Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2612: Admit defeat

"Come on." Lu Chen hooked his hook, and Feng Qingyun said calmly, swept across his body with fierce five-element energy, and Tai Yuan gritted his teeth after a slight mistake. Lu Chen is naked, naked, and provocative. Since Lu Chen is not in a hurry to hurt him, don’t blame him for his cruelty. If Lu Chen loses to him, he knows he regrets it. Although Lu Chen is strong, it is undeniable that he Arrogant.

This is also said of the past. Lu Chen’s horrifying means, looking at the entire Guiyun City, could not find an elite leader comparable to him, so he was still convinced, but Lu Chen was not a perfect person. God gave him and His unique talent and potential is destined to have some unscrupulous elements in his personality. At least in Taiyuan’s eyes, he is not invulnerable. As long as he can seize the opportunity, not to mention defeating Lu Chen, as long as he can fly out of the ring, he Even if he wins, it doesn't seem to be difficult for him, so he didn't give up, but thought about how to do this.

"Boom." He didn't want to fall behind. He moved his mind and punched out again. The speed of lightning made Tai Yuan gradually find his confidence. A breath of majestic heaven and earth gathered on his fist, Lu Chen Still dodge, Tai Yuan lost his fist and brought a piece of regret. Thousands of viewers still hope that Lu Chen will fail. After all, he is just an outsider, occupying a place as a cultivator in Guiyun City, join Many people feel sorry for the large-scale Cangqiangmen. As the saying goes, the fat water does not flow into the fields of outsiders. They still know this well.

Moreover, Taiyuan’s unwillingness to admit defeat moved them. They didn’t expect that Taiyuan’s perseverance was something they could not match. No wonder Taiyuan had the courage to take action when facing Lu Chen. The shuddering little man who shot Taiyuan had a complicated look because he found that Lu Chen didn't solve Taiyuan right away. Anyone with a little ability can tell that Taiyuan is full of flaws. Lu Chen can defeat him at any time, but he has been dragging his feet. Yes, this is a bit unreasonable, right?

Could it be that Taiyuan and Lu Chen didn't know each other before? But Lu Chen is just a foreigner, how could he know him? The short man previously hoped that Tai Yuan could consume Lu Chen's aura of heaven and earth, and that would have certain benefits for those who later shot him.

Even if Lu Chen's strength is terrible, but after a long time, Lu Chen will not hold on for too long. This opportunity to join the large-scale Cangqiangmen will not belong to Lu Chen!

But the weird scene now makes everyone puzzled. Is it possible that Lu Chen did it on purpose? Everyone thought of this possibility, and suddenly they were red and mad, and they didn't know what kind of **** luck this kid Taiyuan had taken. Lu Chen's coveted and wanted to train him!

The news quickly spread among thousands of audiences, and everyone became more convinced of this. Lu Chen, this guy is considered to be benevolent. Whether he knows Taiyuan before or not, he can do this. It is a kind of courage in itself. Taiyuan's strength. In general, but perseverance is indeed excellent, everyone's expressions are wonderful, and for a while, this news spreads.

There was an uproar in the arena. In contrast, the deacon’s messenger Qiu Shaohua was quite calm. He showed a gratifying smile and approved Lu Chen’s approach. He was not as glamorous and blinded as other cultivators. It’s not difficult for Lu Chen to gain his eyes, but learn to help other weak people, but it is a great help to Tai Yuan. Tai Yuan’s talent potential is not bad, plus perseverance, he cultivates. Get up, not to mention getting twice the result with half the effort, at least it can reach a good height.

It’s just that he doesn’t have a good master, which has caused him to be in the realm of cultivation. It was his blessing to meet Lu Chen. On the ring, Lu Chen can deal with it with ease, which proves his domineering strength. Taiyuan was in it, and he hadn't realized this yet, so he was quite jealous of Lu Chen, and didn't know why, this guy didn't hurt him.

Tai Yuan only wanted to win, so he forgot Lu Chen's thoughts. His eyes were red. His strength was advancing at a speed that everyone could observe. It was a rapid advance. They were an eye-opener. In a short moment, it was worth it. Shang Taiyuan has worked hard for decades, and there is no substitute for his own benefit.

Lu Chen didn't take it seriously either, he was still testing him, but Taiyuan's consumption and recovery speed were not proportional, and soon he fell into exhaustion. Lu Chen glanced around and said to himself, "It's almost there."

"What are you talking about?" Tai Yuan was farther in, so he heard it accurately. He raised his head and felt his own strength. His face was surprised. It was obvious that he did not anticipate his progress. After thinking about it, it seemed that he expected that the main reason for this improvement was that Lu Chen had been helping. He didn't know what it was like, but he was more grateful to Lu Chen. If it was with his hard work, I am afraid that there is no chance in this life. He has progressed to this cultivation level. Thanks to Lu Chen, he has been thinking about how to deal with Lu Chen, but unfortunately he has not succeeded. Lu Chen's strength is too outstanding, and he cannot win, even though he Have such a plan.

Now that I think about it, it's quite ridiculous. Tai Yuan couldn't help but blush, and lowered his head. Lu Chen deliberately used it not to frame him, but to help him improve. It seems that he missed Lu Chen, and he secretly sighed. Before Lu Chen could speak, he took the initiative to say, "I admit defeat."

He clasped his fists and was extremely sincere. This scene attracted a lot of people's uproar, but there was no surprise. It can only be said that Lu Chen is special. In the tense moment of the game, he can consider helping others. , They couldn't help being envied and jealous, Tai Yuan actually increased to an unprecedented height in a short time.

"Well, practice hard. Although you have failed, you still have a long way to go." Lu Chenyu said sincerely. Although he won, he didn't seem to be proud of himself. After all, in Taiyuan, he saw himself. The shadow of, so Lu Chen is still very calm, he wants to help Tai Yuan, it is not unreasonable.

Everyone was surprised to see Lu Chen's humble side, but people who knew him had nothing strange. This is also forgivable. Lu Chen guards against arrogance and rashness, young and mature. At this time, the deacon Qiu Shaohua He glanced at Lu Chen profoundly, he was quite satisfied with this kid's performance.

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