang Lei also followed. Apart from the Five Poison Gate, Zhang Han was the only one in the field who was gloating over misfortune. Zhang Han was eager to see Lu Chen killed, so he would have no opponents.

But what is strange is that Lu Chen’s complexion is getting better and better. It doesn’t look like he has been poisoned. Even the Poison King is a little depressed. What kind of freak is Lu Chen? This is simply incredible.

"You, you..." The Poison King used poison to reach the point of being superb, how could he not understand that the reason why Lu Chen was able to resist the past was because Lu Chen possessed a profound and profound aura that helped him eliminate those venoms , Otherwise Lu Chen would not be so pleased,

"Haha, Old Poison, are you afraid? If you are afraid, you can catch it and wait for death." Lu Chen's arrogant attitude is not comparable to other cultivators. The ancestor was slightly taken aback, and he was overjoyed. Worried about whether Lu Chen would be poisoned and die, he discovered that he had underestimated Lu Chen's methods. Of course, it was possible that Lu Chen was lucky.

Cultivators can step onto the top of the pyramid, and in all likelihood, there are more chance encounters. Lu Chen is no exception. This is God's favor for him.

The old ancestor hesitated for a while, and did not make a move. Since Lu Chen and the Poison King were fighting alone, if he was helping each other, he was taking advantage of the danger. Even if he had won, there was no light on his face.

As long as Lu Chen can defeat the Poison King, the honor and aura of the Thunder Gate that day will last for hundreds of years and will not be exhausted. This is Lu Chen’s advantage. He can fight the Poison King very well at a young age. After going out, what kind of sensation will it cause? There is no doubt that Lu Chen will become the focus of everyone's attention, and Tianleimen will also rise.

Thinking of the large-scale Tianlei Sect, the ancestor's face was a little uncontrollable when he had to rely on a hairy boy to touch him, but he then thought, isn't Lu Chen from their Tianlei Sect? As long as he defeated the Poison King, it was the same thing.

The ancestors had no hope. Lu Chen could keep the Poison King. It was a idiotic dream and a whimsical thing. Everyone knows that Lu Chen has achieved this step by the means of the five poisons. It is already commendable. I am afraid there are only four. Only the top tianjiao can do it, what does that mean, will the four tyrants become the top five?

The ancestors could not help but look forward to it,

"The Five Poison Sect has always used morality to convince people. The old man doesn't want to care about you as a hairy boy. If you join my Five Poison Sect now, you can still ignore you. If you are obsessed with not understanding, don't be cruel by the old man. , Don't talk about emotions." The old poison said very high-sounding, and many people in Tianleimen scolded him.

But he didn't dare to say it. If he angered the Poison King, he used a little venom, and they would be in a different place.

However, Old Poison's words meant that he took the initiative to show weakness, because Lu Chen's talent potential made him feel fear and jealousy.

What an honor it is. With Lu Chen's age, it is definitely a miracle to accomplish something as difficult as climbing to the sky!

"Haha, do you still want to deal with me? The ants shake the tree and are overpowered." Lu Chen smiled heartily. His arrogance and arrogance reached an unprecedented level. The ancestor frowned slightly. He was worried that Lu Chen would be due to his own. Be arrogant and fall into a place where no one can recover.

"Wow." There was an uproar from the top of Tianleimen. Lu Chen's domineering amazed them, but Lu Chen is a master of art, and there is excuse for his performance, even if they are envious and jealous. There is nothing wrong with it.

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