Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2709: Medium Yuanbeast

No, it was a genuine Yuan Beast to be precise. He didn't expect that there was a Yuan Beast here. Lu Chen thought about it for a while, maybe it was a Yuan Beast guarding this place.

He had a different mission, so he didn't leave, "Roar." The Yuan Beast let out a deafening roar. Liu Shiting and Lu Chen reacted immediately. This was actually a sonic attack, which was similar to mental power. It seems that this yuan beast is quite terrifying.

Although it was only a low-level elementary beast, at this time two or three elite disciples had died in his hands. One can imagine the ability of this low-level elementary beast. Unfortunately, the low-level elementary beast touched him. When he arrived at Lu Chen, this was his misfortune.

Lu Chen chuckled, just for a moment, he arrived in front of the inferior Yuan Beast, blasted out with a fist, mixed with earth-shattering destructive power, and the other elite disciples were stunned. This is the real powerhouse, compared to Lu Chen. When they got up, they were just making a fuss. Even if they were their twenty first-level elite disciples, they could not be the opponents of this low-level Yuan beast. If it hadn't been for Lu Chen, they would have been wiped out.

What a terrible end it was. It seems that the Beast Spirit Gate is also a big deal. It actually sent a low-level Yuan Beast to sit in the town. A huge wave was set off in their hearts. While they were thinking, Lu Chen took a deep breath, with a touch of sorrow on his mouth. Sneer.

"Aha." Lu Chen sneered again and again, that fist smoothly hit the behemoth Yuan Beast, the Yuan Beast wanted to dodge, but under Lu Chen's amazing pressure, he could not move.

The lower Yuanmon was slightly frightened, and his sonic attack strengthened again. At this moment, he seemed to be mad. The other elite leaders were all taken aback, and they retreated quickly, worrying that the city wall would catch fire and would endanger the pond fish. , Mortals suffer.

Compared with Lu Chen, they can only be said to be mortals. Because of Lu Chen’s attack, the monster beast fell to the ground like a towering tree, so that the mountain has a tendency to shake. Everyone took a deep breath and looked at Lu Chen. There was a big change. What they knew was that under Lu Chen's shot, the low-level Yuan beasts were all retreating. What a result of horror, the low-level Yuan Beast is a figure comparable to their elders in the Sky Gate.

Doesn't that mean that Lu Chen can handle even the elders of Cangqiongmen?

"This kid is really terrifying!" A disciple said in amazement and praised from the bottom of his heart.

"Yeah, he is my idol. When Lu Chen joined the Cangqiong Gate, it was a miracle. Even Qiushui Wuhen couldn't have the absolute upper hand. Just imagine how many of us at Cangqiong Gate can do this. "

"I don't know what the origin of this kid is. I heard that he didn't seem to belong to us in the Heavenly Transmitting Realm."

"How is this possible? Is it from above?" A disciple pointed to the sky with speculation.

The people couldn't help but shudder, and they didn't want to believe that Lu Chen came from there. Even if Lu Chen was strong, it could not have come from there.

If that were the case, then Lu Chen didn't have to join the Cangqiong Gate, and directly joined the hidden forces.

Liu Shiting received these words unreservedly in her ears. Her beautiful eyes were filled with splendor. It was obvious that Lu Chen's identity was full of doubts, even though Lu Chen brought three beautiful and flowery women to the Cangqiangmen. It makes her jealous, but she has to admit that every outstanding cultivator has three wives and four concubines. This situation is commonplace.

There was nothing strange to her. Lu Chen and the low-level Yuan beast were fighting like a fire, but they could see that as time passed, Lu Chen's advantage became more and more obvious.

"It would be great if I had Lu Chen's ability."

"Cut, I'm half satisfied."

"You daydream. With this time, it's better to think about how to quickly improve your strength. This is the most important thing!"

"That's right, we can ask Lu Chen for some advice. He led us this time because he is optimistic about our performance."

"Then let's kill these little monsters quickly, so as not to waste Lu Chen's strength."

After discussion, a dozen or so elite leaders started hunting down small monsters. These monsters can't let go of one, otherwise the wind will be leaked, and it will be of no benefit to the sky gate.

Various fighting voices came and went one after another. These elite elites did not fall under the wind because of their high morale. Even though there were a lot of monsters, they possessed relatively clever skills.

In addition, the potential has been stimulated, so for a time the people of Cangqiangmen have the absolute upper hand, and Liu Shiting helps them from time to time.

"Thank you, Master Sister." After receiving the help, these elites all thanked each other. Liu Shiting also knew that to minimize casualties, otherwise it would have a big impact on the Cangqiong Gate.

"It's okay." Liu Shiting didn't take it to heart. She stared at Lu Chen nervously. This low-level Yuan beast was no small thing. She couldn't decide whether to win or lose until the last moment, so she was worried that Lu Chen had two shortcomings.

Fortunately, this kind of worry is basically superfluous. A wave of horrible aftermath spread out, affecting every corner within a hundred meters. There were some monster beasts who wanted to help their leader, but they hadn't gotten close yet. It was greatly affected.

"Hey, yes, come again." When Liu Shiting was thinking about it, Lu Chen had already emerged. The monster monster he had fought was losing ground every day, and the low-level Yuan beast was quite unwilling. After all, I never thought about Lu Chen's body. How terrifying deterrence could actually burst out.

"Boy, you get away, or don't blame me for being impolite." To everyone's amazement, the Monster Beast took the initiative to speak, and the aura around him became a lot stronger.

Although it was an obscure language, Lu Chen still understood it, and he curled his lips in disapproval, "I won't be here for fear of you. Didn't you find out that your Tiger Rudder Master is gone?" Said deeply.

Those monster beasts heard Lu Chen's words, and stormy waves throbbed in their hearts. What kind of joke, did Lu Chen even know this? When the disaster was approaching, they also thought of Tiger Rudder Master, but it was a very strange thing that they could not find Tiger Rudder Master.

They don’t want to think of the death of Tiger Rudder. They think of the difference between their heads. Tiger Rudder is a genuine middle-level beast. It is not easy to catch against ordinary cultivators. It is not the case today, Lu Chen revealed. After the tiger rudder master, coupled with his inevitable and confident appearance, clearly the destructive power and methods of the tiger rudder master of the ministries and commissions.

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