Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2805: Ghost Flame Dog

It’s just that Lu Chen didn’t want to admit it, so those old-brand powerhouses all made fun of the Dapeng Demon King. This was because of the Dapeng Demon King’s self-deception. At this time, they decided that Lu Chen was physically strong, far from it. The average cultivator can compare, even if it is an extremely powerful monster, it is not necessarily comparable to Lu Chen in terms of physique.

The strange thing is that Lu Chen didn't show the slightest arrogance. He just stared at the Dapeng Demon King with a sorrowful face. The latter felt the powerful pressure exerted on Wu Bin. He was a little out of breath, not knowing why. He felt that the Blood Flood Dragon was also specifically aimed at him at this time, rather than having any hatred towards others, so the Dapeng Demon King was panicked and had no confidence and confidence.

This kind of mentality undoubtedly affected the performance of the Dapeng Demon King. At this time, the Dapeng Demon King moved and attacked. The other veteran experts did not realize it, but they suddenly realized it. The behavior of the Dapeng Demon King is undoubtedly correct. After all, after Lu Chen emerged, he had no plans to fight. He showed an aggressive attitude, which would affect Lu Chen’s mentality. In that case, this The kid may not be able to perform well.

The result is still unpredictable. The Nether Flame Dog was surprised, and muttered to himself, "Good boy, not bad, you are indeed a strange species." Even the Nether Flame Dog, without any certainty, entered. In the **** river, he could still retreat all over, but Lu Chen was different. Not only did this kid do it, but the violent aura of his body proved that Lu Chen had absorbed the energy of the **** river.

Achieving a superb use, this is definitely a commendable point. Even the veteran powerhouse like the Nether Flame Dog can't help but be moved. For a while, the scene is a bit strange. Although the speed of the Dapeng Demon King is fast to the extreme, There was still a roaring gust of wind, but to Lu Chen's eyes, it was nothing. Lu Chen curled his lips, and mysterious and strange auras burst from him. This is After Lu Chen absorbed the **** breath, he reached such an unpredictable level, and he also deeply felt the difference of the **** breath.

Is this **** dragon difficult to entangle? No matter how hard these veterans work hard, it is difficult to kill the **** dragon. This is inextricably related to the **** river. In other words, as long as the **** river is still there, blood It is almost impossible for the dragon to fall. As long as it touches the blood-colored river, it can basically return to its peak state. That's why, after fighting for half a day, the blood dragon does not look tired at all.

Lu Chen also had this characteristic at this time. He didn't need to worry about anything, as long as the pressure was surging incomparably, his recovery speed can be said to be continuous, but the Dapeng Demon King and the others did not have that. means.

Because Lu Chen himself is the body of the five elements, coupled with his personal efforts, Lu Chen has a strong physique that is unimaginable by ordinary people. There is a breathtaking light in his eyes, but in the blink of an eye, the Dapeng Demon King He attacked and left, surging with a terrifying aura of heaven and earth, but such oppressive force disappeared when it hit Lu Chen. This was a very strange thing. The Dapeng Demon King was wrong. Frozen, his expression was uncertain, and he wished to smash Lu Chen's body into pieces, but temporarily discovered that he didn't have that ability anymore.

Lu Chen gave him a feeling that it was as deep as the sea and without boundaries. No matter how much he explored, it would not have any effect. The most direct point aroused the suspicion of the Dapeng Demon King, and he curled his lips. , A mysterious and unpredictable aura of heaven and earth spread in all directions. The two extremely strong auras of heaven and earth collided together, causing the blood-colored liquid around to make a thumping sound, which was brought about by the bursting of bubbles. .

Lu Chen slammed out with a punch, showing a feeling like a broken bamboo. Lu Chen, who is like a rainbow, already has some upper hand. He is no longer Wu Xia Amen. This **** river can be said to have changed him. The muscles and bones, and even the meridians had undergone earth-shaking changes. He was very happy. It turned out that at the critical moment before, the five-clawed golden dragon told Lu Chen. He can rest assured that as long as he hides in the **** river, not only Without the slightest harm, Lu Chen's physique can still be improved. Originally, Lu Chen still had doubts about this, but it was considered that the five-clawed golden dragon and him were on the same line as a grasshopper. , It seemed that there was not much need to harm him, and Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Chen was a little relieved after entering the **** river with anxiety in his arms. He found that the **** river was not that scary, or with the secret help of the five-clawed golden dragon, Lu Chen could also relax.

As a result, Lu Chen had the protection of the five-clawed golden dragon, so he began to explore the surrounding situation, how the blood-colored river was formed, plus some information revealed by the five-clawed golden dragon, Lu Chen suddenly realized , His own talent and savvy are quite high. Under these circumstances, Lu Chen understood almost everything in just a few moments. Nine.

The reason why he didn't come out right away was because he wanted to use his own efforts to try to find out if the guess was correct, so Lu Chen chose to control the blood dragon.

The result was also obvious. When Lu Chen and the Dapeng Demon King were fighting inextricably, the Blood Flood Dragon seemed to be crazy. He attacked the Dapeng Demon King and launched a full-scale attack without any effort. After finding out, it was already too late.

He was caught off guard. Even though he had a strong defensive ability, he had to say that after the collision of the blood dragon, he felt dim, and when he wanted to ease it, Lu Chen slammed again. Although the fist was an unpretentious attack, it was the most effective. At this time, Lu Chen also mastered some truths, not necessarily fancy skills. Law, can burst out a lot of deterrence and destructive power.

As the saying goes, the gold flock is outside, but the frustration is among them. This is the truth. Fa, often did not work very well, after fusing the **** aura, Lu Chen was no longer Wu Xia Amon.

At this moment, his fist is constantly expanding in the eyes of the Dapeng Demon King. There is no doubt that Lu Chen is like a **** descending to the earth, giving the Dapeng Demon King a lot of pressure. He didn't have much for a time. Because he felt that Lu Chen's fist was irresistible, it was like a thunderbolt from a clear sky. It turned out that this boy, after entering the Scarlet River, not only did not weaken his strength, but improved a lot.

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