Lu Chen was not surprised that he could see the points of the cultivator himself. After he got this helmet, he could see it that way, but this mysterious person and strong does not need to rely on anything. How could Lu Chen not admire Lian Lian for external things, or that he has such an ability.

"Okay." Wang Kang's face blushed involuntarily. The mysterious man said nothing wrong. He only has a few hundred points, which is really nothing. Now the killing space has been open for nearly a day. The talents of Wang Kang are all revealed. In contrast, Wang Kang is a very ordinary person, and he is not an outstanding elite at all.

He also has a low self-esteem, which is incomparable with enchanting elites like Lu Chen, but he also has good luck, and Wang Kang is already very satisfied.

"Senior, I only have these materials. Take a look. I don't know what I can exchange for." Wang Kang appeared very cautious. He didn't have the indifferent mentality of Lu Chen, so after encountering this kind of opportunity, he even got himself Shaking, Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded.

But there was no sound. Waiting for the answer from the mysterious man, the mysterious man thought for a while, and then said without any haste, "This kind of thing is more suitable for you and can double your defense power. You are with him. Although safety has been guaranteed, there are dangers here, you may be eliminated, or even in different parts of your body, so it is important for you to strengthen your own defenses. As long as you persist to the end, you will definitely get what belongs to you. This is something you can rest assured of." The mysterious man said earnestly. This made Lu Chen jealous and frantic. He didn't have such a good treatment.

But this is also excusable, because Lu Chen saw some hope from Wang Kang, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Aha, let's just follow what you said senior." Wang Kang knew that this senior put himself in his position, which is absolutely commendable. Although he does not know what his purpose is, it cannot be denied that he And if Lu Chen encountered a great danger, it would be like what the mysterious man said.

So he nodded solemnly, the mysterious man was also very satisfied, so he gave a piece of armor to Wang Kang. The latter was delighted. This armor was quite thick. It is not difficult to see that his effect will come. In the event of an accident, this kind of thing is a hot existence outside the killing space.

Wang Kang gave all the collected materials to the mysterious person, and he didn't have much effect. For a while, Wang Kang wanted to try this defensive treasure on a whim.

But now is not the right time, Lu Chen respectfully said, "If there is nothing to do, we will leave, senior."

Lu Chen calmly looked at the mysterious man, and wanted to get something out of him. It was obvious that Lu Chen had failed. The mysterious man just nodded lightly, turned around, and left.

Just when Lu Chen wanted to speak, the mysterious man disappeared where he was when he moved his mind. Lu Chen was stunned, and a huge wave was set off in his heart. This mysterious man seemed to come and go without a trace. He was so fierce. The method is the teleport in the legend, and his view of the mysterious man has undergone an earth-shaking change.

This mysterious person is really unfathomable. Fortunately, Lu Chen did not offend him. Otherwise, it would be unthinkable. However, Lu Chen's ability to see people is good. When he first saw a mysterious person, he was aware of him. Out of the ordinary.

Fortunately, Lu Chen also got some treasures from the mysterious man. Although the points are cleared, everything has to be started from scratch. The way to increase the points of the killing space is quite convenient. As long as Lu Chen has absolute means, He can improve his points by hunting down other elite leaders.

This is a space where the weak and the strong eat the strong. Those who are weak only have their lives defeated, and it is inevitable that Lu Chen will step on their stepping stones and grow continuously.

"Hey, boss, you are really a wise martial artist. If it weren't for you to say you want to enter this dark forest, I'm afraid we won't have such a chance encounter." Wang Kang is just a casual cultivator, which leads to his limited strength. Yes, and there are no special chance encounters, but this time, he was satisfied with a treasure traded from the mysterious man. Before talking to Lu Chen, there was no wrong choice.

"It's okay, I just made a mistake." Lu Chen said solemnly, not triumphant, and what he said was not wrong. In fact, he judged by his instinct that this gloomy forest could not exist for no reason.

Perhaps after they leave, this dark forest may disappear. Of course, this is something that Lu Chen can't tell. He wondered where the mysterious person would appear.

He regretted that he didn't collect points crazily before. Otherwise, it would not be the case. Lu Chen was a little depressed, but he did not force it. As the saying goes, everything should be natural, otherwise his state of mind will be Has changed.

"Boss, let's go out." Wang Kang touched his armor and couldn't put it down.

After a while, Lu Chen and Wang Kang walked out of the gloomy forest. They came into a gorge. This Liban revealed a chilly atmosphere, which made people afraid to look directly at it. Now Wang Kang has become bolder. Some of them were not affected at all. His face was as usual, and he glanced at Lu Chen and found that the latter frowned slightly, as if something serious was about to happen.

"Be careful." Lu Chen emphasized. He found something strange. There were huge footprints on the ground and they were irregular, which made Lu Chen at a loss.

His keen senses caught something wrong, and Lu Chen became cautious. As the saying goes, he sailed the boat carefully. Even if he is a master of art, he must be cautious in this unknown place. , Otherwise because of his negligence, he would be eliminated or even wiped out, and Lu Chen would not even have the chance to regret it.

"Okay." Wang Kangning sighed. After careful observation, he discovered that it was true. It was just that the footprints on the ground were stepped in the snow. Perhaps due to the passage of time, the footprints were blurred. He couldn't help but Anxious.

"Chatter." Suddenly, there were strange sounds. Lu Chen looked up and saw that half of the sky was covered. It turned out to be a group of bats, and the headed bat was as tall as half a person, even Lu Chen felt it. , The kind of extremely strong pressure.

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