Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2603: Blasted the pot

As Lu Chen's voice fell, a surging atmosphere of heaven and earth rose to the sky, and immediately struck Lu Chen with an overwhelming momentum. The latter was stunned, but never thought that this Jiwen would directly fight. , But Lu Chen was prepared and did not show the slightest panic. He squinted and said with a smile, "Don't you know that offending me is a serious crime?"

Zhang Yunfei's expression was very ugly. When he arrived at their site, Lu Chen still behaved like this, it was really unwise. He sighed. Anyway, this kid will be in a different place sooner or later. There is nothing to care about, Zhang Yunfei After observing Zhang Jiwen's expression, he was gloating for misfortune. He thought to himself that Lu Chen was really a fool, and there was no such thing as Zhang Jiwen.

Didn’t you want to die quickly? The shopkeeper didn’t understand what Lu Chen thought. He had a little conflict with Lu Chen before, so he took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to avenge his personal vengeance. I believe that people in this family should be able to help him eradicate the evil of Lu Chen, shopkeeper. What worries now is not whether Lu Chen will survive, but whether Zhang Yunfei will notice the three beautiful and beautiful women Lu Chen has brought. This is the most important thing.

The shopkeeper thought for a while, and his heart was itchy. If Zhang Yunfei took away, his dream plan would be ruined. He didn't have the guts to challenge Zhang's family.

When the time comes, he can only reluctantly hand over the three women. This is a tragic thing. When the shopkeeper thinks about it, his face is not so good. In his opinion, he should at least kiss Fangze. Otherwise, wouldn't his hard work be wasted?

"Huh, the brazen guy." Zhang Jiwen didn't behave too unusually for Lu Chen's arrogance, because he also saw that Lu Chen did have a little ability, otherwise how could he speak to him like this.

But Zhang Jiwen will definitely make Lu Chen regret it. Since this guy wants to challenge the dignity of their Zhang family, then wait to pay the painful price.

The earth-shattering breath of heaven and earth was as strong as the extreme. The people next to him couldn’t help but back up a few steps, giving them room for rushing confrontation. The Zhang family hesitated for a while and didn’t immediately make a move. If it caused Zhang If Shay is unhappy, then they have no good fruit to eat.

They have a better understanding of Zhang Jiwen's personality. Under normal circumstances, Zhang Jiwen likes to fight alone. If they do, they don't believe in Zhang Jiwen's performance. How could the latter give up?

The strange thing is that Lu Chen was indifferent in the face of such a powerful offensive of violent storms. He remained motionless. This scene made everyone very surprised. What on earth did this kid think? Did he not know how dangerous he was? What?

This Jiwen is not an ordinary elite powerhouse, every move can determine his life or death, it is very likely that Lu Chen's behavior will affect his fate.

But everyone didn't have much time to think. A loud noise came through, "Boom." Everyone was shaken to darkness, their scalp was painful, and their faces were panicked. They didn't expect it, but for a short moment. The two continued their confrontation for more than a dozen rounds. What a shocking speed.

Worthy of being the top elite powerhouse, Zhang Jiwen is good to say that Lu Chen is different in their expectation. There is nothing strange about him, and he looks unbelievable, if it weren’t for Zhang Yunfei’s defeat. It was given to Lu Chen, and they never felt that Lu Chen had a chance to challenge Zhang Jiwen.

The colorful rays of light exploded in mid-air, making people look wonderful. The person present could clearly see the path of their confrontation, but with five fingers, even Zhang Yunfei did not have this ability. He could only distinguish the general situation. not all.

He suddenly realized that Lu Chen had hidden some strength when he was fighting against him. It was only when he confronted Zhang Jiwen, an elite of Zhangjia Taishan Beidou level, that he showed his true power.

Before, he felt that bringing Zhang Jiwen with him was foolproof. Who knew there were so many variables, Lu Chen's expression gradually became serious. He originally felt that he didn't need to go all out to deal with Zhang Jiwen.

However, a powerful force swept through Zhang Jiwen's body, which shocked Lu Chen, even if he did not dare to be sloppy.

Lu Chen's mind moved, and in a flash, his arms were covered with colorful dragon scales. The magical technique had reached the peak of Xiaocheng. As long as Lu Chen worked harder, he would soon reach the realm of Dacheng.

"Wow." Lu Chen's actions resulted in an uproar. There is no doubt that everyone's admiration for Lu Chen has risen to the point where he can't be added. He didn't sit still and face Zhang Jiwen and other elite leaders. , And able to respond calmly and unhurriedly, this is enough to illustrate Lu Chen's strength.

Now Lu Chen easily displayed the magical technique, the law, and everyone involuntarily took a high look, and the sound of one after another blew up among the crowd.

"It turns out to be magical exercises, Dharma, my God, this kid is too tough, magical exercises, Dharma is not something anyone can practice. Without a certain physique, he definitely won't succeed." A middle-aged man was full of face. The look of horror, he has been cultivating for so many years, and he is still no better than a young talented elite like Lu Chen. Although a little frustrated, he can still persevere when he sees that Lu Chen is at a disadvantage. This is also for his state of mind. A kind of influence, many people in the room think so.

The reason why they rushed into the crowd and ran over to watch the excitement was also for their own cultivation prospects. If Lu Chen and Zhang Jiwen could see some clues from the hands of Lu Chen and Zhang Jiwen, it would be of decisive benefit to their cultivation.

"Wow, it's actually the legendary dragon clan, this kid is too tough." Various exclamation voices showed everyone's admiration and admiration for Lu Chen.

They had never thought before that he could hold on for so long, so without exception, he was shocked. That Zhang Yunfei's expression became a bit dignified, and he realized that he didn't understand Lu Chen at all. The method he used yesterday was just an iceberg. A corner,

"I don't know if he can create a dazzling miracle!" A young and beautiful woman, with a gleam in her eyes, Lu Chen is not quite handsome and handsome, but after a long period of training, he raised his hands and feet. The temperament of the time makes people involuntarily brighten up, this kid is indeed very talented.

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