Otherwise, after changing to a normal cultivator, his head would have been different. A mysterious and unpredictable atmosphere swept away from the bat leader. Lu Chen was stunned. How did he feel the strength of the bat leader? , Strengthened a bit, no, to be precise, the bat leader should have fallen into a state of anger. After all, Lu Chen killed so many little bats and angered the bat leader, that is excusable.

Lu Chen's expression was uncertain. Originally, he was still pleased with the speed of his points growth. Now it seems that he was too happy too soon. Under such surging deterrence, even Lu Chen could not help but be moved. , He took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart. Facing such a powerful enemy, Lu Chen couldn't take it lightly. As long as he successfully defeated the bat leader, these little bats would be slaughtered.

"Chatter." The bat leader let out a weird scream, which caused Lu Chen's headache. He hurriedly used his own Xuanming aura to resist. This was a little easier. At exactly this time, the bat leader landed towards the ground. Chen came with an impact, driving the rustling wind with the thunderous momentum. At this moment, it seemed that the surrounding heaven and earth aura disappeared.

Lu Chen condensed his voice and held his breath. He wielded the Hongmeng sword, and he wielded the Hongmeng sword aura in a substantive way. With the power of the five elements, he walked towards him. Lu Chen looked confident. Since the bat leader has fallen into extremely angry Status, presumably would not play other tricks, just thinking about killing him, Lu Chen can also feel this.

Sure enough, the bat leader didn't mean to dodge, that Hongmeng sword aura hit the bat leader's wings, but this time, there was no such obvious effect.

It just affected the speed of the bat leader's behavior, and that Hongmeng sword energy disappeared. Lu Chen was slightly surprised. The bat leader rushed over and brought some black liquid. Lu Chen was stunned, just as he was about to dodge. When the liquid was black, the bat leader screamed twice, and a big golden net flew out of it. Lu Chen had no chance to relax. Even if his speed was not slow, if it was with this golden Compared with his big net, it was a hundred and eight thousand miles away. It was just a breath away, and Lu Chen was entangled by the golden net. Even if he used his full strength, he couldn't resist it. And the next moment, that The black liquid splashed on Lu Chen's body, his face was gloomy, the black liquid didn't seem to be a deadly poison.

He didn't feel any discomfort, but it seemed that his physique had deteriorated. The bat leader did not act rashly, but projected a black liquid again. Lu Chen's feeling became stronger, and his brain flashed If there is no accident, this should be to reduce his defense. Lu Chen showed a wry smile. He hurriedly used the Five Elements Qi to resist the black liquid, but Lu Chen was surprised to find that because he took it lightly, this black The liquid had already covered his body, so he couldn't resist it at all. Lu Chen gritted his teeth, and beads of sweat leaked from his forehead. It turned out that this bat leader, in a peculiar state, not only recovered to his peak state, but also his strength. He was advancing by leaps and bounds. Lu Chen was panicking, but thinking of his mission, his unwillingness to admit defeat came to his mind again.

A strong breath of Profound Mind swept away from Lu Chen, mixed with the oppressive force of the Dragon Drop Technique. Lu Chen discovered that the golden giant net had undergone some changes, and cracks gradually appeared on it. Lu Chen The eyebrows were raised involuntarily. That’s right, because of the effect of his dragon descending technique, Lu Chen had already achieved some results, but he knew that this was not enough. He also knew that this golden giant net was. It is made of any material, and even his aura of heaven and earth cannot completely tear the golden giant net. This is not a good thing for Lu Chen.

In the unlikely event that he falls into a place where there is no return, he has no chance to regret it. Who knows that the bat leader was actually brewing a conspiracy. Lu Chen once again strengthened the breath of Xuan Ming, but at this time, the bat leader finally launched a storm He is not stupid to attack, after all, Lu Chen has such a powerful means. If it hadn't entered an invincible recovery state before, it was likely to be eradicated by Lu Chen, then the gain would not be worth the loss. This is undoubtedly something. , Therefore, at this time, the bat leader will never be soft-hearted. Its black mist is a fatal attack. It was originally difficult to harm Lu Chen. At this time, taking advantage of it, it did everything possible to lower Lu Chen’s defenses. Ability, once again bound by its giant golden net, is definitely a perfect time to kill Lu Chen, how could it miss this once-in-a-lifetime time.

"Boom boom." Loud noises were heard in all directions. There is no doubt that the black mist attack of the bat leader successfully hit Lu Chen. Wang Kang was taken aback. He was unsure. , If Lu Chen loses to the bat leader, he will also be eliminated, and all previous efforts will be lost.

He noticed Lu Chen's points, and he has already rushed to the top of the ranking list. This is something to celebrate, but the good times are not long. The bat leader's ability is indeed unpredictable, he simply can't Keep calm. Fortunately, the little bats around did not attack him at this time. These little bats are also smart. They cheered one after another at this time. Obviously, they were happy because the bat leader showed great power. This is also impossible. Things to avoid.

After all, the bat leader had always believed in them. Wang Kangding took a look and found a familiar figure. Although slightly embarrassed, he had to admit that Lu Chen was still standing without any irreversible injuries. He was slightly relieved. With a sigh of relief, Lu Chen didn't know when he transformed into the state of a true five-element dragon again. What he knew well was that only in this state could he suffer as little as possible and resist the black mist of the bat leader. Attack, after all, the bat leader is cunning and insidious, reducing his defense a lot.

Fortunately, when Lu Chen was in the state of a true five-element dragon, his defensive power would be greatly increased. Otherwise, he would be a normal cultivator, but there would be no bones left. He gritted his teeth and swallowed an emerald green. Obviously, Lu Chen's panacea had an excellent effect, but Lu Chen's own absorption was like a bottomless pit, and such a recovery effect could not be seen immediately.

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