Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2579: Torn apart

In desperation, they had no choice but to split up, which undoubtedly increased the difficulty, and they were like a big enemy.

"This..." Fang Pingyun trembled and didn't have the courage to confront. In contrast, Lu Chen was magnanimous. With a move of his mind, he came to the side of the three girls. Whether Fang Pingyun was alive or dead, he would do everything. Can protect the safety of the three women.

These two behemoths alone were enough to threaten the group of them, so Lu Chen had to be cautious. As expected, the two old men and the two giant beasts had a splendid fight, which made them stunned. Lu Chen was secretly surprised, but fortunately, he did not act rashly, otherwise he would fall into the hands of the two elders.

Although the situation at this time is rather chaotic, it does not do much harm to Lu Chen. He sits on the mountain to watch tigers fight. It can be said that he has a certain advantage, but I don’t know whether these two old men can deal with the Eight Duanlong and the ancients. The pangolin is out.

After a wave of shocking world, Lu Chen frowned at them. It seemed that the time for him to show his strength had come. If he kept hiding his strength, he would only show a disadvantage under this aftermath, even Being hurt by Yu Bo, Lu Chen did not sit and wait for death. Instead, with a big wave of his hand, an invisible five-element aura filled the four people. As for Fang Pingyun, Lu Chen didn't need to pay attention to his life and death.

At such a tense moment, the two elders didn't have the energy to notice Lu Chen's ability. They were lucky enough to defeat these monsters.

In the process of fighting against each other, the eight-section dragon gradually showed its disadvantages, but the eight-section dragon did not show any weakness. In the next instant, its body twisted, and as expected, it divided into dam sections, and then attacked Lu Chen and the others. Although Lu Chen's five-element aura successfully resisted these aftermaths, part of the oncoming Eight-Dragon's body contained shocking destructive power.

Although Fang Pingyun resisted the aftermath, it is undeniable that part of the Eight-Dragon's body also contained amazing destructive power. His expression was extremely solemn, and he happened to leave Lu Chen and the others, "Huh." He just thought. When they got up, there were also the presence of the third daughter and Lu Chen. Because they were too panic before, they did not expect the courage that Lu Chen and the others showed.

It suddenly dawned on Lu Chen that he had hidden his strength. This kid alone protected three beautiful women and seized his limelight. It was really hateful.

But in the next moment, Fang Pingyun was puzzled again. If Lu Chen came from an unknown clerk, how could he have such a strong strength? I'm afraid that aftermath could shock the four of them. .

But the situation was so severe that he couldn't think about these things. He couldn't pay for the whole Eight Duanlong, but he still had confidence in a small part of it, so Fang Pingyun was eager to try it. In front of the three women, he had to show it, at least Prove that he is not weaker than Lu Chen.

No matter what chance encounter this kid got, it is impossible to surpass him. There is no doubt that he is a member of a large family, and his background is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Fang Pingyun took a deep breath, gearing his hands. The shape flashed, it crossed a distance of more than ten feet, and then confronted a part of the eight-duanlong frontal.

"Bang." He hit the dragon claw with a punch, but was caught abruptly. Fang Pingyun was terrified, and he drew his arms a few times, only to find that it didn't help. The dragon claw was really cruel. , There was a look of horror in his eyes.

"Help me, help me." Fang Pingyun yelled anxiously. Although it was so embarrassing, he did not dare to hesitate when it came to life and death.

The old man who dealt with the eight-stage dragon before waved his hand, and a ball of light collided at the limit speed. The eight-stage dragon's claws bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and the next moment, "boom." The earth-shaking loud noise passed. When he opened, the dragon claw was actually smashed. At the critical moment, the old man had no chance to hide his strength and used the strongest strength.

It must be admitted that the old man's method was nothing more than such a method. After a short period of time, he sighed. The young master Fang not only didn't help, but also helped him a lot of trouble.

If it weren’t for his responsiveness, I’m afraid that Fang Pingyun would be in a different place. A condensed breath of heaven and earth emerged from the old man. He was a little embarrassed. Originally, this eight-stage dragon was not terrible, but he needed some protection. Personally, when Fang Pingyun was defeated, Lu Chen sneered at the corners of his mouth. He clenched his fist and slammed into another dragon's claw. Will the ending be different in the same scene?

"Humph." Fang Pingyun snorted coldly. He was not optimistic about Lu Chen. Although this kid can protect the three daughters, it doesn't mean that he can withstand the attack of the dragon claw, even if he is under the dragon claw. They didn't have the ability to resist, let alone Lu Chen's.

The old man would rescue him just now, but when he changed to Lu Chen, no one would save him. This kid was purely seeking his own death, but Fang Pingyun felt his courage was commendable. At least at such a critical moment, Lu Chen chose to stand up. Instead of flinching and fearful, at least protect three beautiful and beautiful women.

"Boom." A dull sound came from Lu Chen. The dragon claw hadn't moved for a long time. Everyone looked at it, and the dragon claw was changing at a speed visible to the naked eye. It turned out that the vitality was gone, Lu Chen The method is too scary.

What kind of ability is this? Even the two good old men are eye-openers. They didn't pay much attention to Lu Chen before. They thought that this was just an ordinary cultivator. How could you know that Lu Chen's blockbuster performance was due to Long The vitality of the claw was lost, causing the dragon claw itself to lose its powerful and overbearing threat ability. Lu Chen slammed a punch, and the dragon claw was torn apart.

Then disappeared into the air and turned into a cloud of dust. The three daughters are not surprised. They have full confidence in Lu Chen. Although Fang Pingyun comes from a large family, he is not one of the best elites. He originally wanted to use With this opportunity, he came to the wild land to grab something, so as to promote his rise.

Fang Pingyun is also ambitious. Although he has no extraordinary talent potential, he does not believe that he will be worse than a small cultivator, but the scene before him is something that he has to admit. Fang Pingyun is After an unprecedented blow, subtle changes have taken place in Lu Chen's vision. Is this kid still a human?

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