Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2558: father in law

"It's okay, it's all your encouragement." Lu Chen was relatively modest, and Feng Qingyun said calmly. Several young disciples were jealous and frantic. They were basically convinced that those rumors about Lu Chen's performance were not without reason. The loss of Wang Xinya is true. The beautiful and beautiful Wang Xinya is the female voice in their dreams, but she can only watch her become Lu Chen's dual monks.

"Good, good." Wang Zhentian's voice suddenly resounded through the hall. The tone contained a lot of admiration and affirmation. His satisfaction was obvious. If Lu Chen completely cured Wang Jiyuan's problem, then No one can guess how terrifying Wang Jiyuan will grow in the future.

"Thank you, little brother, for helping me." Na Wang Ke hugged his fists and bowed deeply to Lu Chen. Lu Chen waved his hand to indicate that he was not so polite. He was also filled with emotion, his own The energy of the five elements just restrained the fetters in Wang Jiyuan's body, otherwise it would not be easy to succeed.

This can only be said that he is lucky, or what God’s will is. Wang Jiyuan himself has a good savvy talent, but he is destined to have such a catastrophe, and Lu Chen is his nobleman. Lu Chen knows that if he is not healed, he will be treated. They accuse you of blasphemy, this is inevitable for you, because those young people all stare at him.

If his condition worsened, then Lu Chen would be the biggest culprit. When the time comes, people will feel that he is on his own account and will take the blame on himself.

"Lu Chen, you will be seated soon." Wang Zhentian had a strange brilliance in his eyes, and he stood up on his own initiative, and the others followed suit. The scene was a bit serious for a while.

Lu Chen couldn't help but laughed. "Everyone, please take a seat together. You don't need to be so polite." On the surface, he still needs to be in place. After all, he is the royal son-in-law of Chenglong. This identity determines Lu Chen's future development potential. , At least in the Pantheon of Medium Space, Lu Chen walked sideways casually.

It was not a feeling in everyone's hearts. People they didn't approve of it were a blockbuster. Although the dining scene was grander, the atmosphere was rather embarrassing, and no one spoke.

Although Wang Zhentian spoke repeatedly and wanted to break the atmosphere, he did not play a corresponding role. He was not asking himself for being boring, and he also said a few tokens of politeness.

Afterwards, Wang Zhentian deliberately left Lu Chen. It is estimated that he was going to explain some things. After all, Lu Chen was about to take Wang Xinya to the higher-dimensional Tongtian realm. It was extremely vicious. With Lu Chen's ability, he should be able to calm down. But in order to be a precaution, some measures must be taken.

"Lu Chen, do you know why the old man is looking for you?" Wang Zhentian's expression was a bit solemn. Lu Chen sent Wang Xinya back just now, so he faced Wang Zhentian alone.

"Well, is it about going to the Tongtian realm?" Lu Chen was in a hurry at the Pantheon Gate, so the senior officials didn't tell him the general situation. Lu Chen was a little depressed about where he was going to the Pantheon Gate. The senior officials of the Shenmen just urged him in a hurry, and the Wang family would tell him, which made Lu Chen feel at ease.

If Wang Zhentian doesn't look for him, Lu Chen might take the initiative to look for Wang Zhentian.

"Yes, I am very worried about you two going to the Sky-Throughout Realm. Hey, although you are good at it, it is a high-level space and it is not trivial. So there are some things I want to tell you. Also, you are going to a large sect of heaven. Yes, their background should not be underestimated. I don’t know what their specific purpose is, but I have an ominous premonition that this sky gate is not well-intentioned. It is very likely that you will go here and will not be able to return for a long time." Wang Zhentian Suddenly he grew old a lot, he told Lu Chen after thinking about these words.

"Well, I know this." Lu Chen nodded solemnly. Even though he knew that there were tigers in the mountains, he also tended to go to Hushan. As the saying goes, people go to higher places and water flows to lower places, when he is still in low-level space. When he was in the Garden of Eden, he didn't know that there was a hierarchy of space. Standing on the highest peak of the Garden of Eden, he was a little proud.

But later he realized that he was just a frog at the bottom of the well, and he didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick. However, it was not too late for Lu Chen to find out. Therefore, no matter what achievements he achieved, he would maintain a calm mind. This was beyond doubt.

"You hold this. When you encounter an irresistible thing, you can open it. It should be able to protect your life." Wang Zhentian said with a sincere heart, and then he took out a small black box, and he didn't know what material it was made of. Yes, relying on Lu Chen's senses, he can't judge the truth, it is shocking to say it.

Lu Chen didn't make a fuss either. This should be the trump card that Wang Zhentian gave him to save his life. Lu Chen took a deep breath and took the small box. He clasped his fists, "Thank you, father-in-law for the gift."

Lu Chen changed his name without knowing it. He was still very clear. Wang Zhentian was stunned and smiled suddenly, "Okay, okay!"

"I hope you can return triumphantly, and if you have the opportunity, you can get some of the exercises and techniques of the sky gate. After all, they are high-level spaces. In this regard, they are much better than our Pantheon." Wang Zhentian hesitated and slowly. cableway.

Lu Chen curled his lips. He didn't bother to practice these techniques and methods. That would probably affect his foundation. This is undoubtedly a matter. However, as a hidden family, it is indeed necessary for the Wang family to find a superior one. His practice, the Fa, that are things that will benefit future generations, and this Wang Family Patriarch is also selfless.

Although Lu Chen could see that this small black box was very valuable, it was mostly a successful creation that took Wang Zhentian a lot of energy, and it was given to Lu Chen like this, he would be more or less painful, but There is no way, if Lu Chen can come back again, and then bring a good practice exercises, Fa, such a price and pay, it is definitely worth it.

Lu Chen couldn't help feeling that Jiang is still hot. This is a good thing for long-term fishing and big fish. Wang Zhentian has used it so superbly. Lu Chen nodded and agreed. He didn't know it, and went to the higher space to pass the sky. Whether he will come back or not, everything depends on his chance, but Lu Chen believes that he has that ability.

"By the way, father-in-law, I want to take two more people to the Heavenly Transmitting Realm, do you think it is okay?" Lu Chen thought for a moment. It is still necessary to ask Wang Zhentian for his opinion on this matter. Yes, a lot of talents are needed. If he disagrees, Lu Chen will be a little difficult to handle.

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