Lu Chen's face gradually became gloomy. His exploration was a bit more thorough than the two elders. Because of this, Lu Chen realized that it was a sealed environment, and he didn't know where the pagoda had come.

There was a stormy sea in the hearts of the two elders, and this guy Lu Chen actually succeeded. This was something they had never thought of, so their perception of Lu Chen had undergone a slight change.

"This seems to be the bottom of the valley." Lu Chen didn't rush to analyze it. Everyone was shocked. They thought they would come to a safe location. Isn't the wild land an endless barren scene? How can there be a bottom?

But Lu Chen didn't need to deceive them, so they thought about what caused them to be sent here.

"Could it be that the tough guy brought the pagoda over?" The old man said his guess, with a look of horror on his face. If this is the case, the situation would be completely different.

Before, he thought he had escaped a catastrophe. Who knows, he was still affected more or less, but he didn’t know how the prehistoric land had such a position. Then, Lu Chen let out a long sigh of relief, bypassing the pagoda. To investigate the situation outside, it takes a lot of mental energy and a breath of heaven and earth. Fortunately, Lu Chen is unique. He has a solid foundation, coupled with the accumulation of cultivation, so he has certain advantages.

It's no wonder that the two old men couldn't bear it. Their admiration for Lu Chen at this time has improved a bit, and they did not doubt what Lu Chen said. This kid should not be joking. It seems that the situation they are facing is not that way. optimism.

"Let's go out and have a look, staying in the pagoda is not a way." Lu Chen suggested, with a resolute color flashing under his eyes, and the two old men groaned for a while, but did not immediately agree to him.

This kid is brave, and is still running rampantly in the barren land. Don't you know that they just committed a big deal? Although this ancient pangolin did not fall, I have to admit that it was tamed by Lu Chen as a mount.

That Dapeng Demon King will definitely be furious. This is also excusable. Lu Chen’s behavior is undoubtedly a provocation against his bottom line. How could the Dapeng Demon King sit back and send out his subordinates? The second elite leader, this can explain the problem.

I don’t know if there is any unpredictable danger in the valley they are in. As the saying goes, they are careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. Although Lu Chen has tamed the twelve guardians, one of the ancient pangolins, there is probably The ingredients of luck.

They turned their heads and glanced at the giant ancient pangolin. They didn't expect it to fall asleep. It seemed that it was justified to think of the previous consumption. It can only be said to be its misfortune to confront Lu Chen, an extremely powerful cultivator.

"Little brother, you should think about it carefully. Once you go out, you won't be able to enter. This pagoda can only be opened once a month." At such a critical moment, the old man does not need to hide in front of Lu Chen. .

So there are some things that he must explain, otherwise Lu Chen will shirk the responsibility on them. The three women are shocked. Of course they don't know. For this reason, it is no wonder that the two old men are hesitant. It seems reasonable.

If they can control the pagoda at will, they won't be able to dare with Lu Chen. Since they want to go out and explore, they must consider the consequences. Lu Chen nodded without thinking, "No problem, you open the pagoda." Lu Chenfeng Qing Yun said calmly, the two elders were slightly confused, and did not expect Lu Chen to have such courage.

They really surprised them. They sighed. They thought that Lu Chen was mostly young and promising, so he became arrogant. After all, he was still young, he had not experienced as many things as them, and he was not comprehensive in considering issues. .

They were not optimistic about Lu Chen, but the two elders did not realize that before they knew it, their state of mind was separated from Lu Chen. Lu Chen was determined to put it to death and live afterwards. This is a kind of letting go. The momentum of the pen is commendable for ordinary cultivators, at least they have never had it.

It was this kind of courage that made Lu Chen metamorphose. He did not follow the usual path. If he followed the methods of the predecessors, he would mostly follow the rules. Such a down-to-earth approach would lead to the speed of Lu Chen's cultivation. In the eyes of others, Lu Chen is a thousand miles away. , Progressed by leaps and bounds, but Lu Chen was not satisfied with the progress of his cultivation base. This was due to his own strict requirements.

After ordinary cultivators get a chance encounter, most of them will be satisfied, but Lu Chen is different. He knows that the more frustrated he gets, the more courage he is. After taking measures, Lu Chen did not give up lightly.

This is very important to him. If Lu Chen gave up halfway, he would not grow to where he is today. Although others think that he is superior and graceful, he also has bitter moments, but this is the point. Often not paid attention to.

At this time, the reaction of the two elders caused Lu Chen to arouse many associations. He couldn't help feeling full of emotions. He glanced at the three women. The three of them have been with him all the time. No matter what the situation, they will stand by his side. , Giving Lu Chen an invisible impetus, Lu Chen couldn't hide the gratitude in his eyes.

The three women were slightly confused. They didn't know why Lu Chen behaved like this. They secretly delighted. No matter how far Lu Chen grew up, it was enough to not forget them.

After all, Lu Chen’s talent potential is obvious to them. It won’t take long. As long as Lu Chen doesn’t have any accidents, he can go even if he is in the high-level space-passing heaven realm. Even though he is facing certain difficulties at this time, this is a predecessor. The development of Lu Chen is limited by land.

The immediate task now is to leave the prehistoric land. The three daughters know this well, so Lu Chen’s proposal is quite reasonable. If they cower like two old men, they need to stay in the pagoda. Inside, if they were caught by that powerful and terrifying existence, then they would be ill-fated.

"Well, since you insist on doing this, we won't stop it. I just hope you can be more cautious, little brother. The danger of this wild land is far from what you see." An old man said earnestly. They had known Lu Chen for less than a day, and they had a definite understanding of Lu Chen. If nothing happened, this kid wouldn't do anything unsure.

Rather than carrying it in the pagoda, it is better to go out and test the wind. If you are lucky, it will be good for everyone to have the opportunity to leave the wild land as soon as possible. Anyway, it is Lu Chen who takes the lead. All they need to do is wait for the good news.

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