Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2561: Spirituality

There was a slight smile on Lu Chen's face, and after a while, there was a breath of majestic heaven and earth, Ru Pingdie and Shui Yulan's faces were ugly, and they had not expected such a strong reaction.

It's worthy of being the teleportation array leading to the high-level cosmic realm. It is naturally different. Lu Chen couldn't help but be amazed, and then waved his hand to protect the three girls. Wang Zhentian nodded secretly. This kid is still very careful. , But what he was puzzled was, why didn't Lu Chen protect himself? Does he have such a certainty that he won't be corroded by the teleportation formation?

Originally, Wang Zhentian opened his mouth, but immediately realized that Lu Chen nodded. He couldn't say anything. Soon, above the ancient teleportation formation, there were clear rays of light, and Lu Chen's eyelids jumped around them. , This great teleportation formation leading to a high-level space was truly extraordinary. Lu Chen curled his lips. A condensed and domineering five-element aura swept out of him. Last time Lu Chen wanted to hide his own means. In front of a few dart players, it's not good to show your skills.

But now it is different. Anyway, Wang Zhentian has discovered that he is different. The other three are his beloved women. Lu Chen has nothing to hide. There was a burst of this peculiar energy when activating the ancient teleportation formation. Wang Zhentian knows it well, but that energy is too strong and it is impossible for ordinary people to absorb it. Even he would not be so reckless. If he cannot digest this energy, it will have a counterproductive effect. This is nothing. No doubt.

But the scene before him made him realize that Lu Chen has done incredible things. Even the energy released by the ancient teleportation array, he has the confidence to absorb, this guy is not seeking his own death, right? .

For a while, Wang Zhentian did not urge the three women. Anyway, these heavenly materials and earth treasures are enough for the ancient teleportation formation to last for a while. I don’t know whether Lu Chen will succeed. Wang Zhentian is slightly nervous. The effect of these energy is beyond doubt. , In an instant, there was a flash of light in his mind, didn't Lu Chen master the energy of the five elements?

This is tolerant of all things and embraces all rivers. According to common sense, it is possible to succeed, but I don’t know if Lu Chen has cultivated the energy of the five elements to the extreme. Only in this way can he absorb this majestic force. The vigorous energy, otherwise, if you change to a normal cultivator and absorb it recklessly, I am afraid that there will be the possibility of exploding and death. The painful price paid is unimaginable.

Lu Chen did not act rashly. He took a deep breath. The energy was very strange, different from the last time he had absorbed it. At this time, he had no retreat. The energy was constantly raging in Lu Chen. He had to think of something. , To deal with the destructive power of this aura, otherwise, Lu Chen would fall into a place where he could never recover. At this moment, no one can help Lu Chen.

Wang Zhentian was dumbfounded. This kid’s perseverance is worthy of recognition, but he didn’t know what the result would be. The three women were extremely nervous, even though they blamed Lu Chen for some reason. Having fallen into a dangerous situation, doesn't Lu Chen care about their feelings at all?

If Lu Chen has something short and long, wouldn't he want them to be widowed? The three women looked at each other and seemed to be able to understand the meaning hidden in their eyes.

But they thought for a while, and they can only say that Lu Chen is very good at grasping the opportunity. This is extremely important for a cultivator. After all, Lu Chen's talent potential is beyond doubt, but if you want to go to the next level, you must With good luck, otherwise it would be difficult for him to stand out and set foot on the top of the pyramid.

As the saying goes, the right time and place are indispensable. This sentence is not unreasonable. When they think of this, they don’t complain about Lu Chen. He is also in trouble. Now the peace of mind of their three daughters is a rare thing. In Lu Chen's eyes, things are treated equally.

The three women did not compare with each other. Lu Chen paid the most for this step, so they had no reason to worry about Lu Chen.

The changes of the three women are obvious, but Lu Chen has no intention of scrupulous about this. At this time, he is fighting between heaven and man in his body, and his body is filled with a distinctive aura, which is part of the original energy. To Lu Chen’s body, It would have a destructive effect, so he was forced to come out. It was not easy for Lu Chen to justify this. Wang Zhentian's eyes could not hide the admiration and shock.

Although that energy is strong, it can't be used all. It's like a rose with thorns. The thorns must be removed in order to slowly taste the fragrance.

Lu Chen actually did it. Wang Zhentian was still worried about this before. He showed a smile. Lu Chen should be able to absorb it successfully. As expected, Lu Chen's eyes were blooming. He could feel it. The changes in Lu Chen's body were obvious. .

"Hehe, congratulations." Wang Zhentian smiled, and the three daughters were stunned, and then relieved with a sigh of relief. Their cultivation level was relatively low and could not understand Lu Chen's changes, but Wang Zhentian was different. They couldn't help but become complacent. Danger and honor are proportional, and Lu Chen finally succeeded after experiencing the danger.

But what is strange is that big beads of sweat permeated Lu Chen's forehead. He hadn't stopped yet. As expected, a ray of light visible to the naked eye poured towards Lu Chen, the condensed like substance, the atmosphere suddenly Tensed, how is this possible.

Wang Zhentian's face was full of shock. Did he make a mistake in his judgment? But in a flash, he reacted. It must be Lu Chen's behavior that angered these energies. Originally, it was produced by many heavenly materials and earth treasures when the ancient teleportation array was opened. After countless years of accumulation, heaven, material and earth Bao himself has spirituality, so he can judge right from wrong, which is not surprising.

Lu Chen was miserable right now. He was worried just now that too much energy would be difficult to control, but shortly after he succeeded, the energy launched aggressively.

The most important thing is that Wang Zhentian can’t save him, otherwise he will be affected by the energy. His methods are thorough, but if he does that, there is a fatal flaw, that is, it will damage the ancient teleportation formation. This is the ancestor. As a figure at the pinnacle of the Pantheon, he would not do that kind of thing.

Therefore, he had to consider how to help Lu Chen, because the ancient teleportation formation had already been activated and it was not suitable for termination. Besides, it might harm Lu Chen, and the consequences would be disastrous. By then, both Lu Chen and the teleportation formation would be in jeopardy.

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