"It's a good choice to avoid the limelight, so what should we do?" Lu Chen handed over the problem to the two elders. A mysterious atmosphere of the five elements permeated his whole body. Compared with before, this aura is different. The small gap.

His progress is obvious, and the three women's eyes can't hide the surprise. Although they are powerless, Lu Chen has the ability to protect them. This is the most important thing.

"Let's find an opportunity later and go back to our house." The old man said solemnly after careful consideration.

Fang Pingyun frowned, "But my poisonous scorpion inner alchemy hasn't been found yet." At this point, Fang Pingyun has nothing to hide. After all, Lu Chen and others have helped them just now, so I think there will be no evil.

"Poisonous scorpion inner alchemy?" Lu Chen was stunned, and asked curiously, Fang Pingyun curled his lips and sneered with disdain, "I don't know which ravine you jumped out of. Have you heard of the wild poisonous scorpion?"

The two elders couldn't help laughing. Fang Pingyun didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick. Lu Chen's strength was so easy to deal with the wild and poisonous scorpion, how could he be afraid.

"I know, I killed one just now." Lu Chen smiled disapprovingly and said.

Fang Pingyun opened his mouth, his face full of astonishment, he even wondered if he had heard it wrong, Lu Chen could still kill the Primordial Venomous Scorpion before he saw them?

"Boy, don't think that you don't need to pay for bragging. You can show me a poisonous scorpion inner alchemy. Don't say no. You just said that you killed one." Fang Pingyun's face was red. Constantly defending, in front of Lu Chen, he has no face, this kind of pain is imaginable.

The two elders were also puzzled. They believed that Lu Chen had such an ability, but there was no doubt that Lu Chen might not be able to encounter the prehistoric poisonous scorpion. This kind of creature was also rare in the prehistoric land.

His luck was not so good, but the next moment, Lu Chen gave it a big hand, and a crystal clear bead appeared in Lu Chen's hand. This was the inner alchemy of the prehistoric poisonous scorpion. The three women did not have any unexpected expressions. They witnessed Lu Chen slaying the Primordial Poisonous Scorpion and took out its inner alchemy. After all, this is the most valuable thing of the Poisonous Scorpion.

It’s not surprising that Lu Chen can have this peculiar vision. They really realized it only now. It turned out that Fang Pingyun was looking for a wild and wild poisonous scorpion. Everyone knew that this thing was hit by Lu Chen. No wonder he looked everywhere. What trace, on the contrary, angered Ba Duanlong.

"Ahem, little brother, I don’t know if you can give this poisonous scorpion’s inner alchemy to Master Fang, we must thank you." Even though it was the second time to say this, the old man didn’t change his face. Bad cheque, according to Lu Chen's character, wanting to seize the poisonous scorpion inner alchemy can be described as a tiger's mouth.

"No, I have to keep this inner alchemy for cultivation." Lu Chen said lightly, eyes gleaming, and the two old men couldn't help looking at each other. They even suspected that they had heard it wrong. What a joke, Lu Chen actually wanted Absorb inner alchemy? Is this guy still a human?

In their opinion, even if the cultivator’s talent potential is superior, it is impossible to absorb the inner alchemy of the wild monster beast, let alone this kind of poisonous thing, they have to admit that the inner alchemy of the wild poisonous scorpion is a There are not many treasures, but they can only be used for alchemy, but I haven't heard of the existence of evildoers like Lu Chen.

"Little brother, don't make a joke." One of the old men smirked and said with a slight embarrassment.

Lu Chen was stunned. To be honest, no one believed it. How could this be good for him? Lu Chen sighed, "Look at the mood." He didn't promise to give it to Fang Pingyun. He also saw that Fang Pingyun needed this thing urgently. Although he is not willing to borrow flowers to offer Buddha, but according to the current situation, reluctant to give up love is the best choice.

Lu Chen knows how to weigh the pros and cons. After all, the two elders helped them. Lu Chen is not the kind of person who will avenge revenge. He can indeed absorb the inner alchemy of the prehistoric poisonous scorpion, but Lu Chen is worried that this will affect his foundation. It seems crystal clear. There was a lot of venom in his inner alchemy. If it was absorbed unscrupulously, the energy of the five elements might not be able to bear it. Lu Chen understood that it was better to be safe.

"Okay, okay." The two elders were quite satisfied with this answer. According to their understanding of Lu Chen, as long as this guy didn't immediately refuse, there would be a glimmer of hope. Fang Pingyun was slightly startled, and suddenly he didn't say anything. Just kidding, it wasn't that Lu Chen and the others didn't know his identity, and they were pushing and shouting like this, wanting to catch and indulging, it was a challenge to his bottom line.

"Boy, what do you think you are, okay, I admit, your strength is a bit stronger than mine, but in front of my Fang family, you are vulnerable." Fang Pingyun continued to show off his power. On weekdays, he just It was Zhang Ya's domineering, where did he receive such grievances.

The two elders frowned and scolded Fang Pingyun as a fool. Lu Chen had already given a chance, and he still had to provoke one after another. Isn't this self-defeating?

Even they were reluctant to offend Lu Chen, and the situation was saved. Fang Pingyun is still so stubborn, and they can’t say anything. After all, as the elderly of the Fang family, they understand the status and inferiority, "Hehe, do you still want to Is this poisonous scorpion inner alchemy?" Lu Chen said with a smile without a smile. The atmosphere became tense for a while, and the three women hurried to Lu Chen's side. What they need to do is to show their attitude. No matter what happens, they will follow Lu Chen stood on the united front.

"Think, you must give it to me unconditionally, otherwise I will let you get out of this pagoda right away." Fang Pingyun's eyes flashed through the cunning color, he is not stupid, and knows how to take advantage of the current stage. This is the truth.

No one knows what dangers are outside the pagoda. If Lu Chen goes out alone, he will probably face the disaster of extinction. Whether the terrifying and overbearing existence just now will look for them everywhere is unknown.

So they hid in the pagoda and avoided the limelight before they had a chance to escape. Fang Pingyun began to threaten Lu Chen. The three girls looked at Fang Pingyun with disgust. The latter smiled and said, "Three Beauties , You can rest assured that I will not chase you off. It’s just that this kid is too disgusting. It’s clearly to toast not to eat or fine wine, and to teach him, it’s really hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart.” Fang Pingyun has a decent appearance. He said, but in his tone, it seemed to be full of eloquence.

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