"Yes, what we are holding this time is hunting..." The man in black next to him hadn't finished. He felt the extremely unfriendly breath, which came from the man in black next to him. He couldn't help but suddenly realized that he realized that he had said the wrong thing. No wonder it would cause the displeasure of his companions.

If this matter leaks out the wind, they can't bear the responsibility, so it's better to keep it secret. Although this is a low-level space, no one can be sure. There is no unpredictable strong person in the low-level space.

The old man raised his brows, and he seemed to understand something. Although the man in black hadn't finished speaking, he quickly thought of some possibilities with his keen senses and brilliant thinking.

But even so, he couldn't reverse it, these men in black were enough to get rid of their Chenxing Gate.

"Old salted fish, die." The black-clothed man yelled, his figure was like electricity, but he was in front of the old man in a flash, and no one could stop him. Then he threw a fist like a broken bamboo, and the old man felt the unprecedented The breath of death, is it really going to fall, he is not reconciled.

At the critical moment, the old man had forgotten to resist. It was not that he did not want to resist, but that he did not have such courage. The man in black was strong and domineering, and the fierce wind swept on his face, unexpectedly appeared a series of black space cracks. This scene is not surprising to everyone. When the man in black showed off his skills before, it proved his method, just when death approached him.

The hearts of the people mentioned their throats, is the old man going to fall? They were powerless. Although they wanted to help the old man, they had nothing to do. They could not help closing their eyes and losing hope, but there was no scream as they imagined. They fixed their eyes and saw only a young man. Man, with a smile on his mouth, grabbed the fist of the man in black. No matter how hard the man in black tried, he couldn't break his obstacles.

The people couldn't help taking a breath of air. Who is this person can withstand the explosive power of the man in black. A huge wave is set off in their hearts. They guessed the identity of Lu Chen, but most of them recognized it for the first time, Lu Chen's looks seem to be familiar. Isn't this the ancestor of their Chenxingmen-Lu Chen?

Why the old ancestor came back, most cultivators don’t know Lu Chen, because Lu Chen has been away for a long time, so there are very few people who remember Lu Chen, but there are also a small number of Chenxing disciples, and the old man also opened his eyes. , Immediately overjoyed, he even wondered if he was dreaming.

Lu Chen actually came back. He helped when he most wanted to help. The old man’s surprise was beyond doubt. Lu Chen glanced over his eyes, and the man in black gritted his teeth, "Boy, let go." I, otherwise, don’t blame me for being impolite." The man in black is a little puzzled. How could he meet such a strong elite in the lower-level space Eden? From Lu Chen’s appearance, he seems to be a young man, at least he With his eyes, he couldn't see the wrong person, so he could only threaten Lu Chen aggressively, but this set obviously had no effect.

Lu Chen increased his strength. The black-clothed man's complexion was extremely ugly, his teeth grinned involuntarily, and the piercing pain he couldn't bear. He threw out his fist and punched out, trying to give Lu Chen some color Look, but Lu Chen is indifferent, a look of contempt and contempt in his eyes.

Then his hand was condensed with the Five Elements Qi, "Boom boom." The earth-shaking loud noise was passed, and everyone felt a tingling scalp. The man in black was torn apart alive. Such a **** scene made no sense. The few people looked stunned, and then several other people in black reacted.

They burst into a shout, Zhang Ya Wu claws rushed towards Lu Chen, what a joke, in front of them, their companions actually fell, isn't this hitting them in the face? They were a little horrified. It was an extremely terrifying thing that Lu Chen was able to defeat the man in black. They were all a little unbelievable. The old man was determined, and there was nothing left for Chen Xingmen.

"Lu Chen, just keep alive." The old man worried that Lu Chen would kill people with lightning speed. The consequences would be unimaginable. After all, they didn't know who their opponents were, and killing them would be of no benefit. Might as well have a good interrogation.

Although I haven't seen Lu Chen for a while, there is no doubt about the changes in his aura. The old man is secretly delighted. Lu Chen can do this. It is not something he had expected. After all, Lu Chen's talent potential , There is no doubt.

However, the strength of these men in black should not be underestimated. At least they are an irresistible existence in front of the old man. With a few people working together, whether Lu Chen can stand invincible is another matter.

"Huh, I can't help myself." These black-clothed men are indeed good, but in front of Lu Chen, they are nothing. He can vaguely detect that these black-clothed men are not a low-level Eden. Yes, their strength is subject to certain restrictions, Lu Chen knows this well, and now his eyes can face all this calmly and calmly.

With the earth-shattering destructive power coming oncoming, Lu Chen successively wielded several five-element qi, condensing like the essence. After the five-element qi has been integrated with the spirit of the five elements, it has undergone earth-shaking changes, so Lu Chen can easily show it. The essence of the Five Elements Qi.

Sure enough, those people in black suddenly realized that Lu Chen is not easy. This kid is probably not from the lower-level Eden, otherwise why didn't they get accurate information, "Boy, where are you superior?" The man in black tried his best to avoid Lu Chen's five-element aura, but he did not act rashly, but inquired about Lu Chen's origins.

Only in this way can they ensure that their odds of winning will be greater. He has some uncomprehensions, why Xuan wants to help Chenxingmen. These years, which cultivator is not selfish, Lu Chen can actually need help most at Chenxingmen. When appears, is there any hidden secret in i here?

He was a little suspicious. Waiting for Lu Chen's reply, Lu Chen was stunned. He couldn't laugh or cry. These people were too amused. They ran wild on his site and asked who he was. Lu Chen stared at him. People in clothes, given them great pressure, the few people in black were frightened and fell into a disadvantage, "You are wild on my territory, don't you know who I am? Let's say, which space are you in? People, I don't want to hurry sister Sha or use some cruel methods." Lu Chen said solemnly.

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