Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2595: Hide from the sky

Although Saint Aunt said it vaguely, the masked man still understood what she meant, nodded, and immediately smiled and put Saint Aunt on the bed. . .

At this time, Lu Chen and others had already left the wild land. They had been on the way and seemed a little tired, so Lu Chen proposed to let them rest for a while. After all, they were not in the wild land and the danger was greatly reduced.

It’s just that the vastness of the wilderness made Lu Chen a little surprised. Before they were teleported to the wilderness inexplicably, it was an extremely dangerous thing. He also had various guesses, but felt that he had absorbed too much energy, which caused the ancient teleportation. The big array is unstable, which is a bit unreasonable.

It’s just that Lu Chen didn’t think about it anymore, "Senior, or go back to Fang’s house, we still have something to do." Lu Chen calculated the time, there are more than ten days left, they must resist the big school. The Cangqiang Gate had been delayed for two days in the wilderness, which Lu Chen had not expected.

"Don't you follow us back? My Fang family must thank you very much." The old man offered the condition. Although it is not an olive branch, but their meaning is ready to come out, the three daughters are not surprised, like Lu Chen. A genius leader, no matter where he goes, he is a rare sweet and pastry. The Fang family's desire to recruit him is naturally forgiven.

The elderly are a little embarrassed. To be fair, they don't want to miss an elite like Lu Chen, but life is not as good as eight or nine. Such an elite seems to have no need to join the Fang family.

He can have a better choice, but they think that Lu Chen has never seen the world, once he arrives at the Fang family, he has seen the details of the Fang family.

He won't be willing to leave, after all, the Fang family has never spared the cultivation of talented elites.

But as soon as Lu Chen came out of the wilderness, he wanted to act alone. They couldn't guess what the kid had planned.

"No need, let's go if we have a chance, we still have important things." Lu Chen just casually perfunctory, said with an embarrassing smile.

Fang Pingyun suddenly became unhappy. Their Fang family was a genuinely large family. This kid really thought he was a thing. He was domineering in front of them, and the Fang family took the initiative to surrender his status.

"Boy, you don't know how to praise, it is your honor to see you in my family's house, and toast and not eat fine wine, do you really think you are a human being? You must go to our house today, no matter what happens. !" Fang Pingyun glared at Lu Chen. He hated Lu Chen deeply, wishing to smash Lu Chen's body into pieces, but he didn't have such ability, so he had to swallow his breath.

"Master, you still..." The two old men of the Fang family smiled bitterly. I am afraid that the grievances between them will not be resolved for a while, but Fang Pingyun was planning to speak before he was finished. He shouted angrily. You shut up, I haven't finished yet, boy, you are strong, but in my family, there are more people who are better than you. You can challenge them if you have the ability." Fang Pingyun secretly praised his wise and martial arts. Such a radical application of the law is natural, will Lu Chen be fooled.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested." Lu Chen said in a hurry. Fang Pingyun was stunned, his anger increased even more. Once Lu Chen bids farewell to them, whether he can know his whereabouts is a question, let alone It was revenge. Fang Pingyun knew this well, so he didn't want to let Lu Chen leave.

As long as Lu Chen goes to Fang's house, he has the final say. This is why he came out of the pagoda and was willing to come out quickly. Otherwise, he would rather Lu Chen die in the wilderness. This kid offended the Dapeng Demon. Wang, I guess there will be no good end.

"Hmph, I can't help you." Fang Pingyun was furious and stepped forward. He wanted to pull Lu Chen, but the latter ducked away.

"Are you begging for a fight?" Lu Chen looked at Fang Pingyun with a playful look. His whole body revealed a sharp aura, and Fang Pingyun shuddered. This naked, naked, and naked threat and provocation , Let him at a loss.

"Well, wait for me, don't let me see you again, or else, hum." Fang Pingyun took a deep breath and suppressed the evil in his heart. If given the opportunity, he must find a way to kill Lu Chen, with three good words in a row, can also express his inner anger.

"En, don't worry, I'll wait." Lu Chen chose to ignore this kind of ant's call. He didn't need to take care of it. With Lu Chen's current state of mind, it would not have any effect.

"Well, since the little brother has decided, we don't want to keep it much, but when you are in trouble, the door of our house is always open for you." The two old men looked a little embarrassed, but they reluctantly said with a smile.

Lu Chen nodded and agreed casually. Fang Pingyun originally wanted to speak, but he swallowed it. As long as Lu Chen came to their Fang's house, it would be his place.

The words of the two elders are still good for him.

"Well, I have a private matter. I don't know if I can ask the two seniors." Lu Chen said coldly. The two old men were a little surprised and nodded. They still can't guess Lu Chen's identity. Lu Chen was there before. In front of them, pretending to be brothers and sisters with the three daughters, they really concealed themselves. This only shows that Lu Chen's scheming City Mansion is unfathomable, and even the two old men sighed.

Therefore, they would not think that Lu Chen was from a small household, Fang Pingyun's expression was cloudy and uncertain. He was considering whether the two elders would help Lu Chen to solve their doubts. He seemed to be able to inquire about Lu Chen. Bottom line.

He just opened one eye and closed one eye, "Take a step to speak." Lu Chen glanced at Fang Pingyun. Despite this problem, he will face him sooner or later, but he still wants to prevent the wall from having ears.

"Okay." An old man moved to Lu Chen's side. He immediately placed a restraint, and Lu Chen nodded.

"Dare to ask seniors, where is the sky gate." Not surprisingly, the old man of this Fang family should know the location of the sky gate, after all, this Fang family is also a large family.

Sure enough, when Lu Chen mentioned the Cangqiong Gate, the old man's expression was a little ugly, and this unreserved income caught Lu Chen's eyes.

"Little brother, do you have any hatred with the Cangqiangmen?" The old man's brain flashed, and he asked carefully.

"This is a secret, senior, can you tell me?" Lu Chen did not bluntly reveal it.

"Hey, well, since the little brother has such a request, the old man naturally has nothing to hide. Besides, this is not a secret. This is a map. You can find it soon by following the marks above." The old man took out a sheepskin scroll, and Lu Chen's eyes suddenly brightened. He just arrived and needed this thing, but there was no way to get it.

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