Unless Lu Chen doesn’t need such a treasure, but the magic axe is different, and any cultivator can easily master it. At that time, a legend appeared in the spirit family. He passed this magic axe, which can be said to have hit the world. Invincible, the sensation it caused for a while is conceivable.

Lu Chen's complexion remained unchanged, and the peculiar breath of heaven and earth condensed, as if it were substantive. At the moment of critical tension, Lu Chen was extra cautious, but his seemingly indestructible aura of heaven and earth, at this moment, all turned into After nothing, it was actually destroyed by Lu Chen abruptly, what a shocking thing.

"What." Even Lu Chen himself couldn't accept it. He took a deep breath and realized that he had fallen into the wind. Lu Chen's heart moved, putting on the helmet he had been in the killing prison before, staring at it. The stone giant, a huge wave was set off in his heart, and he clearly saw that the heart of the mutant stone man was shining with dazzling light, which he had never seen before.

It seems that this helmet can play a significant role even in the outside world, because under normal circumstances, this mutant stone man has no weakness at all, which makes Lu Chen unable to start. The situation is not good for him, Lu Chen Can only retreat steadily.

The situation was different now. Lu Chen gritted his teeth and showed a tendency to break like a bamboo. He attacked violently, and the atmosphere around the world changed drastically. I have to say that when Lu Chen was on the strongest offensive, The temperament of the whole person has changed a bit.

Those veteran experts were shocked to the extreme in their eyes. Undoubtedly, they had never thought that Lu Chen could create such a miracle. The power of this mutant stone man is beyond doubt. Together, it doesn’t necessarily have any effect. It is undeniable that Lu Chen himself has a lot of advantages, and his destructive power is also extremely strong. Coupled with Lu Chen’s efforts, he has not destroyed the mutant stone man. Defensive power, let alone a few of them.

So they didn't even think about competing with Lu Chen. For a time, they were all alone. Could it be that when this moment was reached, they wanted to go home? These old guys were extremely unwilling, but there was nothing to do. Their eyes were filled with helplessness. At the critical moment, they didn't know if Lu Chen could use his strength.

They couldn't see Lu Chen's expression clearly. After all, his face was covered. The helmet was a bit weird. They couldn't catch anything. The strange thing was that Lu Chen didn't seem to give up yet and continued to charge. Stabbing out, the red lotus spear stabbed at the heart of the mutant stone man. Several veteran experts were stunned. What is Lu Chen doing? Is there any different plan? They didn't think much of Lu Chen, this kid really thought he was invincible in the world.

Originally, there was no way to break the defenses of this mutant stone man, let alone other means. It could only be said that Lu Chen was out of luck. This was also forgiven.

Encountered such a powerful opponent, not only Lu Chen, but they are also the same. They are a little worried, and this mutant stone man seems to have some hostility towards them.

"How about, Yin and Yang, do you want to make a move?" The Nether Flame Dog was the first to speak. Before he made a mistake to help Lu Chen speak, and had a conflict with the Dapeng Demon King. In this way, he wooed Lu Chen. Although he didn't seem to be very friendly, he had to admit that he didn't have any bad feelings towards Lu Chen. In this way, he had to take into account Lu Chen's life and death.

This kid’s character in the world is something he admires very much. Although the other veteran experts have not said anything, they are out of comprehensive thinking, and no one wants to save their lives for a stranger. It's all caught up. After all, the power of this mutant stone man is understandable. Even if they are a few of them, they don't seem to have much effect.

An unpredictable aura of heaven and earth rushed out from all directions. It turned out that Lu Chen’s red winged lotus shot at the extreme, and it played an extreme role. Originally, several old-brand powerhouses were not very optimistic about Lu Chen. He has worked hard so many times, nothing worked, and I believe it will be no exception this time.

Therefore, in their opinion, Lu Chen's effort was useless, and they didn't seem surprised. This kid relied on what kind of perseverance and strength.

"Bang Bang." But this time, the sound seemed to sound extraordinarily different. They weren't stupid either. Could something happen? That fight aroused a piece of flying sand and rocks. They were a little confused about the situation, but the next moment, the miserable roar of the mutant stone men that followed seemed to be a little unwilling, and there were waves of horror in their hearts. I guess, after all, at this time, there should be no exceptions.

But there are also things that are inaccurate, because Lu Chen has many unknown secrets. Before he was in the **** river, Lu Chen jumped out inexplicably, making several veteran powers a little unexpected. .

They fixed their eyes and saw a big hole in the mutated stone man's chest, which looked a bit shocking, but it was not a creature, they were calmer.

"What?" But a few veteran experts realized something was wrong in an instant. What a joke, even if Lu Chen is strong, it is impossible to directly penetrate the heart of the mutant stone man. This can only show that Lu Chen himself His strength has once again risen to a high level.

"Could this be the weakness of the Mutant Stone Man?" An veteran expert said in a condensed voice. For a while, their complexions were not good-looking. Just now the Nether Flame Dog was still saying that they wanted to help Lu Chen. They were still a little unhappy. , And at this time, they suddenly realized that they were wrong, and they were wrong. Lu Chen was no ordinary cultivator at all. He created miracles time and time again. Although this mutant stone man was extremely powerful, Lu Chen had discovered the mutation. The weakness of the Golem is a smile that is obvious at the corner of his mouth. At this time, Lu Chen feels quite fulfilled. He panted heavily. He had to say that it took a lot of effort to defeat the mutant Golem. Tiger's power, Lu Chen hadn't caught this guy's weakness before, and he was not his opponent at all. It should be said that he could not use it powerfully.

But now it’s different. Lu Chen has a big advantage. When the mutant stone man fell, he still held the magic axe tightly in his hands. Lu Chen frowned, and his figure flashed before coming. At the side of the mutant stone, even though this guy had fallen, he still gave Lu Chen a dangerous feeling, "No!"

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