Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2543: Two forces

He took a deep breath and recognized his path forward. In the past, his goal was short. After all, the elite of Jubao Pavilion has more or less limitations. Unlike Lu Chen, he is insurmountable. From the beginning of Dashan who regarded Lu Chen as an opponent, and now he regards Lu Chen as a god, Ze Hang is a change of mood. He realizes the gap between himself and Lu Chen. If he wants to continue to be Lu Chen's brother, he must have this qualification. Just work.

The face of the severe winter was full of solemnity. The senior officials of Jubao Pavilion noticed this. They couldn't help but beamed. It was only a quarter of an hour. The change of the severe winter was quite obvious. Their expectations for the severe winter were relatively high. His performance is among the best, coupled with his epiphany under the eyes of everyone today, this can show that he is different, and there are friends like Lu Chen in the severe winter.

The future development potential is unlimited. After that, Lu Chen bid farewell to Yan Dong and the others, and did not say much. He understood his responsibility. If the Jubao Pavilion can be preserved in embarrassment, it has a certain foundation. Lu Chen didn't need to be aggressive. He and Jubao Pavilion had a certain relationship before, so it is a good choice to share the resources of the Garden of Eden together.

From the Jubao Pavilion back to the Garden of Eden, Lu Chen only took a cup of tea. This is an extremely terrifying speed. If it spreads out, it will definitely cause an uproar in the Garden of Eden. After understanding the power of the law of heaven and earth, Lu Chen All aspects of Chen's abilities are undergoing quiet changes. If the power of the law of heaven and earth is used proficiently, Lu Chen's strength is definitely not the current stage, so he is in a groping stage, and Lu Chen understands that he still has a lot to do. , He has a long way to go, just by incorporating the power of some laws of heaven and earth, his speed can be as light as a swallow.

This result was quite gratifying, and then Lu Chen found the old man and told him something about sharing the training resources of the Garden of Eden with the Jubao Pavilion. This made the old man overjoyed. He had also considered whether he wanted to seek for something in this troubled world. Some benefits. As the person in charge of the Chenxing Gate, he was always thinking about the development of the school. Lu Chen was also very touched by this. He observed it, and the old man took advantage of the opportunity just now to take the medicine he gave. This is of great help to the old man.

At least it can be worthy of his diligent practice for ten or twenty years. He didn’t know where Lu Chen got such an effective pill. He was happy to hear the news again. A lot younger, that radiant look is obvious.

Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded. The old man’s eyes were not comparable to him. After learning that there was a higher dimension, Lu Chen understood his insignificance and ignorance. He could not stop at his current achievements, otherwise he might be Defeated by this kind of satisfaction, a smile flashed across Lu Chen's mouth, and he said cordially, "Grandpa, you have worked hard during this time."

"It's nothing, to contribute to the Chenxing Gate, that's what it should be, but you, you have to be cautious when you are outside." The ancestor had some emotions. He understood that there was a certain gap between himself and Lu Chen, and he was getting older. , Don’t have to think about it so much, just concentrate on the development in the Garden of Eden.

Although there are only two major forces left in the Garden of Eden, it is undeniable that the Garden of Eden has a lot of cultivation resources, waiting for their development. The old man’s dream when he was young would have the opportunity to take charge of this space, and he did not expect Lu Chen to give it. For his opportunity like this, the old man thanked Lu Chen from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't show too much excitement.

Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction, and then came to Ru Pingdie's boudoir. He didn't know how to speak, and when it came time to leave, he always became very sad.

"Xiaodie." Lu Chen whispered. Through the crack of the door, he found that Ru Pingdie was still asleep, but this was excusable. Recently, the Garden of Eden has been turbulent, and Ru Pingdie has probably not rested. Besides, she had been thinking of Lu Chen, and she felt a lot of haggard. No matter what the reason, Lu Chen wouldn't mind. This was his beloved woman, so Lu Chen had to do everything he could to protect her.

Lu Chen tiptoed into the room and happened to notice the sweet smile on the corner of Ru Pingdie’s mouth. The sly color of his eyes flashed past, and he came to Ru Pingdie’s side, slapping her extremely elastic buttocks. With one pair of big hands caressing unscrupulously.

"Xiaodie, you dare to pretend to sleep in front of me and see how I punish you." Lu Chen's big hands seem to have some strange magical power. Ru Pingdie couldn't help but wriggle without holding on to it for a while. Chen looked more like cooperating with Lu Chen. The latter became more proud and a little bit arrogant.

"Huh, how do you tell that people pretend to sleep?" Ru Pingdie's face was slightly red, and she was a little confused by Lu Chen's behavior. This is also normal. After all, for so long, Ru Pingdie again If he didn't have a good time with Lu Chen, he would naturally think of something like that. How could Lu Chen fail to see his thoughts.

"Hey, can you escape my golden eyes?" Lu Chen was a little triumphant, teasing Ru Pingdie, this little Nizi became more and more emotional, as if he was responding to Lu Chen. As a normal man, why? Being able to hold it, Lu Chen was frightened for a while, and at this time, it was difficult for him to remain calm.

So at the very moment, he was no longer a hypocrite, but he took control of it. After a while, the two began to turn the clouds and rain, and the house was full of spring.

After half a day, Ru Pingdie fell into Lu Chen’s arms like a mass of slime. She closed her beautiful eyes, her pretty face was filled with a happy smile, Lu Chen looked satisfied, and he was in Wanshen during the recent period. There are a lot of things in the door, basically not thinking about things about the Garden of Eden, so I forgot Ru Pingdie, who was thinking about him, whether he has the potential to be a bitch, Lu Chen felt guilty and kept beating. Holding Ru Pingdie's shoulder.

Lu Chen moved a little and wanted to get up. Who knew that Ru Pingdie opened his eyes, her pretty face was full of tension.

"Lu Chen, are you leaving again?" After hearing this, Lu Chen's heart twitched, perhaps because of Ru Pingdie's unconsciousness, but he had to admit that it made Lu Chen very guilty, and he thought he was sorry. With Ru Pingdie, it was only at this point that Lu Chen understood his sin.

"No, don't leave." Lu Chen said hurriedly. He understood that his responsibility was not to blindly pursue a higher and farther level of cultivation, but to show more care and care for his beloved woman. is the most important.

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