Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2773: Pointy Mouth Monkey Gill

Only in the blink of an eye, Bing Cone rushed over, which made Lu Chen a little at a loss. He dodged for a while, and was surprised to find that Bing Cone was following him, and Lu Chen's face appeared solemn. He did not expect this woman. The means are so peculiar.

"Boom." Deafening voices spread in all directions, Lu Chen's whole body was frozen, his expression was a little stiff.

The woman laughed involuntarily, apparently mocking Lu Chen's incompetence, "Huh, I said, why do you need such a big fanfare for this kind of stuff? I was allowed to come a long time ago, and he will not live what he is now. ."

Facing her triumphantly, the people at the Beast Spirit Gate were a little embarrassed, but they didn't say anything, they just kept flattering her. There is no doubt that she has some advantages.

But the next moment, Lu Chen's freezing state was lifted, and instead, there was a raging flame on his body. They were all people who knew the goods, "Nine Suns Real Fire."

"What?!" The crowd was amazed. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe that Lu Chen had such a magical ability.

That’s right, the true fire of Nine Suns is far more powerful than that, and the master of the Fire Hall’s complexion is extremely wonderful, even though he specializes in cultivating fire attributes, he may not be able to resolve the ice cone in such a short time. The attack is simply unthinkable.

At this time, the cold light flashed in Lu Chen's eyes, and his Nine Suns' true fire poured onto the woman, who was startled. It is undeniable that there was no time to hesitate with the horror in her heart.

"Boom boom." The earth-shaking loud noise sounded in mid-air, and everyone was stunned. They saw the people of the Beast Spirit Gate with gray heads and faces. They had never thought that Lu Chen would use Nine Suns Real Fire, this kind of flame attack ability. , Reached the level of superb.

"Ah." A shrill scream followed, and everyone's expressions were very weird. This was the woman who attacked Lu Chen before, and she was surrounded by Nine Suns Real Fire.

Her fate was conceivable. Everyone couldn't help but shudder. Lu Chen might be too cruel, but they suddenly thought that Lu Chen was actually very passive.

In the face of the oppression of the two major forces, he must give some reaction. This is undoubtedly the best deterrent effect.

Everyone in the Fang family was shocked. For a while, Lu Chen became the focus, "Boy, you, you dare to kill my beast spirits." The demon king trembled, as the saying goes. No matter what happened, Lu Chen was still in front of him.

Killing the high level of the Beast Spirit Sect simply didn't put him in the eyes, as he was said to be tolerable or unbearable, there was a monstrous demon energy in his body, and everyone did not dare to look at him directly.

The people of the Fang family didn't speak, they didn't want to be hurt by the pond fish. Anyway, Lu Chen had already taken the beast spirit door, and all they needed to do was watch the change.

"Why not?" Lu Chen asked disapprovingly, without flinching, his eyes widened.

Everyone can only admire Lu Chen's courage. Isn't this kid asking for trouble?

"Okay, I will let you know what a real powerhouse is." The demon king's ability to become the king of the beast spirit gate is not a vain name.

He has experienced many winds and waves. Although he admires Lu Chen very much, he is unwilling to let go of the grievances of the Beast Spirit Gate.

"Okay." Lu Chen curled his lips, took the initiative to attack, his figure jumped, and a punch came out. The thick Nine Suns' real fire seemed to be substantial, and everyone was shocked.

Whether this daring behavior would cause Lu Chen's head and body to be different, they were still not sure, so they could only wait and see.

The Demon King's mind moved, like a teleport, and disappeared within the observation range of everyone, but Lu Chen's speed was not slow, on the contrary, the two figures kept colliding.

After just a few breaths, they fought for hundreds of rounds. Lu Chen gritted his teeth. He always believed that he had no limits.

Especially when facing the strong, the Demon King was very powerful, but in the killing prison space, Lu Chen got a lot of benefits, coupled with his mentality, so that he can calmly and calmly fight the Demon King.

Many elite leaders can be described as dumbfounded. Even if they have a good tolerance, they will be more or less unbalanced when they see Lu Chen showing such a great power. They are also disciples of the Cangqiangmen, why are they so different? Just that big, their admiration for Lu Chen has risen to an unprecedented level.

This is also excusable, because it didn't take long for Lu Chen to come to the Cangqiong Gate, and what a glorious achievement he has now grown into a supreme elite leader.

When they thought about it, they couldn't help but their blood boiled. For a while, Lu Chen became the focus of attention, "Boom." The next moment, an unprecedented loud noise spread in all directions, Lu Chen's body shape retreated, and the demon Wang kept a certain distance.

This Demon King's method is beyond doubt. Lu Chen is so young that he can be equal to him. It is definitely something to show off. Lu Chen is not that kind of person.

The high level of Cangqiangmen couldn't help being moved. They wondered whether they wanted to take action to prevent this unfair fight. They considered it for a while, and felt that it was improper, in case it caused endless attacks from the Fang family. Then you have to try.

"Demon King, as a senior, you don't want to be so careless." The Qingtang Hall Master asked questions, which was obviously cynic.

Lu Chen's face showed contempt, and the five elements in his body skyrocketed again. In an instant, Lu Chen reached the peak state. His fearless appearance made the Fang family couldn't help being impressed.

But at present, they are undoubtedly Lu Chen's opponents, and they can't be taken lightly. If they fall into a place where they cannot be restored because of their carelessness, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Boy, if you are caught with your hands now, we can consider and let go of the sky gate, otherwise you will be involved in the sky gate because of your own sins. I think you can't bear it." The Fang family is despicable and shameless at this time. , Began to threaten Lu Chen aggressively.

The latter's expression was uncertain, and he took a deep breath, "Aren't your family pretending to be upright? How can you do such a shameful deed."

This naked, naked, and naked blow made several people in the Fang family blush, and a huge wave was set off in their hearts.

"Hey, kid, you really have a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, but since you have offended our Fang family and the Beast Spirit Gate, you have to pay a painful price. No matter where it goes, our Fang family can make sense. "The Fang family's high-level retorted, after all, there are envoys from other forces present. Once they retreat and show weakness, Lu Chen may have the upper hand.

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