Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2556: Thousands of miles

At that time, the Wang family couldn’t help themselves, thinking it was God’s favor for them, Wang Jiyuan, who knew that after a while, the problem appeared. Wang Jiyuan took the initiative to find his father Wang Ke and explained his own situation. Wang Ke didn’t care. He thought it was Wang Jiyuan’s diligent practice and encountered some bottlenecks, so in a short time, he couldn’t continue to improve his strength. He didn’t insist on anything. The name of Wang Jiyuan has the same effect, but as expected, after three days and three nights, Wang Jiyuan was able to cultivate normally again, and the speed of improving his strength can be said to be rapid and rapid. This is undoubtedly the lucky star of the Wang family, who knows just It was a day's time, and this situation reappeared.

The people of the Wang family are like ants on a hot pot. They keep asking doctors for medicine, but nothing works. It is still the same. Every time Wang Jiyuan cultivates for one day, he will fall into a situation where he cannot practice for three days. Because of the amazing speed of progress, after a few years, it is not particularly outstanding. It can only be said that it is an outstanding existence among people of the same age.

People in the Wang family tried every means, but there was no way to approach this problem. Just imagine, if Wang Jiyuan could be like a normal cultivator, then what dazzling achievements he would have made, I am afraid that even Lu Chen might not be able to compare with Wang Jiyuan.

But the sad thing is that he must accept the fact that Wang Jiyuan is still young and does not understand what it means, but the high-level elders of the Wang family, how can they not know, he thought that a monster who would not be born for thousands of years appeared. In their royal family, leading them, breaking out of the cage of medium-sized space, and having the opportunity to travel to a different world.

The facts are not satisfactory, but now they see hope again, Lu Chen actually broke the secret in a word, what can this show, Lu Chen knows how to solve it! This is simply great news for their Wang family. Although the Wang family is a hidden family, it has also received many oppressions, such as the pressure of the high-level space Tongtian realm. As long as those guys say a word, the Wang family has no ability to resist and can only give in. Under them, there is no alternative.

At this time, several senior elders of the Wang family stared at Lu Chen with the eyes of a hungry wolf looking at the little sheep. They seemed to be able to hear their nervous heartbeat, but Lu Chen was still calm and calm, and Wang Xinya was wise and smart. After thinking for a while, she understood where the problem was. What she knew better was that her man was so good that even the senior elders of the Wang family would inevitably beg Lu Chen.

"I just look at it casually, I don't know what. You don't have to ask me." Lu Chen said in a hurry. The senior executives were stunned and almost vomited blood. This kid did it on purpose, just one sentence. Speaking of the essence, this is something that many practitioners who specialize in researching medical skills can't compare.

They also inferred after the Wang family provided some clues. Compared with them, Lu Chen is much superb. Just looking at it, there is such an achievement. It can only be said that Lu Chen is a stranger, not only The strength of the vulgar still has considerable attainments in medical skills.

A cultivator will not get sick, but there are some intractable diseases that are unheard of and unseen. This has led to many cultivators who specialize in this aspect of things. Lu Chen is not like an expert, but more than an expert. Seeing the blood, how could the Wang family stay calm, and Lu Chen also specially emphasized that if he didn't understand this aspect, it would be even more impossible.

"Boy, don't think I don't know that you are trying to get in. What's wrong with my son, you must know it clearly. As long as you can treat it well, I will never treat you badly." Wang Ke let out his words, obviously he is the most urgent. .

Faced with the temptation of Wang Ke's interests, Lu Chen remained indifferent, with a calm smile on his face, and the atmosphere suddenly rose. Isn't Lu Chen stunned? He is just a young cultivator. Despite his impressive achievements, he cannot be denied his height, but Wang Ke is the elder of the Wang family anyway. This guy does not look at the face of the monk or the Buddha. Besides, Lu Chen is still the Wang family. The husband of the daughter-in-law Wang Xinya, thinking for the benefit of long-term luck, he should also help.

At the critical moment, Wang Xinya shook Lu Chen's arm with a pleading expression. Lu Chen smiled bitterly. He did have a way to heal, but he had to admit that it would cost him a great sense of majesty. Wang Jiyuan should be treated by someone. It happened that this person's aura of heaven and earth was sealed by the strong, and Lu Chen's aura of the five elements was the awe-inspiring righteousness, which made him more pleased.

"Okay, then I'll help him." Lu Chen sighed, a little embarrassed. Wang Xinya made such a statement. If he stood by and watched, Wang Xinya would probably be dissatisfied.

"Okay, thank you." Wang Ke was very excited. What he didn't expect was that his words would not work. Wang Xinya's statement played a pivotal role, but he was not dissatisfied.

As long as Lu Chen is willing to help his son Wang Jiyuan, if he succeeds, Wang Jiyuan's cultivation speed in the future will definitely increase by leaps and bounds. It won’t take long for Wang Jiyuan’s status to rise again, and he will rise with the tide. That's why, one of the reasons why Wang Ke put forward the favorable terms is just not sure if Lu Chen has such a certainty.

He kept praising Lu Chen, in fact, he hoped that he would take action. Wang Zhentian, the head of the Wang family, couldn’t help himself. Although Wang Jiyuan was not his son, he was a member of the Wang family. There are disciples like Wang Jiyuan and belong to the Wang family. Fufen, it's just that I don't know which evil demon was outside, who actually cast such a curse on Wang Jiyuan.

If it hadn’t been for Lu Chen, when Wang Jiyuan got older, that kind of seal might have been formed, and it would be unrealistic to untie it. Lu Chen could be said to be the nobleman of their Wang family. Huan and Wang Jian tried to make things difficult for Lu Chen, and they blushed. Fortunately, as the senior leaders of the Wang family, they did not show that they rejected Lu Chen, otherwise at this time, they would not even have the opportunity to regret.

Lu Chen stepped forward in no hurry. Originally, Wang Jiyuan was a little wary. The aura on Lu Chen didn't seem to fit and liked, so even Lu Chen couldn't accept it.

"Little guy, if you are messing around, you regret and conceit. In about two months, you will completely transform into a magic way. Then you will be Da Luo Jinxian, and you will not be able to save you." Lu Chen said solemnly. After curling his lips, he was always trying to get things done in order to treat people.

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