"We might be randomly teleported to a location in the high-level space Tongtian realm." Lu Chen didn't hide anything, the three girls were stunned, and the previous doubts disappeared.

"But this position is quite safe." Ru Pingdie couldn't help feeling emotional. Among the three women, she was most worried about the unpredictable danger. Because she was the weakest, if she didn't want to do something, she would only become Lu Chen. Of cumbersome.

"That's not necessarily. It's inconvenient to find the Sky Gate." Wang Xinya said softly. She still learned some news from her father, Wang Zhentian.

"It's better for us to be careful. As the saying goes, be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years." Shui Yulan is the most calm, but she has a slightly frowning eyebrow and looks absent-minded.

Because Shui Yulan is a saint, she has been carefully selected. After all, Shui Yulan itself is unique. She is extremely sensitive and has a certain premonition.

Lu Chen nodded, and solemnly said, "Lan Lan, you are right." Although the three women said something to me, Lu Chen was a little bit contemplative. After all, the voice of Lai that day was not for men. Resist the temptation.

So at this time, he can't take it lightly.

Suddenly, Lu Chen had an ominous premonition rushing into his heart. With a move, he came to a position 100 meters ahead, and blasted a punch from the bottom. The condensed breath of heaven and earth, like the essence, attacked toward the ground.

The three girls hadn't reacted yet, and the earth-shaking noises made their scalp numb. Then they realized the seriousness of the situation. They looked at each other. It turned out that Shui Yulan's words were not lost for no reason, but Such confidence.

As Lu Chen took the initiative to attack, a deep hole with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared, revealing a small brown tail. The three girls were shocked. They could feel the pressure from the brown tail far away. .

That's right, this should be a scorpion spirit beast. The most powerful attack method is to use its own tail to achieve a deadly effect. Lu Chen will definitely endure an astonishing blow with his tail so close.

Sure enough, the brown tail suddenly rose into the sky, and then swept towards Lu Chen with strong winds, the speed was already at the extreme.

The three women only felt terrified. Seeing that the brown tail was about to strike Lu Chen's head, he had no expression of fear. He just appeared five feet away when he moved his mind. He held the Hongmeng Sword in his hand. An unreserved sword swung out, surging with shocking destructive power. Anyway, this guy is not a human being.

Even if he knew that he had the Hongmeng Sword, the news would not leak. Lu Chen actually had a lingering fear. If she had been slower just now, then maybe the three women would be in unimaginable danger.

"Bang bang." The strange thing was that the sound of intertwined gold and iron came through. The brown tail could actually compete with Lu Chen's Hongmeng Sword. It was too terrifying.

Lu Chen's Hongmeng sword, although he did not know the specific quality of the treasure, he was able to judge that it was definitely not something that the brown tail could resist. What was the problem? Lu Chen's mind flashed and suddenly thought There was a possibility, "Susu." He slammed a few fists and attacked him. It was nothing else. The aspect of the brown tail made Lu Chen predict that the scorpion's deity was in this desert.

This is somewhat similar to the death desert where he was in Tianleimen, except that it was a barren place, and Lu Chen didn't have time to think so much. As his fist sank into the ground, "Boom." The deafening sound again. Accompanied by the strange roar, Lu Chen judged that it was a scorpion's call, which would be harder to feel if he didn't listen carefully.

Because of the special soil structure here, in the next instant, countless flying sand and rocks were lifted up, wrapping Lu Chen, and the three women couldn't see Lu Chen's location for a while.

They screamed and fixed their eyes to see that it was a huge scorpion. According to the records in ancient books, this is a wild and poisonous scorpion. It has been a creature that has existed thousands of years ago, but they did not think that they would encounter it here. It can only show that Lu Chen and the others are lucky. This kind of poisonous scorpion did not have a huge population in the prehistoric period, but their vitality was relatively tenacious, and it has continued to the present.

Therefore, it can be said that it was extremely unfortunate for Lu Chen to meet them. The brown tail was not as simple as it seemed. There was deadly venom on it.

And this poisonous scorpion belongs to a high-level prehistoric behemoth. Compared with a high-level spirit beast, it is much more powerful. Fortunately, Lu Chen did not hold it big. Lu Chen's behavior seemed to anger the prehistoric poisonous scorpion. It felt that Lu Chen was quite cunning, not at all. It imagined, so at this moment, the Primordial Poisonous Scorpion used its own ultimate move without hesitation.

Within a hundred meters, there was a strange purple gas. Fortunately, when Lu Chen left the three daughters before, he casually released a restraint. With his ability, the restraint used was definitely not that easy to destroy.

Therefore, at the critical moment of the critical moment, Lu Chen could let go, but he was at the center of the purple strange gas, so the pressure on Lu Chen could be imagined.

Almost instantly, he used his Five Elements Qi to resist the weird purple gas. If he moves a little slower, it will be fatally affected. Lu Chen gritted his teeth and a gust of wind surges around his body. With the torrential rain, he already felt that his Five Elements Qi was being eroded by terror, and he could not sit still.

Must choose to take the initiative to attack, this wild poisonous scorpion is not as simple as he thought, and the most important thing is that the three women Lu Chen's beloved are all on the sidelines, he can't have the slightest hesitation, even Lu Chen feels that their comfort, It's more important than yourself.

Only to get rid of this prehistoric poisonous scorpion as soon as possible, otherwise other similar species, perhaps other monsters, would be attracted, and then Lu Chen would be in danger and be embarrassed on all sides.

Just having been the prehistoric poisonous scorpion, Lu Chen deeply understood the difference of the high-level-space-passing-the-sky realm. When in the medium-space pantheon, he still had the ability to protect himself. When he got here, he was weakened. Many, can't even the monsters have been able to deal with it? Lu Chen didn't believe this result, but he had to admit it.

For a while, Lu Chen became a little bit frustrated. In fact, what he didn't know was that their group of people were not very lucky. The evil spirits of the Pantheon also had a lot of influence on them when they destroyed the ancient teleportation formation. Influence, which prompted some deviations in the location of their transmission.

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