Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2775: Ancient books

He has cultivated for so many years, if he loses to a newcomer Lu Chen, it would be a great shame. He doesn't want to fall into that field. The body of the Demon King swells at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Lu Chen frowns, but Without stopping, he would not give the Demon King time to transform, but the Demon King only blinked and became a fierce cheetah, which made Lu Chen helpless.

"Shifeng Leopard!" The White Hall Master glanced at him and couldn't help but exclaimed. That's right, the demon king's deity is the Haifeng Leopard, because for many years he hasn't been in the state of being transformed into a costly respect, so many people do not. Knowing that the Demon King was cultivated by Haifeng Leopard.

Haifeng Leopard was originally an ordinary monster, but it is said that this monster king swallowed a pill against the sky and changed his name, so that he transformed from an ordinary monster to a semi-god monster. This is a shocking world. The incident caused quite a stir at the time.

Therefore, this time, Lu Chen forced his deity out, causing an uproar. After all, Lu Chen is just a young talent. Even if he has monstrous abilities, he won't be able to force a veteran power here. Plant the world, besides, the monster beast's abilities in all aspects are much stronger than the cultivator.

There was no doubt about what they witnessed with their own eyes, so for a while, Lu Chen became the focal point again, and the gust of wind roared, and the wind leopard disappeared. Everyone was shocked. What kind of speed is this mysterious? This is unbelievable. They never doubted it. If it was them, they might have been slapped to death by Dafeng Leopard, and Lu Chen was able to face this kind of situation without chaos. This courage, Let them be convinced.

"Here." After Lu Chen controlled the power of the laws of heaven and earth, his abilities in all aspects were significantly improved. His eyes burst with breathtaking light, and he immediately caught the specific location of the wind leopard. He couldn't help but slightly. I was shocked, indeed, this galloping leopard was good at speed. Fortunately, after Lu Chen had flying shoes, he was not allowed to be slaughtered.

He was as fast as lightning, rushing out violently, waving the red lantana spear madly. At this time, the red lantana spear seemed a bit unable to get on the stage. This was also excusable.

After all, facing a figure of the Demon King level, it is already very difficult for a genius like Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was unwilling to admit defeat, and took out some of his hole cards. The Demon King was surprised to find that he could not capture Lu Chen's position. How could this be possible?

The Demon King had some horror. It was obvious that Lu Chen also had an unknown assassin.

"Bang Bang." What is even more amazing is that the next moment, Lu Chen's red silk lotus spear hit the Demon King's body, making a sound of intertwined gold and iron. One can imagine the defense of the Demon King. The strength has reached the point where everyone’s faces are brilliant. This is the powerful side of the monster. The indestructible defense. The average cultivator, even if they do their best, may not be able to break their defense. , Lu Chen's situation is not good now.

"Hmph, that's all about the bugs' tricks." The Demon King was a little proud and waved his hand. In front of these people, he would naturally stand tall.

But as soon as the voice fell, he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis. His secret path was not good, and the cold light appeared in Lu Chen's hands, bursting out, and the incomparable breath of Profound Ming condensed in his hands, just like the essence.

Lu Chen concentrated the energy in his body and poured out. At this moment, it seemed that the world was trembling. The Demon King's expression changed, but he was irresistible. He backed back again and again, but Lu Chen seemed to be able to follow him forever. For Wang, it was a huge fear. It was undeniable that Lu Chen's majestic power made him feel boundless fear.

The majesty of the Dragons cannot be provoked. This time, they angered Lu Chen. The purpose of the latter was very simple. Let them all go to burial. Since they found their own way of death, Lu Chen would never tolerate the traitors. After so many experiences, he Has gradually grown up.

It wasn't that Lu Chen was cruel, but that his state of mind had reached a supreme level, he would not kill innocents indiscriminately, and these people were arrogantly uninterested, and Lu Chen's tolerance was limited.

"No, stop." At the last critical moment, the Demon King let out a roar of unwillingness. It was obvious that he was not sure to deal with Lu Chen. The latter did not take it seriously and did not stay at all. This Demon King was completely self-conscious.

Lu Chen not only didn't stop his hand, but strengthened his own strength. He seemed to have a new understanding. His mastery of Hongmeng Jue and the Dragon Dropping technique reached an unprecedented height. Lu Chen's eyes shone with brilliance. I am quite proud.

After his diligent practice, the results are very dazzling, but in the blink of an eye, the energy of Lu Chen's all-out effort bombarded the Demon King. The latter's two beast pupils were wide open, somewhat shocked, but Lu Chen did not. When something happens, at this time, there is only life and death, nothing else.

"I'm fighting with you, kid." The Demon King didn't sit still. It would not fit his style. The Demon King didn't know how many years he lived. Originally, the age of the monster beast was much higher than that of the human being. The Demon King wants to break the net with Lu Chenyu. He does not have the slightest advantage. Every powerful monster must have an inner core containing earth-shaking energy. At this time, depending on the appearance of the Demon King, he wants to detonate that one. Inner Dan, Lu Chen, who was closest to him, was in a very dangerous state.

"It's over. Once the inner alchemy is detonated, I am afraid we will not survive." Some genius leaders said anxiously. It is obvious that he is quite afraid of the power of this inner alchemy.

Although they haven't seen it with their own eyes, they have heard of some from the records in major ancient books. Therefore, the explosion of the Demon King's inner alchemy is not trivial. If they are affected by the pond fish, the gain is not worth the loss.

For a while, Lu Chen was in a dilemma. He gritted his teeth, and a faint light enveloped his body. At this time, Lu Chen didn't hide it, but directly used his own majestic aura. This is his trump card, Lu Chen was worried about being discovered by other people, so she didn't use it when there were too many people, but she couldn't hide it at this time.

Fortunately, no one noticed him, so that Lu Chen could secretly breathe a sigh of relief. With the defense of Hongmeng sword aura, Lu Chen could basically breathe a sigh of relief. The earth-shaking destructive force covered it. Every corner of the sky gate, the faces of everyone are uncertain, are they going to be blown to death by this Demon King's inner alchemy?

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