Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2748: First place

It seems that Lu Chen’s previous promise is not just talking about it. This is what matters. Wang Kang’s brain flashes. He heard people say that collecting the materials from these monsters can also get some points, although it is. There is less, but it is better than nothing.

And maybe it can come in handy at critical moments. This killing space is a maverick existence. There are many things that are uncertain. It is a pity that I missed the red giant fish material before. The matter, because of Lu Chen's powerful means, directly bombarded the giant red fish to pieces.

He is not good at collecting anything, and the Five Elements Qi is different, not so scary, but quietly solved two half-human mammoths, they fell to the ground somehow, and Wang Kang also boldly went. Collected materials.

Presumably Lu Chen has such a superb method, he should not lose to this dragon tortoise, but Wang Kang can also see that the dragon tortoise is not an ordinary monster, his sharp blade is simply a kind of great vision Shock.

"There's a way." Lu Chen couldn't help his face full of joy. This dragon turtle seemed to have noticed what little trick Lu Chen wanted to use.

Then Lu Chen came out of his hand with an extra long sword, it was his Hongmeng Sword. With a move, Lu Chen urged the Hongmeng Sword to attack so that he would not be involved.

Ordinary magic weapons will not attack actively unless they are under the control of the cultivator. Unlike the Hongmeng Sword, it is completely capable of attacking on its own. Lu Chen's control is only second, and it plays an icing on the cake.

It was undeniable that the Hongmeng Sword itself contained good destructive power. Lu Chen stood on the sidelines and watched the Hongmeng Sword attack the dragon turtle, and the dragon tortoise could only wailing in pain and could not affect Lu Chen at all. It was a little depressed and repeatedly. To get close to Lu Chen and attack with a sharp blade, they were all forced back by the Hongmeng Sword. This scene opened Wang Kang's eyes. His admiration for Lu Chen unknowingly rose to an infinite degree.

It is indeed his boss who actually turned the dragon turtle around. This can only show that Lu Chen himself has an innate potential that is hard to underestimate. Coupled with his brilliant intelligence, he is simply not comparable to ordinary cultivators.

"Boss, come on." With the protection of Lu Chen, Wang Kang can also collect materials from the half-man mammoth without hesitation. The destructive aura of heaven and earth emerges from the sword body of the Hongmeng sword. .

"Boom boom." Deafening sounds, like the sound of firecrackers, fluttered around.

The dragon turtle made a harsh sound. Just when Lu Chen felt it was dying, the dragon turtle seemed to be returning to light. It exuded a strange aura, which made Lu Chen feel a bad feeling. Suddenly, Long The tortoise's defensive power has doubled, and it doesn't care about the harassment of the Hongmeng Sword, and it actually rushes straight over.

From Dragon Turtle’s point of view, Lu Chen is relying on the Hongmeng Sword to aggressively oppress him. This is not a good thing. Dragon Turtle is not willing to die like this. It is better to let go and just kill the owner of the Hongmeng Sword, Lu. Chen, presumably he would not end up in such a field.

Because the Hongmeng Sword has its master no matter how powerful it is, Wang Kang couldn't help taking a breath. Although this dragon tortoise is only a monster, its own wisdom is obvious.

"Are you looking for death?" Lu Chen curled his lips, a little disdainful. Dragon Turtle was weak at this time. Even if it had the ability to rebound, it would not be so strong, so Lu Chen could rest assured. He took a deep breath. Going up to the difficulty with bare hands, this is extremely shocking and dangerous.

After all, the sharp blade on Dragon Tortoise was replaced by an ordinary cultivator, and he was directly pierced to death. There was a faint light on his fist. With the concentration of Lu Chen, his own power can be said to be a peak.

"Hey." Lu Chen snorted, and then slammed a punch, roaring the fierce wind, at this moment, it seemed that time had stopped for it.

When Wang Kang watched from a distance, there was an urge to breathe out. Seeing Lu Chen's fist hit the sharp blade, causing the sharp blade to bloom with cold light, Lu Chen exuded the five elements of air, "Crunch ."

The seemingly indestructible sharp blade was broken by Lu Chen forcibly, so that the dragon tortoise screamed in pain, and its huge animal face was twisted.

"Take your life while you are sick." Lu Chen didn't give it the slightest chance to breathe. The condensed five-element auras destroyed the aura of heaven and earth around them, surging away, and the dragon turtle fell into a place where there is no return.

However, its defensive power is still quite astonishing, even if Lu Chen exerts his absolute strength to the best of his ability, he still has no single move.

But this was also irreparable damage to the dragon tortoise. Lu Chen's body was also overwhelmed. There is no doubt that while hurting the dragon tortoise, he received a strong aftermath, and the rebounding force gave Lu Chen a kind of seed. Unbearable feeling.

Fortunately, his own defensive power was quite terrifying. He waved his hand, swallowed a panacea, and recovered a lot of physical strength.

"Boom boom." He added another fist, and the dragon turtle was dying. It galloped in the killing prison space for a long time without any substantial damage, because its defense power was amazing, and it was also peculiar. The nature of the rebound, so that many cultivators ruined it.

After a while, Lu Chen killed Dragon Turtle and gained 5,000 points, which caused his points to soar to the top of the list.

"An uproar." After hearing the news, many elite leaders exploded, and they couldn't help talking, "This Lu Chen, is it Lu Chen who fought against Sun Jiaxing in the wild land before?" Someone started. Doubt it.

"It's possible, after all, he looks like Sun Jiaxing can deal with it. It's excusable to get a few thousand points this time." There are many people who admire Lu Chen very much, so they always believe this.

"This kid is too terrifying, less than a day after he came to the Killing Prison Space, he has reached more than 6,000 points. Is there any reliable information at the Cangqiong Gate?" Some people don't believe that Lu Chen obtained it through ordinary channels. With so many points, because there are many things that are not known in the killing prison space. Some schools have elite leaders who have come in before, so they have a unique advantage. Under normal circumstances, their group of people are also among the best in the points ranking. Normally, elite leaders need to gain points by killing monsters, and of course it is not without exception.

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