Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2801: Sea of ​​blood

As long as they establish a relationship with Lu Chen, their future destiny will improve a bit. In any case, they don’t want to be suppressed by the Dapeng Demon King. The Dapeng Demon King has always had the upper hand, and Still squeezing them, there is no doubt that the Dapeng Demon King has attracted so much hatred, Lu Chen can't help but smile.

"Yes, Dapeng, don't think that you can be unscrupulous and arrogant. Now, it's your turn to endure hardship." The Great King Xuanlong also followed suit. It is not difficult to see that he also has opinions on Dapeng Demon King. , So the Dapeng Demon King was very unhappy, his face was gloomy, as if it was a cloudy day.

"You guys, now you know how to show off your power? Believe it or not, I will die with you. On my mysterious island, you really think you can be lawless? Humph, wishful thinking." The sharp voice of the Dapeng Demon King sounded like that. It was very uncomfortable. After he turned out of the deity, his strength was significantly improved, but when he heard the Dapeng Demon King say that the mysterious island is him, the blood dragon could not calm down, "Huh, **** stinky bird , You are not ashamed, how could this mysterious island be yours? If my master hears this sentence, he will definitely play you alive." The blood dragon immediately began to cynicism and strengthened its stormy offensive.

Several other veteran powerhouses couldn’t help but gloat. They didn’t doubt what the blood dragon said. Indeed, if the owner of the blood dragon appeared, then the Dapeng Demon King would not be able to escape even with wings. It is the power that truly created this mysterious island. They couldn't imagine what kind of person it was that could reach such a supreme level.

Even if they have achieved something now, they dare not covet it. When the blood dragon was regained, he was not so behaved and respected his master so much. But at this time, all his actions are from the heart. Yes, I have to say that the mysterious powerhouse did very beautifully.

Even if the Dapeng Demon King suffers a rebuttal, he will not change his face. At this time, what he needs to do is calm and calm. Faced with so many veteran powers and the offensive of the blood dragon, he dare not have it. Not to take it lightly, and there is also Lu Chen, this kid is an untimely bomb.

"Boom." After the deafening voices, the Dapeng Demon King repelled the Blood Flood Dragon a little, and he swept towards Lu Chen. What the Dapeng Demon King knew was that the reason why several old-brand powerhouses are all It's all about Lu Chen's inseparable relationship with him. As long as he can solve Lu Chen, the situation will be completely different.

These old guys are completely grassroots. If the side is good, go to the other side. Now the situation is not good for him. As long as the Dapeng Demon King solves Lu Chen, they will naturally not refute, and they will find treasure with him with peace of mind. , This is almost inevitable.

Dapeng Demon King Ningsheng held his breath. This was definitely a critical moment. The opportunity was not to be missed and he would never come again. Seeing Lu Chen's continuously enlarged figure, he felt as if a five-flavored bottle had been overturned.

At the beginning, he didn't pay attention to Lu Chen at all, but now, at this moment, he suddenly realized that he thought of Lu Chen's ins and outs. This kid had some impressions that he hadn't thought about before, where he encountered it. Now The incarnation of the Dapeng Demon King has conveyed all the news to him. Now he understands that Lu Chen has made trouble in the prehistoric land, but he can’t figure it out. Where did Lu Chen come from such a terrifying means, it’s totally unreasonable. After all, even if Lu Chen could endure monstrous things, he couldn't reach such a height.

It’s just such a short time, it’s all in front of him, but the Dapeng Demon King knows that Lu Chen, this kid, can’t be measured by common sense. After all, when he looked away, he realized that Lu Chen came in. Before the mysterious space, there have been significant changes. If nothing happens, it should be what happened in the mysterious space. These chance encounters are vital to Lu Chen. He was a little bit full of emotion and had to say, After Lu Chen gained the upper hand, these old guys all turned towards him. Whether Lu Chen has an unpredictable master or not, no one can say for sure, but one thing is certain, this kid’s talent The potential is rare in thousands of years.

Even the Dapeng Demon King, a powerful figure who knows countless people, can’t help but be amazed. His admiration for Lu Chen cannot be added. It’s just that now, he and Lu Chen are on the opposite side and can’t use common sense to think. .

His huge animal face was filled with the color of determination. This clearly meant to kill Lu Chen. Seeing that he was approaching Lu Chen, the Dapeng Demon King surged out with unparalleled pressure and locked Lu Chen in place. , Coupled with this **** river, his confidence greatly increased, this kid has nowhere to escape.

Lu Chen frowned. At this moment, should he show his trump card? Lu Chen was more ambivalent. Then he heard a sound, and Lu Chen stretched his brows, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This made the Dapeng Demon King a little confused. Originally, at this time, the half immortal of Yin and Yang was impatient. He wanted to help him, because he was so far away from Lu Chen that he could not save Lu Chen. This is something I have to admit.

Is this kid destined to be absolutely destined? This might also be true. The Dapeng Demon King rushed towards Lu Chen in a short moment. He was surprised to find that Lu Chen seemed to have no intention of resisting. Is this kid looking for his own death?

"Huh, kid, you asked for this." The Dapeng Demon King was in anger, but the huge animal face wore a grinning smile. Under these circumstances, the Dapeng Demon King no longer kept his hands.

"Pump." Just when several other veteran powerhouses decided that Lu Chen was about to be out of place, a weird sound suddenly rang out, which made them a little surprised. After taking a closer look, they found that it was Lu Chen who had fallen in. In the blood, what does this kid want to do?

For a while, even the Dapeng Demon King and the Blood Flood Dragon were amazed. Lu Chen was a little too crazy, isn't it possible for the Sea of ​​Blood to jump in casually?

He did this, undoubtedly killing himself. Even the Dapeng Demon King is in this state of incarnation without absolute certainty that he will not be affected by the Scarlet Ocean. What about Lu Chen, how did this kid think about it? , Is it possible that he was hungry and committed suicide in a dilemma?

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