Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2548: Eye-opener

It’s just that Wang Jian didn’t expect that Lu Chen came so tough that he could not contend at all, but Wang Jian did not regret it. Because of such a big disturbance, the Wang family’s Patriarch all followed him to watch the fun. There is no doubt that he has achieved a certain advantage, at least he is now able to get into trouble right now.

In his opinion, Lu Chen deserves it. If he keeps a low profile in front of him, he will not be tested by the Wang Family Patriarch. This majestic and majestic atmosphere of heaven and earth has formed patches of thick mist. It looks a little shocking. The Wang family’s master has cultivated for many years, and it is not strange to have such achievements. It can only show that his efforts are obvious. Wang Zhentian’s talent and potential when he was young is quite dazzling, and his mentality is also It was better, so that Wang Zhentian fought steadily, and then he reached where he is today.

At this time, a trace of cold sweat appeared on Lu Chen's forehead. He must admit that Wang Zhentian's ability is not what he can handle at this stage. Lu Chen is not a stubborn person, so he did not act rashly. If he provokes Wang Zhentian, If there is no benefit to him, it will leave a bad impression.

Although Wang Zhentian was testing his presence, Lu Chen knew it well, but he didn't reveal his trump card, he just tried his best to resist it, and Lu Chen also noticed that there was a vague wave in his body. It spreads all over his body. This is a bit strange to say, but Lu Chen thought of the scenes when he was in the low-level space Eden and confronted the catastrophe of heaven. At that time, his talent potential was constantly being squeezed out. , And more importantly, the strength of the Earth Saint Realm also has a certain degree of exploration and unlocking of the seal and lock.

This is very important to Lu Chen, because he understands that as long as he can release the seal of the Divine Realm quickly, let alone a small medium-space pantheon, even a high-level space is not a problem. After all, he meets I have been to the strong from outside the Nine Heavens, their methods can be described as deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Moreover, what Lu Chen had seen was not when they were the strongest, so it is possible to imagine what the essence of Earth Saint Realm is. Lu Chen is puzzled at all. He can only come down to the ground step by step. There is no eagerness for success, and the so-called haste is not enough. This is a lesson left by the ancestors. Although Lu Chen has good talent potential, he himself is relatively easy-going and accepts these opinions humbly.

The mystery of the Earth Sage Realm made Lu Chen linger. He is still relatively weak. Maybe he will find himself sitting in the well and observing the sky only when he reaches the high-level space-through-the-sky realm. Lu Chen took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and reached this juncture. Lu Chen hadn't used his assassin's trump card, and he hadn't even used his five elements.

Everyone was stunned, doesn't this kid want to survive? To actually use his body to resist the overwhelming pressure, it can only be said that Lu Chen's thoughts are too crazy. After all, the cultivator mainly strengthens the aura of the world in his body, rather than tempering his own physique. It can only be said that Lu Chen is an alternative. .

He did it abruptly. This is a fact before everyone's eyes, and they have to believe it. Lu Chen is too abnormal. He is not a monster with three heads and six arms, but he has all the means to defend against the sky. Puffy beads of sweat stayed along the face, and the appearance of the violent veins seemed a bit hideous. Everyone did not dare to touch Lu Chen's fierce and evil eyes, but they thought about it again. This guy is so tough. , Could it be with some foreign object?

They looked at Lu Chen suspiciously, but they could not observe any clues, but before the many disciples of the Wang family calmed down, they involuntarily took a breath. They couldn't believe their eyes because they saw Lu Chen. The chest and arms were quickly covered with colorful dragon scales. This was a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. A huge wave was set off in their hearts, which was even more shocking than seeing Lu Chen defeating Wang Jian before.

However, these were genuine disciples of the Hidden Family, and they instantly understood what was the reason. Lu Chen was using magical techniques and techniques, but there was not the slightest fluctuation in the aura of heaven and earth. This could tell Lu Chen's specialness. The place, the magical skill, the law usually has a lot of heaven and earth aura, but when Lu Chen used it, it seemed to be easy, and there was nothing to embarrass him.

Of course, what they didn’t know was that Lu Chen unreservedly transformed the five-element qi in his body into spiritual power. Under the control of spiritual power, he could also transform into a true five-element dragon, and the power he possessed would happen. Has changed dramatically.

When Lu Chen had nothing to do, he liked to think of some weird ways. Before, he used the aura of heaven and earth to transform himself into a true dragon with five elements. Later, he felt that that was a bit too uniform, and he didn’t know how to use mental power. Can he make him successful? Lu Chen, who dared to think and dare to do it, tried it, but he didn’t expect that he was bumped into a dead mouse by his blind cat. He succeeded in doing it. Then he suddenly realized that he was wrong, very wrong. Outrageous, because the magical attacks that the Five Elements True Dragon transformed with spiritual power are all spiritual power.

This is definitely an eye-opening thing. Perhaps it can prove Lu Chen’s savvy and talent. Even in the family of the Hidden Family, there are no elite evildoers who can compete with Lu Chen. What a courage this is.

Before, Wang Zhentian only looked at Lu Chen high, but had not completely faced him. At this time, he was surprised to find that he had underestimated him. This kid does not seem to be amazing, but he has shown his fascinating knowledge, but he has made the limelight.

Usually, the elites of the Wang family do not have a reason to compromise willingly, but today they are different. They can write some articles from their facial expressions. The wonderful look is completely a negative teaching material. The elite geniuses of the Wang family feel that they are quite It’s amazing. In fact, their vision is limited. After all, they are in a family and cannot go out and have a look. In addition, the Wang family has always been wearing the aura of the hidden family, which has prompted the continuous expansion of the self-confidence of many elite leaders and has risen. To the point where it can't be added.

But at this time, seeing Lu Chen's performance, the Wang family's disciples all sighed. After the colorful dragon scales were all over, the aura on Lu Chen suddenly became a lot stronger. It was the purest sense of strength, and everyone couldn't help but feel it. Tsk tsk amazed, envy and jealous of Lu Chen.

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