Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2593: Break through

"That won't work, release your imprisonment and I'll be done." Lu Chen curled his lips and paused. "I'm not a fool, you think I'll be fooled." Lu Chen looked at the murderous Bingshan beauty. Chen couldn't ignore it either, he had to withdraw his hand reluctantly.

"You, you..." The Bingshan beauty was so angry that she could not speak. If she could move, she would definitely slap Lu Chen to death. This kid is totally bullying.

"What are you going to do to me?" The beauty Bingshan was a little cautious, and asked in a trembling voice. Her fear is obvious. After all, Lu Chen doesn't know her character too well.

"Hey, what do you want me to do, don't worry, you are so fierce, I will not do anything inferior to animals," Lu Chen smiled, shook his head, Bingshan beauty secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Lu Chen should not be that A person who doesn't believe in words, otherwise she would be miserable.

"Then you let me go." The Bingshan beauty tried again, trying to break free of the restraint, but it still didn't work. At this time, her own state of being slaughtered made her feel ashamed.

"This isn't enough, I can't do it very hard, but if you let you go, I'm sorry for my conscience. After an hour, your **** will be released." Lu Chen said solemnly, and the beauty of Bingshan flashed in her eyes. With a look of surprise, he believed Lu Chen's words.

"Okay, then you go quickly." Beauty Bingshan urged for a while, she didn't care about this matter, as long as Lu Chen didn't have any evil thoughts, she would be relieved.

"Okay." Lu Chen nodded, and then walked to the high platform. The beauty of Bingshan's face tightened and she yelled angrily, "Boy, what are you going to do again, didn't you say you are leaving? How can you go back in this way? ."

Lu Chen was stunned, "I just said I want to go, but not now, such a good defensive gem, it would be a pity to stay here, it's better to take it out to me and make use of it, isn't it wonderful, haha "Lu Chen raised his head to the sky and laughed, unreservedly showing his ridicule.

The beauty of Bingshan's face is getting more and more gloomy. This guy is despicable and shameless. At this point, this treasure is obviously not his. How can the beauty of Bingshan's defense treasure be given to Lu Chen for no reason? Then her efforts Wouldn't it be in vain.

"No, if you dare to touch that baby, I'll..." Bingshan beauty said aggressively, but before she finished speaking, Lu Chen interrupted her, "What about you?" Lu Chen was confident. Look like.

The beauty Bingberg blushed, and she didn't know how to refute it, "I'll show it to you." The beauty Bingberg said solemnly. Lu Chen was slightly wrong, but he did not expect that his behavior would determine the life and death of Bingshan beauty. , Is this gem so important to the beauty of the iceberg?

"Don't do this, don't you want to take revenge?" Lu Chen asked suspiciously. The Bingshan beauty stayed in a daze, and immediately understood what Lu Chen meant. This is also excusable. After all, Lu Chen took advantage of her. The personality of the Bingberg beauty has already been fought.

This kid really doesn't know good or bad, waiting for her revenge, is Lu Chen confident that next time he meets her, he can withstand her stormy offensive? The Bingshan beauty was a little regretful. If she knew this was the case, she wouldn't touch Lu Chen's Hongmeng Sword, and she wouldn't be inexplicably stopped.

"I want to, I want to dream about it." The Bingshan beauty is very honest, staring at Lu Chen intently, gritted her teeth angrily, and gurgling, Lu Chen touched her nose, thinking, when did I become so disgusting.

"That's all right. I took away such a treasure. You will find me to get it next time. As long as you beat me, I will return it to you willingly." Lu Chen didn't seem to be joking at all, but his eyes kept Stay on the iceberg beauty.

This made Beauty Bingshan a little uncomfortable. She fell into silence, and then Lu Chen walked to the high platform. He just stretched out his hand and retracted back. Beauty Bingshan was disappointed. Could this kid see some clues?

"Hey, it's so easy to want to hurt me." Lu Chen was a little proud, then walked to the side of the high platform, knocked on the wall of the door, and made a sound of thumping inside. It turned out to be hollow. Lu Chen used a trace of the five elements. , The prohibition on that high platform disappeared.

Although the prohibition is invisible, under Lu Chen's careful capture, there is nothing to hide. Originally, the Bingshan beauty still felt that she could take this opportunity to let Lu Chen try something hard, although she could not let Lu Chen die on the spot. , At least it can show her bad temper.

What Beauty Bingshan didn't expect was that Lu Chen's observation power was beyond surpassing. She couldn't hide this detail from her, and Beauty Bingshan was very lost.

Lu Chen had already obtained the defensive treasure. He couldn't help but burst into joy, but he couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw the beauty of Bingshan. He couldn't help but comforted him, "Beauty, don't be discouraged, I didn't say Huh? As long as you find me again and defeat me, this thing will be returned to you. Let me use it for a period of time. What's the reluctance?"

In fact, Lu Chen also had his considerations. After all, in a dangerous place like the Transcendent Realm of higher dimensions, he could be in a different place at any time without any preparation, so he still had to be careful.

This defensive gem happened to meet Lu Chen's needs. He had to find a way to get it. This was also what the ancient pangolin told him not long ago. The Bingshan beauty did not speak for a long time when she heard the words. Just when she wanted to speak, she suddenly opened her mouth and was rude. He gambled on her little cherry mouth, and then allowed to **** it unscrupulously. The sweetness of the jelly and jade dew made Lu Chen linger for a while. He couldn't help but hugged the Bingshan beauty. Although her personality was colder, her body temperature was still warm. Yeah, Lu Chen immediately got upset.

"Huh." Although the Bingshan beauty was constantly resisting, it was useless. Lu Chen's behavior made her extremely ashamed. She wanted to make a hole in the hole, but it was a pity that Lu Chen hugged her tightly. She also restricted her freedom.

The beauty of Bingberg was angry and closed her teeth. It was not easy for Lu Chen to break through this difficulty, but the warmth of the beauty of Bingberg's lips made Lu Chen's brain go blank, and the beauty of Bingberg's eyes swept away with cunning color. However, since this kid wants to take advantage of her, he can only count it.

But what she didn’t notice was that Lu Chen observed this. The beauty Bingberg suddenly opened her pearl-like teeth. Lu Chen successfully broke through the line of defense, but the beauty Bingshan immediately gritted her teeth with obvious intentions. Bitten off Lu Chen's tongue.

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