"You take a rest first. What's your name?" Qiu Shaohua smiled kindly. He was forgiven for his performance. Lu Chen is outstanding, and joining them is definitely a genius worth training. The elite, compared to the evildoers previously selected, are more powerful.

He would also receive some compliments and rewards. Everyone was jealous and frantic again, but Lu Chen had become accustomed to this, and he smiled calmly.

"Lu Chen." He replied in a hurry, Qiu Shaohua's eyes were filled with satisfaction, and then he waved his hand and motioned for Lu Chen to come next to him.

Lu Chen was a little flattered, he couldn't help but was stunned. After thinking for a while, he slowly walked over. Everyone secretly scolded Lu Chen thousands of times in their hearts. When the deacon of the Cangqiangmen of the martial art touched him, he still squirmed.

It can be said to be toasting and not eating fine wine, but Qiu Shaohua does not mind. As long as he has absolute talent and strength, it is not impossible to be on the same level as him. This is a saying Qiu Shaohua often says, because he is not here for the first time. So many people are quite familiar with him.

The envy of other genius leaders was extremely envious, especially the people who were eliminated on the first ring. They were unwilling. They knew that this would happen, and they were united just now.

That way, there is still a chance to hurt Lu Chen. Unlike the way they are now, Lu Chen is triumphant, but they make their faces blush, and they feel like they have no face to meet people.

On the other five arenas, they became more and more engaged. They still had some scruples before. After discovering the honor Lu Chen had won, they all tried their best to win, which was nothing good. Strangely, their talent potential is incomparable with Lu Chen.

Fortunately, there are still five places and thousands of spectators. After a short period of shock, they calmed down a bit. They couldn't help but look at the other five arenas, even though they were not as exciting as the No. 1 arena. But it can be considered boring.

Under normal circumstances, they can't clearly see the path of the fight in the No. 1 arena, but they can feel the atmosphere of tension, and the other five arenas, they can distinguish the fierce competition of the talented leaders through their own eyes. , Which shows the obvious gap between them.

However, as time went on, the other five arenas gradually separated out the winners and losers. Qiu Shaohua was still relatively indifferent. He only calmed down a few words. In half a day, all the talented leaders in Guiyun City came here, and they were full. They came with excitement, but most of them returned in disappointment, and once again fell into smugness. This is also inevitable.

There is no doubt that with his own efforts and unmatched talent potential, he has the opportunity to win such a place. Lu Chen is the best example. Not long after, five people stood in the center of the stadium. However, Lu Chen is a bit unique. He has a special treatment. He is actually next to Qiu Shaohua. He has to admit that Lu Chen’s performance and qualifications, the envy and jealousy of everyone to him, to the extreme, if they can be treated like this, only I'm afraid it's dead without regret.

The background of the large-scale school is not what they can imagine. Lu Chen's future achievements are bound to be limitless. Everyone is jealous and frantic, but they are helpless.

"You guys are doing pretty well, now I announce..." A smile flashed across Qiu Shaohua's eyes, but he hadn't finished speaking yet, and a thunderbolt voice interrupted his words.

"Hold on." An abrupt voice made everyone fearful. Their expressions tightened. Who the **** was, bold enough, and even Qiu Shaohua dared to interrupt what they said. They turned their heads with deadly eyes and found that it was A young man with good temperament, and a few people in black behind him, filled his body with a breathtaking deterrent.

They took a breath of breath involuntarily. It looked like they were going to hit the ground? However, Qiu Shaohua was present, and they also heard that the arena has a deep background, at least in Guiyun City, no one dared to move, then who is this person?

A little face, is it not from Guiyun City? They all had this doubt. Qiu Shaohua's face was gloomy, and he didn't know what to think, but it was obvious that he was angry, and a smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth. This person he knew, Lu Chen didn't expect that this guy would come here, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse, but Lu Chen didn't think about escaping.

Originally, he was a master of art and bold, and with his own means, he could fight this guy, but he provokes the sky gate, and the situation is different.

"Huh, kid, you really are here!" The familiar voice came again. That's right, this person is Fang Pingyun. He is coming back, aggressively, and it's not difficult to see his anger to the extreme.

"Huh." Everyone was puzzled, what is the situation, is this young man looking for someone? They followed their eyes and found that it was Lu Chen.

Suddenly, they suddenly realized that Lu Chen had come from a different place, and he shouldn't have any deep hatred with this young man, the atmosphere was a lot embarrassing for a while.

"Fang Pingyun, are you here to trouble me?" Lu Chen said lightly and calmly. Suddenly, the atmosphere of the arena was embarrassing a lot. Lu Chen's expression remained unchanged, and a domineering atmosphere of heaven and earth swept away in all directions. , Fang Pingyun was furious, staring at Lu Chen, isn't this kid knowingly asking?

"Hmph, since you know it, hurry up and die." Fang Pingyun felt the strange look around him, a little triumphant, it wasn't that he wanted to show off his power, his purpose was simple, that was to raise his eyebrows and defeat Lu Chen. , So as to eliminate his hatred.

"Hehe, then it depends on whether you have this ability." Lu Chen shrugged disapprovingly. Thousands of viewers couldn't help but look at Lu Chen twice. It turned out that this guy still likes to get into trouble. This seems to be love. Extensible.

They suddenly realized that it was mostly Lu Chen who provoke the young man, and then hid in Guiyun City to participate in the elite selection meeting. Once he succeeded, he joined the large-scale Cangqiangmen, and he would be safe and sound. After all, he found a strong backing. .

Everyone wanted to see Qiu Shaohua's reaction, but found that his face was calm and calm, and he didn't seem to have any plans to make a move. Isn't he going to recruit Lu Chen? Or maybe, this young man has an unfathomable background that Qiu Shaohua didn't dare to touch it.

This possibility is relatively small. In the eyes of the people of Guiyun City, the Sky Gate is a giant. It is so easy to shake it.

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