Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2546: Wang Family Patriarch

"Big brother, teach him, hit hard and don't show mercy under his hands." Soon a voice of contempt sounded from the crowd.

"Yes, if it doesn't work, we will help you together." There is no shortage of despicable Xiao Xiaos from the Wang family. Those who say this are not optimistic about Wang Jian, because under this majestic oppression, Wang Jian for a while There was a reason why they were not optimistic about Wang Jian when they fell into a disadvantage. Who knew that Lu Chen had such a countermeasure.

Suddenly they thought that the purpose of this invitation meeting held at the Wanshenmen was to select the strongest elite genius, so they were relieved that the Wanshenmen was also a hermit sect, and they were on par with their Wang family, Lu Chen. The kid should represent the strongest young generation in the Pantheon. Although they are called Big Brother Wang Jian, they have to admit that there are several others in the Wang family who are stronger than Wang Jian, but they are all close relatives of Wang Xinya and they cannot pursue Wang Xinya.

Wang Jian was an exception. His perseverance made many Wang's disciples sigh. At this time, his attitude was already here. Who knew that Lu Chen would not buy it, they would be ready to watch the show.

Wang Xinya frowned slightly, and she was in a dilemma now. She was a member of the Wang family, but Lu Chen was her wishful man, so she didn't know where to help.

"I hope you are a little self-aware." Lu Chen didn't mean to do it right away, he just used the five elements of energy to give him a little color.

If this guy didn't know what was good or bad, Lu Chen would never be soft-hearted. Everyone held their breath together. They were very nervous. Could it be that Lu Chen would fight in the Wang family?

Don’t forget the reason why a strong dragon can’t beat a local snake. If you run wild in Wang’s house, even if someone else captures him, it’s understandable. After all, Lu Chen had the fault first. Although Wang Jian provoked Lu Chen at this time, Wang Jian pursued it. The matter of Wang Xinya is well known.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not deprive people of love. Lu Chen is on the contrary. He is justified and confident after taking away Wang Xinya, but what they don’t know is that Lu Chen and Wang Xinya met a long time ago, which is destined to be what they are today. unusual.

"Huh, what are you arrogant? Don't think that if you have a little strength, you can be arrogant and domineering in my Wang family. I will let you know what a strong one is." Wang Jian felt good about himself, he took a deep breath, his figure is like The electricity flashed out, raging with anger. He didn't keep the slightest hand, and went all out to shoot. When he reached Lu Chen, he punched out with an astonishing explosive power. Everyone was shocked. This Wang Jian really Impulsive, but they looked forward to it. Taking a look at Lu Chen's strength, what kind of ability does this kid have since he speaks badly.

"Okay." Lu Chen replied teasingly. Wang Xinya didn't have a chance to stop it. Lu Chen raised his hand. He didn't have any tendency to evade. He stayed still in place and immediately punched out, the same move. When Lu Chen used it, his momentum was much worse. In contrast, Wang Jian was aggressive and everyone was optimistic about Wang Jian. They believed that he could defeat Lu Chen with one punch. They just need to wait and see.

In an instant, the two fists collided, "Boom boom." A loud noise was heard. Everyone was stunned. They fixed their eyes to see that Lu Chen was still next to Wang Xinya, and Wang Jian was like that. The kite with a broken line backed quickly.

At this time, Wang Jian's blood was tumbling, and it seemed that his internal organs were all in a disorder. He was a little unbelievable. What kind of explosive power was contained in Lu Chen's fist. He was confident in his ability, but compared with Lu Chen, it was worse. A hundred thousand miles away.

It was just a confrontation, and he suffered a lot of injuries, and everyone was shocked to an unprecedented level. Is this kid still a human? It was a monster with three heads and six arms. They understood Wang Jian's methods and strength.

But Wang Jian didn't have the ability to parry in front of Lu Chen. This can only explain one problem. Lu Chen's strength far exceeds Wang Jian, and he deserves to be the first evildoer of the Ten Thousand Gods. Not long ago, they thought that Lu Chen was a vain reputation. Yes, but now they completely recognized Lu Chen.

This kid is definitely able to confront the top elites of the Wang family. Wang Xinya sighed. Obviously she was not surprised by this situation, and the Wang family elders who came together were not surprised.

It’s just that Wang Jian was too impulsive and wanted to offend Lu Chen. This was a fatal mistake. Lu Chen would still be merciful. Otherwise, if Wang Jian would go all out, Wang Jian would fall down on the spot, and the Wang family would probably blame it. On Lu Chen, although Wang Jian's strength seemed to be nothing to Lu Chen, the Wang family put a lot of effort into cultivating him, so the elite leaders they cultivated should try to ensure their comfort.

"You, you unexpectedly..." Wang Jian said tremblingly, his face was ugly to the extreme, "Pouch." Before he finished speaking, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and for a while, he was extremely embarrassed. Everyone didn't know what it was. The mood may be the sadness of the rabbit and the fox, because they are all members of the Wang family.

Wang Jian usually has a good relationship with other people, so at this time, many people began to sympathize with him. Although they hate Lu Chen more, they dare not act rashly.

After the shock of this hand, it brought a lot of pressure to the Wang family disciples. Originally they were contemptuous, but Lu Chen subverted their cognition, especially Wang Jian, whose self-esteem was hit by unprecedented destruction.

"Go away, don't block my way." Lu Chen said lightly, his tone contained a great shock.

Everyone's expressions were uncertain. This guy was provoking the majesty of the Wang family. In fact, Lu Chen didn't mean that, but the Wang family thought so.

"Well, well, wait and see!" Wang Jian's anger was suppressed in his heart, and he couldn't burst out. This was quite painful. I have to admit that Lu Chen's method is more than enough to deal with him. Maybe the Wang family can find an elite evildoer. Come to deal with Lu Chen, but that person is not him.

Wang Jian glared at Lu Chen fiercely and hurriedly hid. He also understood that to avoid his sharp edge, the majestic atmosphere of heaven and earth swept in all directions. This was not Wang Jian's indomitability, but a kind face. The old man, but the aura around him is quite condensed. Compared to Lu Chen's Five Elements Qi, it is a level higher. Lu Chen frowned, and a strange light flashed under his eyes. This person looked like Wang Xinya. Some similarities, if nothing else, it should be Wang Xinya's father, that is, the head of the Wang family!

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