Of course, this was only their guess. Whether Lu Chen could pass through the shield, maybe everyone speculated that maybe Lu Chen could fight the cow across the mountain. A shield would not have much influence on him, but most people denied it.

In the next instant, Lu Chen struck the shield with a seemingly unpretentious punch, and suddenly the earth-shattering loud noise pounced in all directions. Everyone looked more beautiful, because after a piece of flying sand and rocks, they were surprised. When he discovered, a big hole appeared in the shield, and Lu Chen's fist happened to penetrate the hole.

What does this mean, Lu Chen actually broke the shield of good defense, is this kid still a human? It was a monster with three heads and six arms. They all couldn't help taking a breath, and then they looked at Lu Chen's eyes, and there was an earth-shaking change.

Compared with people, how could there be such a big gap between people? After piercing the shield, Lu Chen's fist still contained shocking destructive power, and then hit Xu Youwei.

The latter looked confused and hurriedly backed away. It was too late. He felt an unprecedented pressure coming, and the fist hit his chest, "Puff." Xu Youwei looked like a kite with a broken line. Flew out, vomiting blood constantly in mid-air.

Xu Youwei's face was full of disbelief. This kid was so tyrannical. He was completely convinced. It turned out that Lu Chen was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. He was not a weak person. His calm appearance made everyone dumbfounded. They secretly exclaimed, using Lu Chen's violent storms to rank as the number one in the Pantheon Gate. Such strength is completely different from Lu Chen's age.

Xu Mingyun took a breath of breath involuntarily, his eyes filled with horror. He took two steps back and waved his hand. He had no plans to resist. His father Xu Youwei didn't know whether he was alive at this time, and he felt a little guilty in his heart. , I knew that this was the case, so I won’t come to trouble Lu Chen. The majestic aura of heaven and earth fluttered in all directions. Xu Mingyun became more shocked. He knew that this was Lu Chen’s For his deterrent behavior, he said tremblingly, "Lu Chen, what do you want to do, don't provoke me, don't think I am afraid of you."

Xu Mingyun has the potential to be stern. In order to deal with Lu Chen, he is already a trick, everyone is a little bit dumbfounded. Not long ago, Xu Mingyun was still arrogant and domineering, but at this time, he began to shrink.

Who made his father Xu Youwei? There is nothing to do with Lu Chen. His performance like this is also excusable. It is not that Xu Mingyun is timid and afraid of death. He used to be in the Gate of Ten Thousand Gods and was domineering. After meeting Lu Chen, he converged a lot, but he still inevitably had a life and death.

"Hehe, get out of here, and harass me again, that's not the case." Lu Chen said lightly, and the courage to raise his hands and feet made one look high.

"Okay, let me see." Xu Mingyun was overjoyed. Lu Chen would let him go. The happiness came a little too suddenly, but he reacted in a flash. Father Xu Mingyun is still seriously injured. If he is not treated soon , The consequences were disastrous. He walked in front of Xu Mingyun in twos or twos, but a voice of contempt and ridicule came, "What do you want to do? Collect the body for him?"

"Karma." Xu Mingyun was dumbfounded. What did this mean? He took a look. Xu Youwei's head had already been tilted. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead. He stretched out his hand and sniffed, but found that there was no breath. , What does this mean, his father Xu Youwei fell on the spot! !

Everyone could see from Xu Mingyun’s face a little bit of truth. If nothing unexpected happened, Xu Youwei would be afraid that his head would be different. Otherwise, how could Xu Mingyun be so desperate. He could only say that Lu Chen was a bit too cruel, in front of so many people. Face, directly killed Xu Youwei!

"Ah." Xu Mingyun roared to the sky, his relationship with his father is beyond doubt, the feeling of blood connection, it is no wonder that his heart was convulsed just now, and now he suddenly realized that he underestimated Lu Chen, this guy is simply bold. Xu Youwei is the commander of the guards of one hundred thousand city guards. Just this position has a lot of background and ability in the Wanshenmen.

Even if Lu Chenyi is brave, he wouldn't be able to confront them with the Pantheon Gate. Did Lu Chen forget that he is still within the Pantheon Gate and he is participating in the training conference, so he doesn't worry about being deprived of the qualifications to participate. What?

"Hiss." Everyone took a sigh of relief, and then stared at Lu Chen with a look at the dead, believing that it won't take long for Lu Chen to be in a different place. The most powerful person in the Xu family is not Xu You. It’s because of his father Xu Chengde, but Xu Chengde rarely shows his face. The reason why Xu Mingyun was able to join the organization of the Wanshenmen Elite Hall is because of the status of the father Xu Chengde. Now Xu Youwei is dead, and the father will never give up. of.

"Haha, you dare to kill my father, I'm fighting with you!" Xu Mingyun's brain was blank, and he basically lost his reason. His face turned and looked a little ugly. He threw his teeth and claws at Lu Chen, who shrugged. He shrugged his shoulders, his eyes were red, and he fell into a violent state.

"Stop it." Seeing Xu Mingyun approaching Lu Chen, a thunderbolt sounded from the clear sky, buzzing a little horribly, and everyone was horrified. Immediately, an old man with a Chinese character face appeared in the sight of everyone. In the middle, he gives people a feeling of not being angry or presumptuous.

Xu Mingyun was full of pressure. He couldn't move anymore. His head gradually returned to clarity, and then looked at the old man with anger. He suddenly became a frosted eggplant, which he knew.

"General Xiao." Xu Mingyun was a little frightened, and looked at his father Xu Youwei with lingering fear. This old man was named Xiao Yong. He held the position of general and he was fair and fair. There would be no cases of favoritism, so he Don't expect this old man to be biased towards him.

But as long as he handles matters fairly and publicly, I believe Lu Chen will not be able to eat it. His anger is extremely extreme, so he laughed back in anger before. Although he wanted to smash Lu Chen into pieces, he didn't have the ability.

Lu Chen's eyes flashed with astonishment. With his understanding, the strength of this old man was not something he could deal with at this stage. It seemed that something was in trouble.

Do you want to go back with them for interrogation? Lu Chen doesn't like being restricted by others. Under normal circumstances, other people have no ability to change the decisions he makes, but Lu Chen is not a fool, and he knows how to work around. It's good to converge, or it won't be good for him.

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