Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2746: Thousand points

"Hehe." Lu Chen laughed dryly. The faint green flame tempered him and strengthened his physique. Lu Chen was overjoyed. It seemed that opportunities were everywhere.

Of course, this method can only be used by him. If it is replaced by an ordinary cultivator, it will be a situation of death, because they do not have such a special physique. Lu Chen is originally the body of the five elements, plus learning With the mysterious power of Xuanming, it can transform into a five-element formation dragon.

There is the potential blood of the Dragon Clan, and this faint green flame just helped Lu Chen, so he was more satisfied, but some were happy and some were worried.

Wang Kang was overjoyed when he discovered that Lu Chen had not fallen behind. But the leader and the others, they couldn't calm down. Their faces were puzzled and a little bit of amazement. This kid didn't die?

"Damn, elder brother, shouldn't I just look at the flowers, how could he not fall." Someone muttered to himself.

"I'm not dreaming, let me pinch myself." Someone was not sure, so he hesitated, but he was so surprised that he felt a severe pain, and then he realized that Lu Chen did succeed.

At such a critical moment, Lu Chen created another miracle.

Not only the big brother taking the lead, but the red giant fish can't keep calm anymore. Its body is flashing with a dark green flame, like a sharp blade, and Lu Chen is unmoved.

The red giant fish didn't even think of how Lu Chen avoided its proud attack.

After that, Lu Chen was full of triumphant expression, "How about it, little red fish, you can take out what you have, don't hide it, I'm not afraid of you."

He said disapprovingly.

For the red giant fish, it was a naked, naked provocation. It was so big that Lu Chen actually said it was a little red fish. Isn't this insulting it?

Under the cynicism, the red giant fish didn't want to fall into the water, so they attacked Lu Chen again, with a fierce offensive, countless rockets, with an overwhelming trend, attacked Lu Chen, the latter did not stay still. , He already has a certain resistance to the flames of the red giant fish, so he doesn't need to be affected.

His spears seemed to be pervasive. Lu Chen didn't move when resisting these rockets. Such a scene undoubtedly proved a problem. Lu Chen had the upper hand, which was a breeze for him.

He estimated how many points this red giant fish would get after being killed.

"Brother, this guy is simply a pervert." Everyone couldn't help feeling full of emotions. Fortunately, they didn't fight Lu Chen to the end, otherwise the result would be unimaginable.

"Brother, let's retreat or stay here is not a way." Someone suggested that their fear of Lu Chen rose to the point where it could not be added.

"Let's take a look at the situation again, hey." The eldest brother sighed, he was helpless to the extreme. Originally, they found the treasure, but accidentally fell into the water because of playing with it.

After thinking about it for a moment, he felt like a knife cut, "Okay." In fact, how do these little brothers want to give up, but it is the best way to retreat in the face of difficulty. If they are obsessed, they may be waiting for them Somewhere.

"Boom." Lu Chen's sword flower not only resisted the rocket, but also rushed into the red giant fish in the air with a trend of breaking through. This strange method opened the eyes of those people.

The red giant fish was going to move more slowly on the shore, so it was attacked by Lu Chen's violent storms, but it had red scales, which caused Lu Chen's spears to fail to function.

He curled his mouth, his body flashed, and at the speed of lightning, he reached the side of the red giant fish, and then the red serpent lotus spear pierced out. The invincible destructive power destroyed the operation of the surrounding heaven and earth.

"Bang Bang." Deafening voices spread. With the fierce aftermath, the leading brother and others used some heaven and earth aura to resist, otherwise they would still be hurt.

This is so, they are still scarred. In contrast, Wang Kang is still unaffected. This is because Wang Kang has received Lu Chen's help.

Lu Chen's figure and the red giant fish were intertwined, and the gradually illusory state caused the faces of the leading brothers to change. Their faces were shocked. After a while, traces of scars appeared on the red giant fish. The mysterious breath of Xuan Ming fluttered from Lu Chen.

"Hoho." Although the red giant fish was extremely powerful, it was on the shore, and its skill was really outstanding. It was incomparable to Lu Chen, so that it could not harm Lu Chen, and was consumed by Lu Chen alive. Inevitable.

After all, this red giant fish had a limited IQ. After taking the opportunity, Lu Chen led the red giant fish by the nose.

That unwilling roar sounded a bit oozing, and the faces of the leader and the others were so wonderful that they never dreamed that Lu Chen could suppress the giant red fish.

"Go to hell." Lu Chen snorted, but at this moment, the bright light flashed out of the big red giant fish's blood bowl, just like a small sun, and ordinary people couldn't catch it.

"Boom." A series of loud noises, moving towards the surroundings.

The blood in Lu Chen's body was surging, and he almost vomited blood, but his patience was not bad, and he swallowed abruptly. His face paled for a while, but fortunately, his recovery ability was good. There is no doubt that he was in an instant. Restored to a better state.

Although he paid a tragic price, but that

A drop of blood rained down and spread over half of the earth. Everyone's expressions were gloomy and uncertain. Their horror was to the extreme. Originally, they were gloating and felt that Lu Chen had no chance to stand out, let alone solve this red giant fish. Can't keep up with the rapid changes.

"Reward points are 1,000 points." A reminder sound came from Lu Chen's mind. He couldn't help but beamed his eyebrows. This is undoubtedly a surprise, because he worked hard for a long time, only more than two hundred points. After reaching 1,000 points, Lu Chen was quite satisfied.

He was surprised to find that there was a crystal clear bead floating in the air, shining with a brilliant light. Lu Chen knew that this was what they called a treasure, and it fell into his hand.

Lu Chen was proud of his heart at this time, and glanced at the few people who took the lead.

"You guys, just get out by yourself, I'm still here to invite you?" Lu Chen waved his hand, and the eldest brother and the others were stunned. They nodded quickly, not expecting Lu Chen to let him go.

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