Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2498: Recruitment Conference

But in the past two days, Elder Fengyun was not comfortable, and it can even be said to have lived like years. Because Elder Fengyun heard some gossip, he felt as if he was hitting his face naked, naked, or naked. Such shame, he was absolutely Can't bear it, but because the person involved is an evildoer like Lu Chen, he can't refute.

In fact, there are some things that need to be proved by facts. He cast a glance, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It turned out that Lu Chen, among the crowd, also wanted to join in the fun at this invitation conference. Let him pay a heavy price.

He knew very well that with Lu Chen's status, he was already on par with the elites of the Pantheon.

In just two days, Lu Chen achieved this, and it seems that it has not appeared in the historical records of the Pantheon Gate.

This also made many talented elites remember Lu Chen. At this time, they cast eager and strange eyes around, but Lu Chen turned a blind eye, and these people had to smile, and then looked at the group of people in the air.

A slender and beautiful figure appeared in the sight of everyone. Most of the disciples of the Pantheon couldn't help swallowing, "snoring." The voice was very obvious, and immediately, the monstrous coercion came, and they one after another. Realizing that he was wrong, he quickly converged a little.

In this way, the majestic and substantive pressure dissipated, and they breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, it was a feeling of death. They could clearly perceive that, without a doubt, this woman. , It's not that they can blaspheme.

Even though they passed through the thin mist, they could still see that exquisite and impeccable face, as normal men, their performance couldn't be more normal. It's just that the leader of the king's family would not allow them to do so. , They are a little depressed and resentful, they can only say that the leader of the Wang family is domineering and arrogant, and does not give them the face of the pantheon. As the saying goes, the dragon can't beat the local snake, but when they reach the site of the pantheon, this Wang family The elders still refused to lower their stature a little, and they couldn't bear it.

However, the elders of the Pantheon Gate did not take it to heart, because the leader of the Wang family, they also knew, their tempers had always been like this, and there was no change. In fact, this was excusable. The reason why the Wang family did not sullen was because They came to choose the genius leader to be the dual monks of the royal daughter, instead of pleading with the Pantheon.

This is the recognition of their Pantheon Gate, if it weren't for that matter, they were totally unnecessary.

Suddenly, that enchanting and graceful body, for a moment, still hasn't concealed most of the disciples of the Pantheon. Could it be that the daughter of the Wang family is interested in whom?

They can't help but look forward to it. If this kind of good thing comes to their turn, it will be so glorious.

Even if they are not strong enough, there is no need to worry about anything. As long as they are favored by the Wang Family's daughter, then their luck is against the sky, and maybe they will rise in one step.

Although they are the elites of the Pantheon, most of the geniuses have a sense of oppression. After all, the competition here is far stronger than the outside world imagined. Therefore, in their opinion, they can only go through special channels. To a height that ordinary practitioners cannot reach.

They didn't guess wrong. The reason for the trembling of the Wang Family's daughter was that she found a person who was shocked by her, and she was an acquaintance. She thought to herself, how could it be him? How could he be here? Did she read it wrong? This is the Gate of the Ten Thousand Gods, a genuine hermit sect. Even though Lu Chen has great talent and potential, he wouldn't have joined the Gate of the Thousand Gods in such a short time. ! ?

That's right, the daughter of the Wang family was Wang Xinya, whom Lu Chen missed day and night. When I saw her again, I didn't expect it to be such an occasion. Lu Chen felt a lot of emotion in his heart. Things are different, and things have changed.

He would remember the passage of this period of time, just like what happened yesterday, everything is vividly visible in Lu Chen's tall and tall body, trembling lightly, this is a kind of excitement and pride, Wang Xinya simply looked down on him at that time, where I would have thought that I would see my deceased again at the invitation meeting at the Pantheon Gate.

Originally, Wang Xinya didn't agree to find a double cultivator. She actually had a hurdle in her heart. It seemed to be sorry for Lu Chen, although it was not a betrayal. After all, Lu Chen did not have the power to protect her.

I don't know why, Lu Chen's unwavering promise has been in her mind. This makes Wang Xinya wonder if she is completely in love with Lu Chen. Even if she does not want to admit it, this is an indisputable fact.

However, even if she fell in love with Lu Chen, what could be done? They were destined to have no place, because the gap between them could not be made up overnight.

When Wang Xinya wanted to come, maybe she would never have the chance to meet Lu Chen in her life. She understood this, but she didn’t want to admit it. Her mood was very complicated. Although she wanted to find a chance to find Lu Chen, she resisted it. The idea of, because it will not benefit Lu Chen at all, and it will even harm Lu Chen.

If any interested person noticed, then Lu Chen would fall into a place where he could not recover. Lu Chen was in the low-level space Eden, a place full of weak people. If it weren’t for fear of the space being broken, it would violate the rules of heaven and earth. Even Wang Xinya, the fierce fight can defeat Lu Chen, let alone those elites in the Pantheon of medium space.

So she is not optimistic about Lu Chen, but it turns out that the speed of Lu Chen's rise is beyond control. Even if she considers that, Lu Chen will continue to work hard. In order to be able to see him again, she did not hold any hope. It seemed that Lu Chen's performance was a blockbuster, and she thought Lu Chen too badly.

Besides, Wang Xinya realized it with the sixth sense of a woman. The eyes of some genius leaders around Lu Chen looked strange, which was clearly Lu Chen's talent potential, reaching a height beyond their reach.

Wang Xinya’s heart, after being calm for a long time, caused an uproar. She couldn’t suppress her emotions anymore. This time, she would not escape, but face her emotions, because Lu Chen had it at this time. Such a qualification, I don't know if Lu Chen can shine in the invitation conference.

That way she can choose Lu Chen, otherwise it will arouse the suspicion of the interested people. This is also excusable. For a long time, Wang Xinya's dual monastic couple has been the object of their attention. There is no doubt that Wang Xinya did not show She is too eager to go out, although there are many talented leaders who pursue her.

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