Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2796: Clamoring domineering

That will affect his overall plan. It is not unreasonable to say that one step is wrong and all is lost.

"Hmph, kid knows it's amazing." After taking the absolute advantage, the Dapeng Demon King was involuntarily triumphant. He looked so majestic, but compared to his previous legendary deeds, this is too pediatric, he He didn't expect that he would actually fall into such a field, clamoring domineering in front of a younger cultivator, not a hero, he knew this too.

Fortunately, there was no one else present, Lu Chenbing didn't say a word, letting his villain gain his will, for a while, the situation was a bit embarrassing, and the Dapeng Demon King was embarrassed to speak up.

His eyes rolled, he didn't know what he was thinking, and his eyes lit up, he clearly thought of a countermeasure, "Boy, you really wouldn't tell me, who is your master, right?" Dapeng Demon King Yinsi Said.

Obviously there was some trick. Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, and nodded without rush. This caused endless anger from the Dapeng Demon King. He smiled weirdly, "Okay, you forced me. Don’t you know that the powers and methods of our monster beasts are quite gangsters? Don’t tell me, I naturally have a way to make you speak, as long as I ingest your soul, when you are in front of me, there will be nothing It's a secret, haha." At this point, the Dapeng Demon King looked up to the sky and smiled again. It was obvious that he grasped Lu Chen's lifeline.

That's what he said, but he was unwilling to just abolish Lu Chen's insidious skills and methods, even if he used them himself, he would suffer a certain amount of backlash. This is closely related to the method of casting the target and the realm of cultivation. The inseparable relationship, although on the surface, Lu Chen's skills and methods seem to have nothing magical, but I have to say that even the Dapeng Demon King can't understand the miracles that this kid has created one after another.

In terms of mood, he thought he was good, but when he first arrived here, he found that Lu Chen had been here for a long time, which can explain the difference of Lu Chen.

"Okay, okay, I'll just tell you, maybe my master will come later." Lu Chen said calmly, with a hint of compromise. It is obvious that he is not willing to make things too rigid, if it is true. Meeting shortly, Lu Chen didn't have the slightest benefit, and he was very likely to be killed by the Dapeng Demon King.

He has no chance to delay time now. The Dapeng Demon King seems a little anxious, perhaps because he is worried that other fellows will rush over. That will affect his reputation and may also prevent the Dapeng Demon King from unreasonable behavior. , After all, as long as you get Lu Chen in, there is no need to worry about it. Although Lu Chen will not become a closed disciple of the other old guys, if you get in a relationship with Lu Chen's master, it will only be good for them, not bad.

It is undeniable that Lu Chen took this into consideration, and the Dapeng Demon King looked strange when he heard this. This kid wouldn't be nonsense. If he really had a powerful master, he could come over in such a short time. What?

But this is not necessarily true. After all, Lu Chen has many secrets. He went to the mysterious island alone. Maybe that mighty and incomparable master would be uneasy. This is understandable.

Could it be that he can get in touch with Master at any time? When the Dapeng Demon King thought of this possibility, he was slightly startled and looked around, but after not catching any suitable target, the Dapeng Demon King let out a sigh of relief.

"Boy, don't pretend to be a ghost. On this mysterious island, Lao Tzu is the king of heaven and Lao Tzu. What if you have a powerful master who can't save you. You should recognize the reality. Don't say it. Taste how good I am." The Dapeng Demon King is not stupid. After several conversations with Lu Chen, he found that this guy had deliberately or unintentionally changed the subject, mostly to delay time. He didn't want to do this, taking advantage of those few. The old guy hasn't rushed over yet, he can't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

A magical aura of heaven and earth filled him, Lu Chen's face tightened, and as expected, his plan was seen through, but Lu Chen didn't worry about anything, a light smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and immediately, Lu Chen's figure flashed, and with a stormy offensive, his red winged spear had already appeared. Lu Chen knew that it should not be too late, anyway, the five-clawed golden dragon had almost absorbed it, at least he could go out at any time.

At this moment, what Lu Chen had to do was to confront the Dapeng Demon King and test whether the Dapeng Demon King was so powerful in the legend. Lu Chen was a little bit emotional, and he didn’t know what it was like. After all, he came. The time to reach the high-level cosmic realm is limited. When he was in the wild land, he encountered an incarnation of the Dapeng Demon King. He was so afraid that he would lose his life. Today, he faces the Dapeng Demon King. At the time of the year, you can still face it without changing your face. This is definitely a hard-won.

The two figures kept colliding with each other, and the breath of heaven and earth exploded. Lu Chen's expression was uncertain because of his courage. There is no doubt that it was because of Lu Chen's continuous exertion. The Peng Demon King didn't have the slightest advantage, a breath of mysterious magical power rushed out in all directions, and every corner was filled with terrifying aftermath, and the Dapeng Demon King was a little surprised.

"Boy, did you hide your strength?" Although the Dapeng Demon King tried his best to restrain his tone, he still couldn't calm down.

Looking at Lu Chen's mouth with a scornful smile, the face of the Dapeng Demon King twitched. There is no doubt that Lu Chen played with him and the Dapeng Demon King was furious. At this moment, it doesn't matter that much.

Although Lu Chen has a powerful master, he hasn't encountered it for the time being, so the Dapeng Demon King's whole body condensed a terrifying pressure. Lu Chen frowned and his face became a little serious. Now the Dapeng Demon King is moving. Really.

He gritted his teeth. Although his strength was restricted a lot, Lu Chen did not have the slightest tendency to compromise. He knew that in adversity, his talent potential would be stimulated. This is an indisputable fact, Lu Chen recalled. There is no fear in his experience.

He let out a deep cry, just in the blink of an eye, Lu Chen was covered with the scales of the Five Elements True Dragon, giving people a strong sense of strength. I have to say that Lu Chen's calm thinking about problems, and the strategy of step by step. , All use the right position.

"Hehe." He sneered again and again, focusing his own breath of heaven and earth on his forehead fist. For a while, Lu Chen's fist felt like a broken bamboo. He burst into a drink again, and immediately the whole person was like a broken string. The arrow is normal, attacking.

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