Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2726: Jiaolong Yuan Beast

In case of a carelessness, Lu Chen's head will be different. That is a huge loss for the Cangqiangmen. Lu Chen is a rare elite evildoer in thousands of years. The Cangqiangmen can get such a disciple, absolutely It is not easy.

"Haha, let Yan Wang tell you later." Lu Chen curled his lips, a little disdainful. His domineering and domineering made many practitioners dumbfounded. Facing the horrifying existence of the Dragon Yuan Beast, Lu Chen could still arrogantly arrogant. Yes, this courage makes them willing to bow down and sigh.

"You, you are looking for death." Jiaolong Yuanmon didn't expect that Lu Chen tried to insult him. This angered his bottom line. His Jiaolong Qi has been strengthened a bit, although it will not have much effect on Lu Chen. , But he can resist the dragon descending technique.

This mysterious technique has actually been lost for many years. If it weren’t for his knowledge and knowledge, there would be no way to explain it in one word. However, in Lu Chen’s body, he actually reproduced the dragon descending technique, and he couldn’t think of it. The explanation is that this mysterious technique is the nemesis of many members of the dragon clan, and it is the same for him, so he is suppressed everywhere, no matter how weak it is, there is no effect.

Lu Chen curled his lips, his mind moved, and the Hongmeng Sword was held tightly by him. After that, Lu Chen fiercely swung out two Hongmeng sword auras, which seemed to destroy every vitality, Hongmeng. The sword qi was mixed with the screaming wind and the overwhelming aura, so that the many elite disciples were stunned.

Seeing that the Hongmeng Sword Qi was about to hit the main deity of the Jiaolong Yuan Beast, the latter tried his best to dodge, but the Hongmeng Sword Qi seemed to have long eyes and followed him again at an unparalleled speed. The behemoth body of the Jiaolong Yuan Beast began to move. It was somewhat inconvenient, so soon, he was hit by Hongmeng Sword Qi, "Boom."

Deafening sounds, with different penetrating power, spread all over the elite hall. These elite disciples couldn’t help using the aura of heaven and earth, worrying that they would be affected by such a strong aftermath. There is no doubt that those The low-strength cultivators couldn’t help spraying blood, and the scene was slightly **** for a while. These two people caused such a terrifying destructive power, which has already shocked many people, including the high-levels of the Sky Gate. It's just strange that the upper level of Cangqiangmen didn't seem to have any plans to make a move, but was just watching its changes.

However, most careful cultivators can also understand the reason. Lu Chen offended the Beast Spirit Gate and had conflicts with the Fang family before. Their Cangqiang Gate was just a large school. As the saying goes, the tree attracts the wind. , Now that the two major forces have joined forces to deal with the Cangqiangmen, even the high-level people who have always been calm on weekdays can't help but sigh. Once they make a move, it means that the contradiction between Cangqiangmen and the other two forces has been completely intensified.

Although you can flaunt Fang Pingyun and Jiaolong Yuan Beast for a while, and even kill them, this is not a long-term solution. When the two major forces send people over on a large scale, they will be really bad luck.

Therefore, they did not act rashly. Anyway, the current situation is still beneficial to them. Lu Chen, who doesn't know what means, can actually beat the Dragon Yuan beast. What must be admitted is that Lu Chen's current situation , Is quite worrying.

Unless he can perform a miracle again, then he will be safer. Otherwise, they might just watch Lu Chen fall, and not be able to help. Of course, the most unpleasant thing is the Qingtang Hall Master at Cangqiangmen, after all, Lu Chen It was his apprentice, and said nothing would make him die.

But this time, Lu Chen obviously gave him a long face. The Palace Master of Qingtang had given Lu Chen a lot of promises before. This kid also learned his lesson. All they need to do is wait patiently.

"Boy, you go back to the Beast Spirit Gate with me now, I can guarantee that you will not die, otherwise, you will declare war on my Beast Spirit Gate and Fang Family." Somewhat strangely, the Dragon Yuan Beast took the initiative to speak. , He showed a slight compromise, and pulled Fang Pingyun up by the way. The latter was stunned, and then nodded together.

Today Lu Chen has grown up, to a point he can't imagine. In any case, he has to be calm and calm, and he can't give Lu Chen time and opportunity to grow. This guy's potential talent, It's a monster.

Although Jiaolong Yuan Beast promised that Lu Chen would be safe and sound, he hadn't finished speaking yet. As long as he didn't kill Lu Chen, he could be tortured slowly.

At that time, Lu Chen will have no chance to escape, "Yes, Wulin, you should think carefully, what you represent now is not yourself, and the sky door behind you, don’t lose big because of small things. Mistakes become an eternal hate."

"Damn, it's really mean and shameless. If we can't beat our senior brother, we started threatening him in various ways. Hey, what kind of person is this." The disciples below were immediately dissatisfied. They witnessed Lu Chen's great power. At that time, there was a state of empathy. Most people were sincerely convinced of Lu Chen, and basically had no hatred or dissatisfaction, so Lu Chen was their recognized idol.

If Fang Pingyun wanted to use such threats to make Lu Chen compromise, they would be dissatisfied immediately.

"Yeah, I thought the Fang family was a decent sect. It's better now, and it is united with the Beast Spirit Sect. If this matter is known by other major forces, I am afraid that your Fang family wants to ignore it. It's not that simple, right?" Some people sneered.

There are all kinds of comments. Fang Pingyun can’t help but blush when he hears it. His face is not that thick, but the Dragon Yuan Beast doesn’t care at all. Their Beast Spirit Sect is basically evil and doesn’t need a reputation. At that time, all he needed to do was to let Lu Chen willingly surrender the Dragon descending technique, and only in that way could their beast spirit gate be safe and sound.

"Hey, you don't have to say much, kid, if you give you the opportunity, you must cherish it." Jiaolong Yuan Beast laughed gloomily, and then began to beat the drum. He didn't have much confidence in dealing with Lu Chen, so he could only use this method. It is undeniable that this method is very useful. Lu Chen began to hesitate. His expression changed, staring at Jiao Long Yuan Beast and Fang Pingyun. Fang Pingyun was a little embarrassed. He wanted to point out Lu Chen, but he thought of it. It is an inevitable fact that he is missing an arm. Even if he successfully completes the task this time and returns to Fang's house, his status will plummet.

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